25th-27th April 2018
Hotel Airport Okęcie, 24 Komitetu Obrony Robotników Street, Warsaw
We are very pleased to invite you to the next, 22nd edition of the Warsaw Course on Cardiovascular Interventions (WCCI). The event will take place at HOTEL AIRPORT OKĘCIE in Warsaw, ul. KOR 24 on 25-27 April 2018.
It is a renowned course recognised by interventional cardiologists not only in Poland but also in other European countries, USA, and Asia. WCCI is officially accredited by the Association on Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society, the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI), and EuroPCR. Thanks to the collaboration with EAPCI and EuroPCR we are honoured to have excellent lecturers who are interventional cardiologist not only from Europe but from all around the world.
As usual, we prepared this year’s Course programme very carefully. The programme comprises three main scientific topics supported with live case transmissions from operating theatres.
The first topic concerns coronary revascularization, the second revolves around structural heart diseases and valvular heart disease, whereas the third concerns peripheral artery disease. Let’s not forget about recently introduced changes in a health care system in Poland – on the first day there will be two debates on this subjects. To make the Course more attractive, all sessions will take place simultaneously in various rooms. Thanks to this, every WCCI attendee can individually pick the sessions which he or she finds to be the most interesting.
Just like every year, various live cases performed in cardiac catheterization laboratories at the Institute of Cardiology in Warsaw and, Invasive Cardiology Clinic at the Hospital of Internal Affaires and Administration in Warsaw, and also from centres with which we closely collaborate: Budapest, Brno, and Toulouse will be shown during the Course. Also, there will be lectures and discussions with world-renowned specialists in cardiology, cardiac surgery, angiology, invasive radiology, and vascular surgery.
As always, the Course programme includes satellite symposia that present recent clinical studies results and innovative treatment devices and techniques in interventional cardiology.
During the first day of the Course, there will be a Young Practitioners Master Class in interventional cardiology organised under the auspices of AISN, EAPCI, and PCR. The Course is intended for young doctors from Central and Eastern Europe, those who are starting their activity in percutaneous coronary artery angioplasty and contribute to the popularisation of the Warsaw Course in Poland and abroad.
Registration surveys for the WCCI and for the Young Practitioners Master Class will be soon available on the Course website: www.wcci.pl
We are looking forward to meet you at the 22nd Warsaw Course on Cardiovascular Interventions!
Directors of the WCCI
Professor Robert J. Gil Professor Adam Witkowski
07:30-08:50 | Room STRATUS (9th floor)
Breakfast Meeting of the Expert Panel on Anticoagulation Treatment in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease
Sponsored by unrestricted grant from Bayer
09:00-09:50 | Room VEGA (1st floor)
Press Conference
Professor Robert Gil, WCCI Director
Professor Adam Witkowski, WCCI Director
Professor Piotr Ponikowski, President of the Polish Cardiac Society (PCS)
Professor Wojciech Wojakowski, Chairman of the Association on Cardiovascular Interventions of the PCS
10:00-12:10 | Sala GALAXY 2 and 3
Two sessions with participation of Ministry of Health, National Health Fund , AOTMiT, employers and clinical experts (sessions
in Polish)
Cykl debat z uczestnictwem przedstawicieli Ministerstwa Zdrowia, Narodowego Funduszu Zdrowia, Agencji Oceny Technologii Medycznych i Taryfikacji, pracodawców i ekspertów klinicznych Prowadzący (Moderator): Redaktor Marcin Piasecki
Kardiologia w dobie podstawowej sieci szpitalnej. Opieka kompleksowa w kardiologii – jak funkcjonuje modelowe rozwiązanie dla opieki chorych po zawale w praktyce? Czy jest szansa na program dla chorych z niewydolnością serca? (sessioni n Polish)
Moderator: red. Marcin Piasecki
Prelegenci: dr hab. Tomasz Hryniewiecki – Dyrektor Instytutu Kardiologii w Warszawie, prof. Piotr Jankowski – Sekretarz ZG Polskiego Towarzystwa Kardiologicznego, prof. Krystian Wita – Dyrektor Górnośląskiego Centrum Medycznego w Katowicach, prof. Adam Witkowski – Dyrektor WCCI, Kierownik Kliniki Kardiologii i Angiologii Interwencyjnej Instytutu Kardiologii, Prezes-Elekt Polskiego Towarzystwa Kardiologicznego.
11:00-11:10 | Coffee Break
11:00-12:10 | Room GALAXY 2 and 3
Jak organizować w Polsce niekomercyjne badania kliniczne: od pomysłu do publikacji (session in Polish)
Moderator: red. Marcin Piasecki
Prelegenci: prelegenci: prof. Maciej Banach – Dyrektor Szpitala – Instytutu Matki Polki w Łodzi, prof. Paweł Buszman – Prezes American Heart of Poland, dr Antonina Chmura-Skirlińska – Koordynator Dyscyplin, Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju, prof. Robert Gil – Dyrektor WCCI, Kierownik Kliniki Kardiologii Inwazyjnej, Centralny Szpital Kliniczny MSWiA, dr Roman Topór-Mądry – Prezes Agencji Oceny Technologii Medycznych i Taryfikacji.
12:10-12:20 | Coffee Break
12:20-13:20 | Room GALAXY 1
Special Session of the Association on Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society: Focus on optimal treatment for
patients with Stable Angina.
Chairmen: Robert J. Gil (Warsaw), Jacek Legutko (Krakow), Ravi Nair (Cleveland), Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice)
Panellists: Stanisław Bartuś (Krakow), So-Yeon Choi (Suwon), Michael Haude (Neuss), Andrzej Ochała (Katowice), Janina Stępińska (Warsaw), Piotr Suwalski (Warsaw), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
• 12:20-12:32 What does ES C Guidelines say on prevention and conservative therapy in patients with stable angina?Piotr Jankowski (Krakow)
• 12:32-12:44 European guidelines for coronary revascularization in stable angina. Michael Haude (Neuss)
• 12:44-12:56 EXCEL versus NOBEL and sur gery versus percutaneous revascularization in patients with left main disease:a never-ending story? Petr Kala (Brno)
• 12:56-13:08 ORBITA Trial – just an accident? Jarosław Zalewski (Kraków)
• 13:08-13:18 Case presentation: a patient with stable angina and multivessel coronary artery disease. Dobrin Vassiliev (Sofia)
• 13:18-13:30 Roundtable discussion and Wrap-up Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice)
13:45-15:15 | Lunch
13:45-15:15 | Room GALAXY 1
Satellite Lunch Symposium 1
Sponsored by unrestricted grant from BALTON
Lunch boxes available
“We help to treat cardiovascular system completely…”
Chairmen: Robert J. Gil, Andrzej Lekston, Dobrin Vassiliev
Panellists: Sławomir Dobrzycki, Wojciech Jacheć, Adam Kern, Marek Król, Grzegorz Smolka, Marcin Świerad
1. BiOSS LimC: dedicated device that has a chance for breakthrought in coronary bifurcation treatment. Robert J. Gil (12 min)
2. ALEX Plus: stent which is as the best on the market. Michał Hawranek (12min)
3. MER: self-expanding carotid stent – newest data from Prospective Multicenter Study of Carotid Artery Stenting Using MER Stent (OCEANUS Study). Przemysław Nowakowski (12 min)
