20-22 April 2022
As always, it is with great pleasure that we would like to invite you to participate in the 26th edition of the Warsaw Course on Cardiovascular Interventions (WCCI), which takes place under the auspices of the Association of Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society and in cooperation with EAPCI and EuroPCR. In order to make our Workshops more attractive, representatives of the Association of Intensive Cardiac Care of the Polish Cardiac Society, the Club 30 of the PCS and the Euro 4C EAPCI Group take part in the creation of the program. This year, WCCI is scheduled for April 20-22 in a hybrid formula. Due to the epidemiological situation in Poland, the issue of the number of onsite participants will be detailed by the beginning of March.
This year, the main topics are: revascularization of coronary arteries with particular emphasis on multivessel coronary disease (with and without left coronary trunk involvement), the problem of coronary bifurcations and percutaneous treatment of structural heart diseases (including interventions on aortic, mitral and tricuspid valves). The program will include interesting sessions on invasive imaging and functional diagnostics. The program of the Workshops also includes sessions devoted to interventions on the carotid and peripheral arteries. As always, there will be sessions on the borderline of intensive cardiac therapy and invasive cardiology. Once again, we invite you to participate in such well-received mini-workshops: WAR-CHIP (devoted to comprehensive treatments of the highest risk) and WAR-CTO (intended for operators interested in training in recanalization of chronic coronary occlusions).
Traditionally, during the Workshops, live broadcasts from renowned centers in Poland and abroad are planned. There are also scheduled presentations in the “live-in-a box” format. As usual, the WCCI program will be complemented by satellite sessions of the Workshops sponsors.
We cordially invite you to register! Fees and regulations area vailable in the registration form.
Directors of the WCCI
9:00-10:00 Joint Session of the Association on Cardiovascular Interventions & Intensive Cardiological Care Associations of the Polish Cardiac Society: Sytuacje szczególne w intensywnej terapii kardiologicznej i interwencjach sercowo-naczyniowych.
Prowadzenie: Marek Grygier (Poznań), Przemysław Trzeciak (Zabrze)
Panel: Agnieszka Tycińska (Białystok), Robert Zymliński (Wrocław), Michał Hawranek (Zabrze)
• 9:00-9:12 Przy jakich zaburzeniach parametrów morfologii i układu krzepnięcia można „bezpiecznie” wykonać zabieg angioplastyki wieńcowej? Wiktor Kuliczkowski (Wrocław)
• 9:12-9:24 Odrębności postępowania okołozabiegowego u chorych z zespołem kruchości wymagających leczenia inwazyjnego. Aleksander Araszkiewicz (Poznań)
• 9:24-9:36 Biopsja lewokomorowa w diagnostyce ostrej niewydolności serca o nieznanej etiologii. Jacek Piegza (Zabrze)
• 9:36-9:48 Leczenie chorego z zatorem płucnym i świeżym udarem mózgu. Marcin Kurzyna (Otwock)
• 9:48-10:00 Dyskusja i podsumowanie przewodniczących sesji.
1. Robert J. Gil, WCCI Director & Adam Witkowski, WCC Director
2. Przemysław Mitkowski, President of the Polish Cardiac Society
3. Marek Grygier, Chairman of Association on Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society
4. Dariusz Dudek, President of the EAPCI
• 11:00-12:00 Brunch session sponsored by Gettinge Company. Mechanical circulatory support: do we really know whom and what should we use?
Prowadzenie: Robert Gil (Warsaw), Jan Belohlavek (Praha), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
Panel: Agnieszka Tycińska (Białystok), Wiktor Kuliczkowski (Wrocław), Jerzy Sacha (Opole), Michał Hawranek (Zabrze, Adam Sukiennik (Bydgoszcz), Piotr Suwalski (Warsaw)
• 11:00-11:05 Introduction: from IABP to pLVADs Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)
• 11:05-11:17 ECMO – is it useful for cardiologist? Jan Belohlavek (Praha)
• 11:17-11:29 So many Impellas: 2,5, CP, 5,0 & others – do they fulfill our expectations? Jerzy Sacha (Opole)
• 11:29-11:41 IVAC 2L – is pulsatile pump what we need? Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw)
• 11:41-11:57 Roundtable discussion: Percutaneous LVADs – just one or in combination?