4. NEPTUN and JAGUAR: the stents enabling to treat PAD effectively. Przemysław Nowakowski (12 min)
5. Novel microcrystalline paclitaxel coated balloon PAK – from bench to bedside. Piotr Buszman (12 min)
6. Presentations of interesting and challenging cases (30 min) presented by the Lecturers.
13:45-15:15 | Room GALAXY 2 and 3
Sesja specjalna. Familial hypercholesterolemia – Where we are now? Where we are going? Hipercholesterolemia rodzinna (FH)
– gdzie jesteśmy, dokąd zmierzamy? (Session in Polish)
Prowadzący: Krzysztof Chlebus (Gdańsk), Adam Witkowski (Warszawa)
1. Rozpowszechnienie, wykrywanie i kontrola zaburzeń lipidowych w Polsce (12 min) Tomasz Zdrojewski (Gdańsk)
2. Hipercholesterolemia rodzinna – ważne i niedoceniane wyzwanie dla systemu ochrony zdrowia (12 min) Krzysztof Chlebus (Gdańsk)
3. Efektywne obniżanie ryzyka w FH – jakie perspektywy stwarzają wyniki najnowszych badań? (12 min) Zbigniew Gaciong (Warszawa)
4. Dlaczego zabieg PCI jest inny u pacjenta z FH? (12 min) Dariusz Dudek (Kraków)
5. Dyskusja: Jak zorganizować najbardziej efektywną opiekę nad pacjentami? Jak powinien wyglądać system diagnostyki (kryteria kliniczne vs. genetyczne)
Kto i w jakim trybie powinien mieć dostęp do refundacji najnowszych skutecznych terapii? Czy dysponujemy dobrymi doświadczeniami własnymi (model opieki nad FH)
15:15-15:30 | Coffee Break
15:30-17:05 | Room GALAXY 2 and 3
European CTO Club session: What is new in the field of CTO PCI?
Chairmen: Paul Knaapen (Amsterdam), Imre Ungi (Seged), Jarosław Wójcik (Lublin)
Panellists: Valery Gelev (Sofia), Petr Kala (Brno), Adam Kern (Olsztyn), Sang Wook Kim (Seoul), Ravi Nair (Cleveland), Goran Olivecrona (Lund),
Adam Sukiennik (Bydgoszcz), Krzysztof Wilczek (Zabrze)
• 15:30-16:10 Live transmission from Toulouse (France)
Sponsored by unrestricted grant from GE
Operators: Jean Fajadet
• 16:10-16:22 Indications and contraindications – how to select the patients and who will really benefit? Paul Knaapen (Amsterdam)
• 16:22-16:34 Wires, microcatheters and others. Andrejs Erglis (Riga)
• 16:34-16:46 Strategies of the CTO procedures – how to manage a difficult case. Maksymilian Opolski (Warsaw/Amsterdam)
• 16:46-16:58 Tips and tricks helpful in a moment of a lack of progress. Petr Kala (Brno)
• 16:58-17:05 Take home message. Imre Ungi (Seged)
17:05-17:20 | Coffee Break
17:20-20:00 | Room GALAXY 2 and 3
European Bifurcation Club session: Practical approach for choosing the optimal strategy for intervention with coronary
bifurcation lesions
Moderators: Andrejs Erglis (Riga), Robert J. Gil (Warsaw), Ravi Nair (Cleveland)
Panelists: Stanisław Bartuś (Krakow), Sławomir Dobrzycki (Bialystok), Ariel Finkelstein (Tel Aviv), Kiseok Kim (Jeju), Krzysztof Kukuła (Warsaw),
Mateusz Tajstra (Zabrze), Lucian Zarma (Bucharest)
• 17:20-18:00 Life case 2. Patient with distal left main stenosis (provisional stent approach)
Operators: Dobrin Vassiliev (Sofia), Jarosław Rzezak (Warsaw); FFR/IVUS/OCT: Jacek Bil (Warsaw)
• 18:00-18:12 Provisional T-stenting – still a default strategy for bifurcation treatment? Maciej Lesiak (Poznan)
• 18:12-18:55 Live case 3. PCI of “true” bifurcation lesion (two stents approach)
Operators: Jun Jie Zhang (Nanjing), Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw); FFR/IVUS/OCT: Jacek Bil (Warsaw)
• 18:55-19:07 Two stents techniques – landscape after DK Crush V Study. Harald Mudra (Munich)
• 19:07-19:19 Panel discussion and Wrap-up: do we have just one oprtimal strategy for bifurcation treatment? Andrei Erglis (Riga)
• 19:20-20:00 Live case 4 CTO PCI
Operators: Leszek Bryniarski (Kraków), Jarosław Rzezak (Warsaw); FFR/IVUS/OCT: Jacek Bil (Warsaw)
15:30-17:05 | Room GALAXY 1
Symposium: Innovations in Cardiology – what is new or will be soon on the market
Chairmen: Mariusz Gąsior (Zabrze), Robert J. Gil (Warsaw), Petr Kala (Brno)
15:30-15:35 Introduction and objectives. Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)
Presentations of Industry Innovations:
• 15:35-15:42 Terumo. Mireille Loos
• 15:42-15:49 Balton. Piotr Buszman (Ustron)
• 15:49-15:56 Boston Scientific. Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
• 15:56-16:03 Edwards. Radosław Parma (Katowice)
• 16:03-16:10 Abbott. Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice)
• 16:10-16:17 Pro Cardia. Florim Cuculi (Luzern)
• 16:17-16:24 SMT/Polimed. Ilancheran Uthirapathi (SMT)
• 16:24-16:31 Medtronic. Marek Grygier (Poznan)
• 16:31-16:38 Meril. Jakub Podolec (Krakow)
• 16:38-16:45 Bracco. Michał Hawranek (Zabrze)
• 16:45-17:05 Discussion and take-home message. Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)
16:00-20:00 | Room VEGA (1st floor)
Session for nurses and technicians (Session in Polish)
Sekcja Pielęgniarstwa i Techniki Medycznej Polskiego Towarzystwa Kardiologicznego
Diagnostyka inwazyjna tętnic wieńcowych
Prowadzące: Krystyna Czapla, Dorota Krówczyńska, Maria Walkiewicz
1. Wskazania, przeciwskazania i przygotowanie chorego do koronarografii. Dorota Krówczyńska
2. Ocena wyboru dostępu naczyniowego do badania tętnic wieńcowych. Wybór, obserwacja, powikłania. Maria Walkiewicz
3. Ocena naczyń wieńcowych – IVUS, RRF, OCT. Jacek Jąkała
4. Wskazania do CT serca i dużych naczyń. Ilona Michałowska
5. Ochrona radiologiczna pacjenta i personelu medycznego podczas zabiegu. Anna Sikora
17:05-19:10 | Room GALAXY 1
Central and Eastern European Session – Progress in the interventional cardiology
Chairmen: Marcin Demkow (Warsaw), Jacek Legutko (Krakow), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw), Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice)
Presentations by countries:
• 17:05-17:15 Latvia. Andrejs Erglis (Riga)
• 17:15-17:25 Bulgaria. Valery Gelev (Sofia)
• 17:25-17:35 Belarus. Walery Stelmaszuk (Minsk)
• 17:35-17:45 Hungary. Imre Ungi (Seged)
• 17:45-17:55 Russia. Bagrat Alekyan (Moscow)
• 17:55-18:10 Slovakia. Stanislas Juhas (Kosice)
• 18:10-18:20 Poland. Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice)
• 18:20-18:30 Lithuania. Pranas Serpytis (Vilnius)
• 18:30-18:40 Romania. Lucian Zarma (Bucharest)
• 18:40-18:50 Ukraine. Sebov Denys (Odessa)
• 18:50-19:00 Czech Republic. Petr Kala (Brno)
• 19:00-19:12 Featured lecture: The organization of acute myocardial infarction treatment in Korea. Young Joon Hong (Gwangju)
• 19:12-19:22 Discussion and Wrap up. Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
20:00-21:30 | Room STRATUS (9th floor)
Meeting of the Board of the Association on Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society
20:00 | Mirage Restaurant (ground floor)
Room DISCOVERY and CHALLEGNER (7th floor)
Training Room Medtronic
10:30-15:30 | Room VEGA
Terumo workshop
7:00-8:00 | Room CUMULUS (9th floor)
Meeting of the Editorial Board of the Invasive Cardiology Journal
8:00-9:30 | Room GALAXY 2 and 3
General Assembly of the Association on Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society
9:30-11:45 | Room GALAXY 2 and 3
Session 1. Controversies in the treatment of stable angina
Chairmen: Bagrat Alekyan (Moscow), Marcin Demkow (Warsaw), Janina Stępińska (Warsaw)
Panelists: Avtandil Babunashvili (Moscow), Tomasz Hryniewiecki (Warsaw), Dariusz Jagielak (Gdańsk), Petr Kala (Brno), Sang Wook Kim (Seoul),
Marcin Maruszewski (Warsaw), Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice)
• 9:30-10:00 Live case 1. Patient with STABLE ANGINA and multivessel CAD
Operators: Maciej Lesiak (Poznan), Jarosław Rzezak (Warsaw); FFR/IVUS/OCT: Jacek Bil (Warsaw)
• 10:00-10:15 Great Debate: Conservative versus interventional approach in patients with stable angina pectoris
• 10:00-10:07 Preferred treatment strategy for patients with stable angina is conservative. Andreas Baumbach (London)
• 10:07-10:15 Interventional treatment is always better. Ravi Nair (Cleveland)
• 10:15-10:51 Beyond coronary revascularization – what interventionalist should know about high risk PCI in differentclinical scenarios
• 10:15-10:27 A patient with chronic heart failure. Giuseppe DeLuca (Novara)
• 10:27-10:39 A patient in cardiogenic shock. Jacek Legutko (Krakow)
• 10:39-10:51 An unconscious patient after the sudden cardiac arrest. Marek Gierlotka (Opole)
• 10:51-11:30 Live case 2. Patient STABLE ANGINA and left main stenosis
Operators: Sławomir Dobrzycki (Białystok), Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw); FFR/IVUS/OCT: Jacek Bil (Warsaw)
• 11:30-11:45 Featured Lecture:
Lessons from the 2017 ESC DAPT Guidelines and recent studies – focus on a complex therapy in complex patients. Goran Olivecrona (Lund)
11:45-12:30 | Room GALAXY 2 and 3
Session 2. Acute coronary syndrome: case review session
Chairmen: Andreas Baumbach (London), Giuseppe DeLuca (Novara), Tomasz Hryniewiecki (Warsaw)
Panelists: Zbigniew Chmielak (Warsaw), Dariusz Dudek (Krakow), Robert Gil (Warsaw), Michał Hawranek (Zabrze), Jarosław Wójcik (Lublin),
Nabijon Yuldoshev (Tashkent)
• 11:45-11:55 Case 1. Mateusz Tajstra (Zabrze)
• 11:55-12:00 Discussion
• 12:00-12:10 Case 2. Avtandil Babunashvili (Moscow)
• 12:10-12:15 Discussion
• 12:15-12:25 Case 3. Sang Wook Kim (Seoul)
• 12:25-12:35 Discussion
12:35-13:10 | Room GALAXY 2 and 3
Opening Ceremony
1. Robert J. Gil and Adam Witkowski, WCCI Directors
2. Piotr Ponikowski, President of the Polish Cardiac Society
3. Wojciech Wojakowski, Chairman of Association on Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society
4. Andreas Baumbach, President of the EAPCI
5. Andreas Award
13:10-13:20 | Coffee Break
13:20-17:00 | Room GALAXY 2 and 3
PCR Learning Pathway on Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease treatment
13:20-14:20 Learning PCI in Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease and distal Left Main stenosis
Facilitators: Petr Kala (Brno), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
Media Driver: Jarosław Skowroński (Warsaw)
Live-in-a box 1
14:20-15:20 | Lunch
14:20-15:20 | Room ZEPPELIN (7th floor)
Editorial Board Meeting of the Advances in the Interventional Cardiology
14:20-15:20 | Room CONCORDE (7th floor)
Decide, guide and confirm with the newest technology from Philips
Session moderators: Robert J. Gil, MD, PhD, Professor(Central Clinical Hospital of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration in Warsaw, Poland), Jacek Legutko, MD, PhD, Professor (Jagiellonian University Medical College, John Paul II Hospital in Krakow)
Panelists: Janusz Kochman, MD, PhD (Samodzielny Publiczny Centralny Szpital Kliniczny w Warszawie), Jerzy Sacha, Md, PhD (Uniwersytecki
Szpital Kliniczny w Opolu)
1. Session objectives, Robert J. Gil, MD, PhD, Professor
2. How to perform IVUS coregistration on a Philips Sync Vision System, Jacek Legutko, MD, PhD, Professor
3. How to perform iFR coregistration on a Philips Sync Vision System, Robert J. Gil, MD, PhD, Professor
4. Case presentation, Jerzy Sacha, Md, PhD
5. Discussion
6. Take home message, Jacek Legutko, MD, PhD, Professor
15:20-16:00 | Room GALAXY 2 and 3
How Should I Treat Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease? Part 1
Chairmen: Giuseppe DeLuca (Novara), Robert J. Gil (Warsaw), Andrzej Ochała (Katowice)