• 11:57-12:00 Take home message – proposal of the useful algorithm for pLVADs Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
12:15-13:45 Echocardiography in severly ill and post-COVID-19 patients – workshop organized by the Association of Intensive Cardiac Care of the Polish Cardiac Society
Chairmen: Agnieszka Tycińska (Białystok), Przemysław Trzeciak (Zabrze), Agnieszka Kapłon-Cieślicka (Warszawa)
• 12:15-12:30 Echocardiography for hemodynamic monitoring – Agnieszka Tycińska (Białystok)
• 12:30-12:45 Haemodynamic effects of positive-pressure ventilation – impact on echocardiographic parameters – Barbara Zawiślak (Kraków)
• 12:45-13:00 Echocardiography in patients with left ventricular assist device – not only Impella – Marta Załęska-Kocięcka (Warszawa)
• 13:00-13:15 What a non-echocardiographist should know about ultrasound in patients with COVID-19 – Marta Kałużna-Oleksy (Poznań)
• 13:15-13:45 Recorded clinical case: Clinical case presenting utilization of bedside echocardiography usage in severly ill patient – Ewa Szczerba (Warszawa)
14:00-16:15 European Bifurcation Club symposium: Coronary bifurcation treatment in 2022
Part 1: Importance of side branch assessment and treatment
Chairmen: Robert J. Gil (Warsaw), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw), Goran Stankovic (Belgrade)
Panelists: Dobrin Vassilev (Sofia), Jacek Legutko (Krakow), Adam Kern (Olsztyn), Ahmed Magdy (Cairo)
• 14:00-14:30 Live case 1. PCI of bifurcation lesion under guidance of iFR&FFR
Operators: Stanisław Bartuś & Team (Krakow)
• 14:30-14:42 How to decide when a SB is significant. Andrzej Ochała (Katowice)
• 14:42-14:54 How to decide on SB treatment in provisional stenting. Dobrin Vassilev (Sofia)
Part 2: Focus on Left Main bifurcation
Chairmen: Robert J. Gil (Warsaw), Maciej Lesiak (Poznań), Shao-Liang Chen (Nanjing)
Panelists: Jarosław Wójcik (Nałęczów), Dobrin Vassilev (Sofia), Gianluca Rigatelli (Padova), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
• 15:00-15:12 Imaging and functional assessment. Jacek Legutko (Krakow)
• 15:12-15:24 Update of protocol and strategies of percutaneous treatment for 2022. Gianluca Rigatelli (Padova)
• 15:24-16:08 Live case 2. IVUS guided PCI of distal left main stenosis
Operators: Tomasz Pawłowski(Warsaw), Adam Kern (Olsztyn)
• 16:08-16:15 Master`s comment by Shao-Liang Chen (Nanjing)
16:30-18:00 Symposium: Intracoronary imaging in 2022
Chairmen: Robert J. Gil (Warsaw), Jacek Legutko (Krakow), Giuseppe Tarantini (Padova)
Panelists: Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice), Krzysztof Bryniarski (Krakow),Jerzy Pręgowski (Warsaw), Giuseppe DeLuca (Sassari)
• 16:30-16:35 Introduction and objectives. Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)
• 16:35-16:47 The latest evidence on intracoronary imaging that should be incorporated in ESC revascularisation guidelines. 2022 Polish Expert opinion on intracoronary imaging. Tomasz Pawłowski (Warszawa)
• 16:47-16:59 Imaging for Left Main – are IVUS nad OCT equal? Giuseppe Tarantini (Padova)
• 16:59-17:11 Detection of atherosclerotic plaque in acute coronary syndrome – worth the trouble? Tomasz Roleder (Wrocław)
• 17:11-17:23 Optimization of the PCI – How should it look like for a stent and balloon (including a drug-eluting balloon) Giuseppe DeLuca (Sassari)
• 17:23-18.00 Live case 3. Multivessel PCI with OCT guidance
Operator: Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw), Paweł Kleczyński (Kraków)
18:15-19:36 Symposium: Innovations in Cardiology – Let`s have a look what is and will be available in Cath Lab.
Chairmen: Zbigniew Chmielak (Warsaw), Marek Grygier (Poznań)
Panelists: Adam Kern (Olsztyn), Pranas Serpytis (Vilnius)
Presentations of Industry Innovations:
• 18:15-18:22 Philips/Volcano. Radosław Kotowski (Warsaw)
• 18:22-18:29 Abbott Vascular. Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw)
• 18:29-18:36 Medtronic. Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)
• 18:36-18:43 SMT
• 18:43-18:50 Biotronik. Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)
• 18:50-18:57 Terumo
• 18:57-19:04 Balton. In vitro mechanical behaviour and in vivo healing response of a new generation Alex Stratos stent. Paweł Gąsior (Katowice)
• 19:04-19:11 Berlin Chemie/Menarini. Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)
• 19:11-19:14 GE. 1. How to reduce contrast media volume up to 40% and the risk of AKI in the Cath Lab – DyeVert System Kidney Care – Krzysztof Borowiec, Senior Area Manager, GE Healthcare
• 19:14-19:17 GE. 2. Benefits of using Artificial Inteligence in Interventional Cardiology – Tomasz Świerzyński, Product Clinical Specialist Interventional, GE Healthcare
• 19:17-19:24 Meril. Jarosław Trębacz (Kraków)
• 19:24-19:31 Astra Zeneca
• 19:31-19:36 Take-home message. Marek Grygier (Poznań), Zbigniew Chmielak (Warsaw)
9:00-10:00 Session organized by Club 30 of the Polish Cardiac Society: High risk plaque identification and sealing – advances and perspectives in 2022
Prowadzenie: Robert J. Gil (Warszawa), Karolina Kupczyńska (Łódź)
Panel: Tomasz Roleder (Wrocław), Krzysztof Milewski (Bielsko-Biała), Wojciech Wańha (Katowice), Błażej Michalski (Łódź), Robert Antoniak (Warszawa)
• 9:00-9:12 Postępy w nieinwazyjnym obrazowaniu wysokiego ryzyka blaszek miażdżycowych: CT, MRI & PET – Rafał Wolny (Warszawa)
• 9:12-9:24 Skojarzone inwazyjne obrazowanie owrzodziałej i pękniętej blaszki miażdżycowej: identyfikacja i predykcja – Mariusz Tomaniak (Warszawa)
• 9:24-9:36 Niedokrwienie, zaburzenia przepływu wieńcowego a ryzyko zgonu sercowego – Miłosz Jaguszewski (Gdańsk)
• 9:36-9:48Nowoczesne leczenie hipolipemizujące i przeciwpłytkowe – czy możliwa jest intensyfikacja farmakoterapii w oparciu o obrazowanie? – Piotr Dobrowolski (Warszawa)
• 9:48-10:00 Dyskusja i podsumowanie przewodniczących sesji.
1. Robert J. Gil, WCCI Director & Adam Witkowski, WCC Director
2. Przemysław Mitkowski, President of the Polish Cardiac Society
3. Marek Grygier, Chairman of Association on Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society
4. Dariusz Dudek, President of the EAPCI
11:00-12:00 Brunch session supported by the unrestricted educational grant by Boehringer Ingelheim. Co kardiolog interwencyjny powinien wiedzieć o stosowaniu empagliflozyny w niewydolności serca?
Prowadzący: Artur Mamcarz (Warszawa)
• 11:00-11:20 Od wyników badań klinicznych po wytyczne ESC – z czego wynikają korzyści sercowo-naczyniowe dla empagliflozyny. Marek Postuła (Warszawa)
• 11:20-11:40 Przełomowa terapia w leczeniu HFpEF – wyniki badania EMPEROR Preserved. Artur Mamcarz (Warszawa)
• 11:40-12:00 Wpływ empagliflozyny na parametry kliniczne i biochemiczne u pacjenta z niewydolnością serca. Marcin Wełnicki (Warszawa)
12:15-13:45. Sesja “Klubu 30” PTK: Interdyscyplinarne oblicza kardiologii: kardiolog czy kardiochirurg, a może hybryda? / Interdisciplinary faces of cardiology: interventional cardiologist, cardiac surgeon, or maybe a hybrid procedure?