Panelists: Bagrat Alekyan (Moscow), Avtandil Babunashvili (Moscow), Valery Gelev (Sofia), Petr Kala (Brno), Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice),
Jarosław Zalewski (Kraków)
• 15:20-15:25 Introduction and objectives. Andrzej Ochała (Katowice)
• Case 1. Speaker 1: Case presentation (5 minutes) Piotr Waciński (Lublin)
• Expert 1: How would I treat? (7 minutes) Zenon Huczek (Warsaw)
• Expert 2: How would I treat? (7 minutes) Andreas Baumbach (London)
• Speaker 1 (5 minutes) Piotr Waciński (Lublin)
• Discussion – 10 minutes
• 15:55-16:00 Consensus. Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)
16:00-16:10 | Coffee break
16:10-16:50 | Room GALAXY 2 and 3
How Should I treat Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease? Part 2
Chairmen: Andrease Baumbach (London), Robert Gil (Warsaw)
Panelists: Adam Kern (Olsztyn), Jacek Legutko (Krakow), Andrzej Lekston (Zabrze), Maciej Lesiak (Poznań), Jerzy Pręgowski (Warsaw), Nabijon
Yuldoshev (Tashkent)
• 16:10:16:15 Introduction and objectives. Andreas Baumbach (London)
• Case 2. Speaker 2: Case presentation (5 minutes). Hoyoun Won (Seoul)
• Expert 1: How would I treat? (7 minutes). Maciej Lesiak (Poznań)
• Expert 2: How would I treat? (7 minutes). Avtandil Babunashvili (Moscow)
• Speaker 2: How did I treat. (5 minutes). Hoyoun Won (Seoul)
• Discussion. (10 minutes)
• 16:45-16:50 Consensus. Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)
13:20-14:35 | Room GALAXY 1
13:20-14:35 Coronary Symposium. Challenges for the interventionalists – Left Main Disease
Chairmen: Dariusz Dudek (Krakow), Mariusz Gąsior (Zabrze), Michał Krejca (Lodz)
Panelists: Stanisław Bartuś (Kraków), Marcin Maruszewski (Warsaw), Harald Mudra (Munich), Radosław Parma (Katowice), Piotr Suwalski (Warsaw),
Dobrin Vassiliev (Sofia)
• 13:20-13:32 LM PCI in patients refused from surgical repair. Valery Gelev (Sofia)
• 13:32-13:44 LM trifurcation: step by step approach. Maciej Lesiak (Poznan)
• 13:44-13:56 Calcified LM or LM equivalent disesae – not only ROTA. Piotr Waciński (Lublin)
• 13:56-14:35 Live case 3. PCI in MVD CAD with ROTA
Operators: Krzysztof Kukuła (Warsaw), Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw); FFR/IVUS/OCT: Jacek Bil (Warsaw)
14:20-15:20 | Lunch
15:20-15:57 | Room GALAXY 1
Case based Coronary Symposium. Challenges for the interventionalist – Complications during LM bifurcation intervention
Chairmen: Goran Olivecrona (Lund), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw), Jun Jie Zhang (Nanjing)
Panelists: Avtandil Babunashvili (Moscow), Young Joon Hong (Gwangju), Miłosz Jaguszewski (Gdańsk), Michał Krejca (Lodz), Krzysztof Milewski
(Ustroń), Jan Z. Peruga (Łódź), Piotr Suwalski (Warszawa)
• 15:20-15:28 Case 1. Dissection after LM stenting. Adam Kern (Olsztyn)
• 15:28-15:36 Case 2. Occlusive thrombus during LM PCI. Piotr Buszman (Ustroń)
• 15:44-15:52 Case 3. Cardiogenic shock during LM PCI. Marek Gierlotka (Opole)
• 15:52-15:57 Discussion and Wrap-up. Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
15:57-16:26 | Room GALAXY 1
Coronary Symposium. Challenges for the interventionalist – PCI after surgery (case based session)
Chairmen: Stanisław Bartuś (Krakow), Ariel Finkelstein (Tel Aviv), Harald Mudra (Munich)
Pannelists: Michał Krejca (Łódź), Piotr Kwiatkowski (Warszawa), Marcin Maruszewski (Warsaw), Adam Sukiennik (Bydgoszcz), Marcin Świerad
(Zabrze), Jarosław Zalewski (Krakow)
• 15:57:16:05 PCI Immediately after/during CABG. Michał Hawranek (Zabrze)
• 16:05:16:13 ACS after CABG caused by graft failure – best approach. Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice)
• 16:13:16:21 PCI after valve surgery. Krzysztof Milewski (Ustron)
• 16:21-16:26 Wrap-up. Ariel Finkelstein (Tel Aviv)
16:26-17:10 | Room GALAXY 1
Coronary Symposium: Challenges for the interventionalist – Optimal antithrombotic therapy. Focus on DAPT and OAC/NOAC
Chairmen: Giuseppe DeLuca (Novara), Jacek Kubica (Bydgoszcz), Janina Stępińska (Warsaw)
Panellists: Leszek Bryniarski (Krakow), Zbigniew Chmielak (Warsaw), Dariusz Ciećwierz (Gdańsk), Petr Kala (Brno), Mateusz Tajstra (Zabrze),
Wojciech Wąsek (Warszawa), Jarosław Zalewski (Kraków)
• 16:26-16:38 Is endothelialization process important in terms of DAPT duration? Do the stents differ in this respect? Krzysztof Milewski (Ustron)
• 16:38-16:50 Do we know the best DAPT? Is any difference between native coronaries and bypass grafts? Ralf Birkemeyer (Ulm)
• 16:50-17:02 Do we need different thrombotic/bleeding risks scores? How does it work? Krzysztof Kukuła (Warsaw)
• 17:02-17:10 Triple therapy in the lights of the newest ESC Guidelines on DAPT. Bagrat Alekyan (Moscow)
17:10- 18:25 | Room GALAXY 1
Session 4: Forum on transcather aortic valve implantation: case review
Chairmen: Ariel Finkelstein (Tel Aviv), Dariusz Jagielak (Gdansk), Witold Rużyłło (Warsaw)
Panellists: Paweł Buszman (Bielsko Biała), Zbigniew Chmielak (Warsaw), Dariusz Dudek (Krakow), Michał Hawranek (Zabrze), Tomasz Hirnle
(Białystok), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
• 17:00-17:05 Learning objectives. Ariel Finkelstein (Tel Aviv)
• 17:05-17:15 Case 1. Marcus Kasel (Munich)*
*Sponsored by EDWARDS Lifesciences
• 17:15-17:20 Discussion
• 17:20-17:30 Case 2. Maciej Dąbrowski (Warsaw)
• 17:30-17:35 Discussion
• 17:35-17:45 Case 3. Piotr Olszówka (Rzeszow)
• 17:45-17:50 Discussion
• 17:50-18:00 Case 4. Krzysztof Wilczek (Zabrze)
• 18:00-18:20 Discussion
• 18:20-18:25 Take-home message. Witold Rużyłło (Warsaw)
18:30-19:58 | Room GALAXY 1
Session 5: FFR and iFR – together or separately?
Chairmen: Ralf Birkemeyer (Ulm), Paweł Buszman (Ustron), Jacek Legutko (Krakow)
Panellists: Giuseppe DeLuca (Novara), Miłosz Jaguszewski (Gdańsk), Jerzy Pręgowski (Warsaw), Wojciech Wąsek (Warsaw), Adam Witkowski
(Warsaw), Nabijon Yuldoshev (Tashkent)
• 18:30-19:10 Live case 4. PCI in MV CAD with iFR and FFR
Operators: Maciej Lesiak (Poznan), Jarosław Rzezak (Warsaw); IVUS/FFR/OCT: Jacek Bil (Warsaw)
• 19:10-19:22 FFR: Indices for functional assessment of coronary stenosis. Maksymilian Opolski (Warsaw/Amsterdam)
• 19:22-19:34 FFR and iFR – are they equal-valuable? Jacek Legutko (Kraków)
• 19:34-19:46 Acute coronary syndrome – how and when to assess coronary stenosis severity. Radosław Parma (Katowice)
• 19:46-19:58 Case based presentation of on-line functional coronary stenosis assessment in MVD. Tomasz Roleder (Katowice)
17:00-17:40 | Room GALAXY 2 and 3
Live case from Budapest
Chairmen: Dariusz Dudek (Krakow), Robert J. Gil (Warsaw), Young Joon Hong (Gwangju)
Panellists: Zbigniew Chmielak (Warsaw), Dariusz Ciećwierz (Gdańsk), Marek Gierlotka (Zabrze), Andrzej Ochała (Katowice), Jarosław Zalewski
(Krakow), Jarosław Wójcik (Lublin)
• 17:00-17:40 Live case 5 from Budapest. A patient with multisite atherosclerosis. Hungarian experience
Operator: Zoltan Ruzsa (Budapest)
17:40-19:20 | Room GALAXY 2 and 3
Session 3. Left main stenosis – are we ready to treat?
Chairmen: Zbigniew Chmielak (Warsaw), Marek Grygier (Poznan), Marek Jasiński (Wroclaw)
Panellists: Avtandil Babunashvili (Moscow), Sławomir Dobrzycki (Białystok), Valery Gelev (Sofia), Pranas Serpytis (Vilnus), Jarosław Wójcik
(Lublin), Jun Jie Zhang (Nanjing)
• 17:40-17:52 Featured Lecture: Left main disease – what interventionalist should know regarding anatomy and physiology Dariusz Dudek (Krakow)
• 17:52-18:42 Live case 7: PCI in LMCA with IVUS/OCT
Operators: Robert J. Gil (Warsaw), Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw); IVUS/FFR/OCT: Jacek Bil (Warsaw), Krzysztof Bryniarski (Krakow)
• 18:42-18:56 Featured lecture: The intravascular findings in patients with very late DES thrombosis. So-Yeon Choi (Suwon)
• 18:56-19:08 Does optimal technique for LM stenting exist? How should we manage it? Jun Jie Zhang (Nanjing)
• 19:08-19:20 Case based presentation of distal LM stenosis stenting using IVUS guidance. Jacek Legutko (Krakow)
• 19:20-19:32 Revascularization for LM disease: cardiac surgeon point of view after EXCEL and NOBLE Trials. Piotr Suwalski (Warsaw)
Training Room Medtronic
7:30-9:00 | Room GALAXY 1
General Assembly of the Professional Association of Interventional Cardiologists (in Polish)
Walne Zgromadzenie Stowarzyszenia Zawodowego Kardiologów Interwencyjnych
7:30-9:00 | Room VEGA (1st floor)
Meeting of the POLBOS 3 and POLBOS LM Studies Investigators
9:00-15:00 | Room GALAXY 1
Structural Heart Diseases
9:00-10:40 | Room GALAXY 1
Mitral regurgitation – the options for transcatheter therapies
Chairmen: Goran Olivecrona (Lund), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
Pannelists: Tomasz Hirnle (Białystok), Piotr Kołsut (Warsaw), Maciej Lesiak (Poznań), Adam Rdzanek (Warsaw), Adam Sukiennik (Bydgoszcz),
Jarosław Trębacz (Kraków)
• 9:00-9:05 Introduction. Goran Olivecrona (Lund)
• 9:05-9:45 Life case 1: MitraClip for functional MR
Operators: Zbigniew Chmielak, Jerzy Pręgowski (Warsaw); ECHO: Piotr Szymański (Warsaw)
• 9:45-9:57 MitraClip in Europe and Poland – statistics. Dariusz Dudek (Kraków)
• 9:57-10:09 Tricuspid insufficiency in patients with functional mitral regurgitation. Echocardiographic perspective. Piotr Pysz (Katowice)
• 10:09-10:21 Harpoon System for patients with mitral regurgitation. Piotr Kołsut (Warsaw)
• 10:21-10:33 The percutaneous mitral valve replacement. Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
• 10:33-10:40 Wrap-up. Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
10:40-10:50 | Coffee Break
10:50-12:30 | Room GALAXY 1
Needs Around TAVI
Chairmen: Marek Jasiński (Wrocław), Janusz Kochman (Warsaw), Krzysztof Wilczek (Zabrze)
Panellists: Bagrat Alekyan (Moscow), Zenon Huczek (Warsaw), Dariusz Jagielak (Gdansk), Piotr Olszówka (Rzeszow), Jarosław Trębacz (Krakow),
Łukasz Tułecki (Zamość), Jarosław Wójcik (Lublin)
TAVI in specific anatomic indications
• 11:02-11:14 TAVI in bicuspid aortic valve. Zenon Huczek (Warsaw)