Prowadzący:Agnieszka Kapłon-Cieślicka (Warszawa), Miłosz Jaguszewski (Gdańsk)
Panel:Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice), Marek Grygier (Poznań), Piotr Suwalski (Warszawa), Jacek Bil (Warszawa), Maciej Wybraniec (Katowice)
• 12:15-12:30 Leczenie choroby wieńcowej / Treatment of coronary artery diseas
• 12:30-12:45 Leczenie wad zastawkowych serca / Treatment of valvular heart disease
• 12:45-13:00 Zamykanie uszka lewego przedsionka / Left atrial appendage occlusion
• 13:00-13:15 Leczenie migotania przedsionków / Treatment of atrial fibrillation
• 13:15-13:30 Leczenie zatorowości płucnej / Treatment of pulmonary embolism
• 13:30-13:45 Dyskusja i podsumowanie przewodniczących sesji.
• 14:00-15:30 The patient with INOCA / MINOCA – modern management options
Chairmen: Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice), Zsolt Piróth (Budapest)
Panelists: Jacek Bil, (Warszawa), Mateusz Tajstra (Zabrze), Joanna Jaroch (Wrocław), Wojciech Wańha (Katowice)
• 14:00-14:12 What should the diagnosis look like in a patient suspected of INOCA/MINOCA? Rafał Wyderka (Wrocław)
• 14:12-14:24 Acetylcholine provocative test – how to do it practically? Jacek Bil (Warszawa)• 14.24 – 14.36 Invasive assessment of coronary microcirculation: IMR, MRR and others… Zsolt Piróth (Budapest)
• 14:36-15:04 Recorded case 2. MINOCA/INOCA patients – presentation of practical approach to proper diagnosis determining the OMT.Operators: Łukasz Kołtowski, Arkariusz Pietrasik
• 15:04-15:16 Prognosis and optimal management in the long-term follow-up in INOCA/MINOCA patients. Marta Kałużna-Oleksy (Poznań)
• 15:16-15:30 Summary of the session’s chairmen.
16:30-17:45Session/workshop organized by the Association of Heart Failure of the Polish Cardiac Society
Chairmen: Małgorzata Lelonek (Łódź), Agnieszka Pawlak (Warszawa)
Panelists: Piotr Szymański (Warszawa), Michał Bohdan (Gdańsk), Marek Grygier (Poznań), Karol Wierzbicki (Kraków), Mariusz Kuśmierczyk (Warszawa)
• 16:30-16:47 Leczenie interwencyjne czynnościowej niedomykalności mitralnej i trójdzielnej – jak dalej zmieniać rekomendacje? Piotr Szymański (Warszawa)
• 16:47-17:04 LVAD – aspekty praktyczne. Michał Bohdan (Gdańsk)
• 17:04-17:21 Choroba wieńcowa u pacjenta z HFrEF – dylematy kliniczne, kiedy operować? Mariusz Kuśmierczyk (Warszawa)
• 17:21-17:45 Dyskusja panelowa oraz podsumowanie Przewodniczących
18:15-19:45 My most demanding case in 2021-2022. Session under the patronage of the e-journal Interventional Cardiology Academy in cooperation with Club 30 of the PCS. Competition for diplomas.