• 11:14-11:26 TAVI for failed bioprosthetic surgical valve. Marek Grygier (Poznan)
• 11:26-11:38 TAVI for pure aortic regurgitation. Ralf Birkemeyer (Ulm)
• 11:38-11:50 TAVI in perspective: my personal gudelines for 2018 and future recommendations. Ariel Finkelstein (Tel Aviv)
• 11:50-12:30 Live case 2. TAVI
Operators: Adam Witkowski (Warsaw), Maciej Dąbrowski (Warsaw); ECHO: Paweł Tyczyński (Warsaw)
12:30-13:30 | Lunch
13:30-15:00 | Room GALAXY 1
Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion
Chairmen: Jarosław Kasprzak (Łódź), Witold Rużyłło (Warsaw)
Panellists: Maciej Dąbrowski (Warsaw), Janusz Kochman (Warsaw), Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw), Tadeusz Przewłocki (Krakow), Jerzy Sacha (Opole), Grzegorz Smolka (Katowice), Wiktor Streb (Zabrze),Wojciech Wąsek (Warsaw)
• 13:30-13:42 LAAO: current indications and future perspective. Jarosław Kasprzak (Łódź)
Review of available devices
• 13:42-13:49 AMULET. Witold Streb (Zabrze)
• 13:49-14:06 WATCHMAN. Grzegorz Smolka (Katowice)
• 14:06-14:13 LAMBRE Jarosław Kasprzak (Łódź)
• 14:13-14:20 LARIAT. Krzysztof Bartuś (Krakow)
• 14:20-14:55 Live case 3. LAAO
Operators : Apostolos Tzikas (Thessaloniki), Radosław Pracoń (Warsaw); ECHO: Marek Konka (Warsaw)
• 14:55-15:00 Wrap-up. Jarosław Kasprzak (Łódź)
9:00-15:25 | Room GALAXY 2
Coronary artery disease
9:00-10:32 | Room GALAXY 2
Debate: Intracoronary imaging: IVUS vs OCT
Chairmen: Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw), Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice)
Panelists: Jacek Bil (Warsaw), Krzysztof Bryniarski (Krakow), Miłosz Jaguszewski (Gdańsk), Adam Kern (Olsztyn), Pascal Meier (London), Ravi
Nair (Cleveland), Tomasz Roleder (Katowice), Zoltan Ruzsa (Budapest)
• 9:00-9:05 Introduction. Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice)
• 9:05-9:15 Pro-IVUS. Jacek Legutko (Krakow)
• 9:15-9:25 Pro-OCT. Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw)
• 9:25-9:30 IVUS: rebuttal. Jacek Legutko (Krakow)
• 9:30-9:35 OCT: rebuttal. Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw)
• 9:35-9:40 Wrap-up. Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw)
• 9:40-10:20 Live case 4. Left Main PCI in a patient with percutaneous LVAD
Operators: Mateusz Tajstra (Zabrze), Michał Ciszewski (Warsaw), Krzysztof Kukuła (Warsaw); IVUS/FFR/OCT: Paweł Tyczyński (Warsaw)
• 10:20-10:32 Featured Lecture: Is it prime time for NOAC in ACS and stable angina pts after PCI? Ralf Birkemeyer (Ulm)
10:32-10:50 | Coffee Break
10:50-12:30 | Room GALAXY 2
Complications during PCI: How we do a complication and how we may successfully deal with it?
Chairmen: Robert Gil (Warsaw), Harald Mudra (Munich), Jun Jie Zhang (Nanjing)
Panellists: Avtandil Babunashvili (Moscow), Kiseok Kim (Jeju), Pascal Meier (London), Radosław Parma (Katowice), Jan Zbigniew Peruga (Łodź),
Piotr Waciński (Lublin), Jarosław Zalewski (Kraków)
• 10:50-10:55 Session objectives. Harald Mudra (Munich)
• 10:55-11:05 Case 1. Miłosz Jaguszewski (Gdansk)
• 11:05-11:10 Discussion
• 11:10-11:20 Case 2. Jan Z. Peruga (Lodz)
• 11:20-11:25 Discussion
• 11:25-11:35 Case 3. Ravi Nair (Cleveland)
• 11:35-11:40 Discussion
• 11:40-11:50 Case 4. Jun Jie Zhang (Nanjing)
• 11:50-11:55 Discussion
• 11:55-12:05 Case 5. Piotr Waciński (Lublin)
• 12:05-12:10 Discussion
• 12:10-12:20 Case 6. Hoyoun Won (Seoul)
• 12:20-12:25 Discussion
• 12:25-12:30 Take home message. Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)
12:30-13:30 | Lunch
13:30-16:25 | Room GALAXY 2
Coronary bioresorbable scaffolds: Today practice or still futuristic approach?
Chairmen: Paweł Buszman (Ustron), Dariusz Dudek (Krakow), Goran Olivecrona (Lund)
Panelists: Jacek Bil (Warsaw), Adam Kern (Olsztyn), Sang Wook Kim (Seoul), Pascal Meier (London), Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw), Piotr Waciński
• 13:30-13:45 Ideal coronary bioresorbable scaffold in the light of histopatologic and clinical data. Krzysztof Milewski (Ustron)
• 13:45-14:00 Available devices and clinical evidences. Pascal Meier (London)
• 14:00-14:40 Live case 5. PCI in a patient with bioresorbable stents
Operators: Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice), Cezary Sosnowski (Warsaw); IVUS/FFR/OCT: Pawel Tyczyński (Warsaw)
• 14:40-15:20 Live case 6. PCI in a patient with calcifications in coronary arteries.
Operators: Sławomir Dobrzycki (Białystok), Krzysztof Kukuła (Warsaw); IVUS/OCT/FFR: Łukasz Kalińczuk (Warsaw)
• 15:20-16:00 Live case 7 from Brno
Operators: Petr Kala, TBD
• 16:20-16:25 Take-home message. Goran Olivecrona (Lund)
9:00-13:55 | Room GALAXY 3
• 9:00-10:37 Workshop on carotid stenting
• 10:50-12:15 Workshop on paravalvular leaks closure
• 12:25-13:55 Workshop on peripheral arteries interventions
9:00-10:37 | Room Galaxy 3
Workshop on Carotid Stenting
Chairmen: Stanisław Bartuś (Kraków), Wacław Kuczmik (Katowice), Olgierd Rowiński (Warsaw)
Panelists: Piotr Andziak (Warsaw), Mirosław Dziekiewicz (Warsaw), Jacek Kądziela (Warsaw), Tadeusz Przewłocki (Kraków), Tomasz Smyk (Zamosc), Marcin Świerad (Zabrze), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
• 9:00-9:13 Carotid stenting: current guidelines. Tadeusz Przewłocki (Krakow)
• 9:13-9:26 Carotid stenting: review of available wires, guiding catheters/sheats, stents and neuroprotective devices. Marcin Świerad (Zabrze)
• 9:26-9:39 Carotid stenting: procedure step-by-step. Adam Kobayashi (Warsaw)
• 9:39-10:20 Live in a box 1. Carotid stenting
Operators: Zbigniew Chmielak (Warsaw), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
• 10:20-10:32 CAS versus CEA: when and to whom? Piotr Andziak (Warsaw)
• 10:32-10:37 Take-home message. Stanisław Bartuś (Krakow)
10:37-10:50 | Coffee Break
10:50-12:15 | Room Galaxy 3
Workshop on Perivalvular Leak Closure
Chairmen: Dariusz Ciećwierz (Gdansk), Grzegorz Smolka (Katowice), Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice)
Panellists: Krzysztof Bartuś (Krakow), Marek Grygier (Poznan), Ravi Nair (Cleveland), Marcin Protasiewicz (Wroclaw), Tadeusz Przewłocki (Krakow), Jerzy Sacha (Opole), Nabi Yon Yuldoshev (Tashkent)
• 10:50-11:02 Echocardiographic guidance. Piotr Szymański (Warsaw)
• 11:02-11:14 Perivalvular leak closure after surgical valves. Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice)
• 11:14-11:26 Perivalvular leak closure after TAVI and TMVR. Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice)
• 11:26-11:38 Perivalcular leaks closure: review of available devices and procedural techniques. Grzegorz Smolka (Katowice)
• 11:38-12:10 Live in a box 2. Perivalvular leak closure after SAVR
Operators: Marcin Demkow (Warsaw), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw); ECHO: Marek Konka (Warsaw)
• 12:10-12:15 Take-home message. Grzegorz Smolka (Katowice)
12:15-12:25 | Coffee Break
12:25-13:55 | Room Galaxy 3
Workshop on Peripheral Arteries Revascularization for Interventional Cardiologists
Chairmen: Wacław Kuczmik (Katowice), Zoltan Ruzsa (Budapest), Jerzy Walecki (Warsaw)
Panelists: Piotr Andziak (Warsaw), Stanisław Bartuś (Kraków), Robert J. Gil (Warsaw), Piotr Szopiński (Warsaw), Krzysztof Ziaja (Katowice)
• 12:25-12:30 Learning objectives. Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)
• 12:30-12:50 Great Debate: Does the introduction of the 2017 ESC Guidelines change landscape of PAD treatment?
• 12:20-12:30 Vascular surgeon point of view. Wacław Kuczmik (Katowice)
• 12:30-12:40 Interventional cardiologist point of view. Stanisław Bartuś (Krakow)
• 12.40-12.50 Summary. Zoltan Ruzsa (Budapest)
• 12:50-13:15 Live in a box 3
Operators: Ryszard Walas (Zabrze)
• 13:15-13:17 How to establish PAD`s program in your Institution. Zoltan Ruzsa (Budapest)
• 13:17-13:29 Minimal prog ram on percutaneous treatment in PAD for interventional cardiologist – is it really enough?Dobrin Vassiliev (Sofia)
• 13:29-13:50 Roundtable discussion: How deeply should be interventional cardiologist involved in PAD treatment.
• 13:50-13:55 Take-home message. Stanisław Bartuś (Kraków)
Training Room Medtronic
Hotel Airport Okęcie
24 Komitetu Obrony Robotników Street
02-148 Warsaw, Poland
phone: +48 22 456 80 00
Hotel is located in the southwest part of Warsaw at the junction of national roads: S2, S7 and S8 as well as in the immediate vicinity of the Chopin Airport. The location is convenient for domestic and foreign travel. The public transport network connects the hotel with the centre of Warsaw.
Please find below the offers from nearby hotels:
(WCCI venue)
Komitetu Obrony Robotnikow 24 St., 02-148 Warszawa
Tel: + 48 22 456 80 00
E-mail: rezerwacja@airporthotel.pl
• Single room – 515 PLN incl. breakfast
• Twin room – 565 PLN incl. breakfast
Booking password: “WCCI 2018”
Accommodation in the above option is available only until Mar 16, 2018. The number of rooms is limited.
(at a distance of 300 m / 4 min. walk)
Komitetu Obrony Robotnikow 32, 02-148 Warszawa
Tel.: + 48 22 576 46 00
E-mail: rezerwacje@sangate-hotel.pl
• Single room Standard – 295 PLN incl. breakfast
• Twin room Standard – 340 PLN incl. breakfast
• Single room Business – 330 PLN incl. breakfast
• Twin room Business – 370 PLN incl. breakfast
Booking password: “WCCI 2018”
Special prices are valid subject to availability. All reservations after depletion of availability will be confirmed by prices of the day.
(at a distance of 600 m / 8 min. walk)
Komitetu Obrony Robotnikow 39F St., 02-148 Warszawa
Tel.: + 48 22 204 18 00
E-mail: wawap@chopinad.pl
• Single room – 480 PLN incl. breakfast
• Twin room – 540 PLN incl. breakfast
Booking password: “WCCI 2018”
Accommodation in the above option is available only until Feb 23, 2018. The number of rooms is limited. All room reservations after this date will be confirmed at the price of the day.
The electric current in Poland is 220V.
The currency is the Polish zloty (PLN). In most hotels, restaurants and shops are accepted Visa or Mastercard. ATMs are widely available in Warsaw and there is no difficulty to withdraw cash.
Tap water is clean and safe to drink.
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Robert J. Gil, MD, PhD, FESC, Warsaw; Adam Witkowski, MD, PhD, FESC, Warsaw
Tomasz Pawłowski, Jacek Bil, Paweł Modzelewski, Maciej Tyczyński, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Rafał Krzyżewski, Jarosław Rzezak, Hanna Rdzanek
Professor Robert Julian Gil, MD, Ph.D., a graduate of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin has been the head of the Department of Invasive Cardiology of the Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration (MSWiA) in Warsaw, one of the most efficient centres of Interventional Cardiology in Poland since 2001. In 1997-2004 he was the Chair of the Invasive Cardiology Section (Working Group) of the Polish Cardiac Society, and a member of its Board (as a past president) for the next 3 years. Since 2001 he has been in the Expert Team handling accreditation in cardiology appointed by the Polish Minister of Health. Since 2002 he has been a Consultant of Healthcare for the Ministry of the Interior and Administration in the field of cardiology.
His scientific interests include mostly the evaluation of atherosclerotic plaque, coronary stenosis, diagnostics and treatment of complex lesions, including bifurcation lesions. He is also interested in the use of percutaneous revascularisation in acute coronary syndromes. For many years he has participated in international clinical studies evaluating medicines and devices supporting coronary angioplasty.
His achievements include over 200 publications in peer-reviewed journals, out of which more than 60 were published in foreign journals (IF close to 200). Moreover, he co-authored 30 chapters of books on interventional cardiology and more than 300 convention reports, out of which more than 100 were presented at prestigious international conventions on clinical electrophysiology and invasive cardiology. Since 2005 he has been a research fellow in the Mossakowski Medical Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. In June 2013 he was appointed as professor in that Institution.
He initiated annual National Workshops on Interventional Cardiology, which after 5 editions in Szczecin were moved to Warsaw as the Warsaw Course on Cardiovascular Interventions. Their 19th edition is planned for April 2015.
He co-authored the guidelines of the Invasive Cardiology Section of the Polish Cardiac Society concerning Invasive Cardiology.
Since 2007 he has been a member of the exclusive European Bifurcation Club handling the questions of diagnostics and treatment of bifurcation lesions.
Since 1994 he has been a scientific reviewer of monthly Kardiologia Polska, since 1998 – Folia Cardiologica (currently Cardiology Journal), and since 2000 – Polski Przegląd Kardiologiczny. In all of these magazines he is a member of Editorial Boards, and in Kardiologia Polska was the editor of column “Angiogram of the month”. Since 2009 he has regularly reviewed papers sent by to the American Journal of Cardiology, EuroIntervention, Journal of Interventional Cardiology and Circulation.
In 1999 he was appointed as the editor-in-chief of the Invasive Cardiology journal and is performing these functions up till today.
Since 1999 he has been active in the Working Group on coronary circulation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), which in September 2006 transformed into the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI). In 2009 he was assigned to its Grant Committee. In June 2000 he was awarded a prestigious title of the Fellow of European Society of Cardiology. Since 2001 he has been regularly invited to actively participate (Faculty member) in such prestigious Congresses and Workshops of Interventional Cardiology as: EuroPCR, TCT, TCT Russia, ICI in Tel Aviv, European Bifurcation Club meetings and many national congresses.
General Cardiology & Haemodynamics Dept., Institute of Cardiology,
42 Alpejska St., 04-628 Warsaw, Poland
Phone: +48 22 812 41 64
Fax: +48 22 34 34 506
E-mail: witkowski@hbz.pl
Born: Poznań, Poland Aug 1st, 1958
Education: Warsaw Medical Academy 1976- 83
Proffessional training:
• six weeks of elective training at the Division of Cardiology, University of Maryland Hospital, USA, 1980
• Internship, Medicine and Surgery 1983-84
• 1st degree – Internal Medicine 1986
• two weeks of elective training at the Haemodynamics Division, University Vaudois Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1989
• 6th Course in Interventional Cardiology, Geneva, Switzerland, 1989
• 2nd degree – Internal Medicine 1990
• Doctor of Philosophy 1993
• Fellowship in Cardiology 1996
• Habilitation 2001 (postdoctoral lecturing qualification)
• Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology 2003
Post held:
• Assistant and Senior Assistant, Haemodynamics&General Cardiology Dept., Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland 1983-93
• Assistant Professor, Heamodynamics &General Cardiology Dept., Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland, 1993
• Deputy Director, Haemodynamics Dept., Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland, 1998
• Associate Professor, Haemodynamics Dept., Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland, 2001
• Chairmen, Working Group on Interventional, Cardiology of the Polish Cardiac Society 2004-7
• Primary Investigator, CAPE, Pfizer 1990-92
• Co-Investigator, GITS Verapamil, Lorex Pharmaceuticals, USA 1992-93
• Co-Investigator, MATTIS, Sanofi Winthrop, 1996
• Co-Investigator, EXCITE, Searle 1998
• Primary Investigator, Tirofiban Study, MSD 1998
• Primary lnvestigator, ICARUS – 1+2, 1999 Medtronic
• Primar Investigator, Race-Car, Medtronic 1999
• Co-lnvestigator, ADVANCE, Boston Scientific 1999
• Primary Investigator, PRESTO, S-KB 2000
• Primary Investigator, VISION, Guidant 2001
• Co-Investigator, Taxus II, Boston Scientific 2001
• Co-Investigator, Euroinject-One 2002
• Co-Investigator, Taxus VI, Boston Scientific 2002
• Co-Investigator, Agent-4, Schering 2002
• Co-Investigator, ARTS II, J&J-Cordis 2003
• Co-Investigator, ENDEAVOR II, Medtronic 2004
• Primary Investigator, FREEDOM 2006
• Primary Investigator, HORIZONS 2006
• Co-Investigator, SYNTAX 2006
Special interest In Cardiology:
Coronary Interventions (PTCA, DCA, TEC, Stenting, HOCM ablation, Brachytherapy)
Research Work:
• Systolic and Diastolic Performance of the Left Ventricle
• Stunned and Hibernating Myocardium
• Perfusion Balloon Catheters
• Coronary Stenting
• Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
• Coronary Brachytherapy
• Acute coronary syndrome
• Angiogenesis
Awards of the Polish Cardiac Society 1995, 2001
Faculty member:
ESC Congresses, EuroPCR