Chairmen: Miłosz Jaguszewski (Gdańsk), Arkadiusz Pietrasik (Warsaw)
Panelists: TBD
• 18:15-18:22 Angioplastyka wieńcowa gałęzi przedniej zstępującej z użyciem aterektomii orbitalnej, obrazowania OCT i LVAD Impella. Łukasz Lewicki, Maciej Karwowski
• 18:22-18:25 Discussion
• 18:25-18:32 Large field-of-view IVUS guidance of transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement. Piotr Rudziński, Lukasz Kalińczuk, Gary Mintz, Marcin Demkow
• 18:32-18:35 Discussion
• 18:35-18:42 Przypadek skutecznego udrożnienia CTO RCA metodą retrograde z OZW w kolejnej dobie po zabiegu. Patryk Buller
• 18:42-18:45 Discussion
• 18:45-18:52 Skuteczne usunięcie pękniętego cewnika balonowego uwięźnietego w stencie u 48 letniego chorego z udarem niedokrwiennym mózgu oraz ostrym zawałem mięśnia sercowego. Rafal Januszek
• 18:52-18:55 Discussion
• 18:55-19:02 Intravascular Lithotripsy for Treatment of Severly calcified Left main coronary artery disease. Wojciech Wańha
• 19:02-19:05 Discussion
• 19:05-19:12 High risk PCI with lack of Vascular access. Maciej Południewski
• 19:12-19:15 Discussion
• 19:15-19:22 MVD: When the surgeon says NO! It is a super simple song.Piotr Rola
• 19:22-19:25 Discussion
• 19:25-19:32 STEMI third time lucky case: occlusion, dislodged marker ring, and perforation. Mateusz Barycki
• 19:32-19:35 Discussion
• 19:35-19:45 Voting and announcing the results of the competition for the best clinical case presented.
9:30-12:30 Warsaw Course on Complex and High Risk Indicated Patients (WAR-CHIP) organized in cooperation with Euro4C group.
Course Directors: Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw) and Miroslaw Ferenc (Bad Krozingen)
Scientific Committee: Robert J. Gil (Warsaw), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw), Krzysztof Reczuch (Wrocław), Leszek Bryniarski (Krakow), Sławomir Dobrzycki (Białystok)
• 9:30-11:00 Session 1: Calcium essentials
Chairmen: Robert J. Gil (Warszawa), Jacek Legutko (Krakow)
Panelists: Avtandil Babunashvili (Moscow), Miroslaw Ferenc (Bad Krozingen), Gianluca Rigatelli (Padova), Adam Witkowski (Warszawa), Miłosz Jaguszewski (Gdańsk)
• 9:30-9:35 Welcome & Opening Robert J. Gil
• 9:35-9:45 High ischemic versus high bleeding risks in CHIP patients – Davide Capodanno (Catania)
• 9:45-9:55 PCI connected with calcium imaging – Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw)
• 9:50-10:05 Algorithms for calcium treatment – what is my preference? – Krzysztof Reczuch (Wrocław)
• 10:05-10:20 Atherectomy:Rotational or orbital ? Which one and when? – Miroslaw Ferenc (Bad Krozingen)
• 10:20-11:00 Recorded case CHIP PCI utilizing orbital atherectomy device.
Operators: Robert J. Gil (Warsaw), Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw), Mirosłav Ferenc (Bad Krozingen)
• 11:05-12:30 Session 2: Additional issues that are important in a CathLab – from ultrasound to X-ray
Chairmen: Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice), Leszek Bryniarski (Krakow)
Panelists: Stanisław Bartuś (Kraków), Jarosław Wójcik (Nałęczów), Zbigniew Chmielak (Warszawa)
• 11:05-11:17 Large bore access for CHIP cases – role of ultrasound guidance – Nicolas van Mieghem
• 11:17-11:29 Renal failure after coronary intervention and how to limit the phenomena – Przemysław Rutkowski
• 11:29-11:41 Radiation protection in CathLab – rules, organization, complications – Krzysztof Milewski (Bielsko-Biała)
• 11:41-12:09 Live case 2. Complex CHIP PCI guided by OCT
Operators: Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw), Zbigniew Śliwiński (Warsaw)
• 12:09-12:30 Recorded case: Complex CHIP PCI with LVAD support
Operators: Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw), Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)
12:45-14:15 Sesja: Ostre zespoły wieńcowe – czy wiemy już wszystko?
Chairmen: Stanisław Bartuś (Kraków), Agnieszka Tycińska (Białystok)
Panelists: Paweł Kleczyński (Kraków), Adam Sukiennik (Bydgoszcz), Zbigniew Chmielak (Warszawa), Miłosz Jaguszewski (Gdańsk), Piotr Kwiatkowski (Warsaw)
• 12:45-13:00 OMT – znamy ją dla OZW? Jacek Kubica (Bydgoszcz)
• 13:00-13:15 STEMI – jak leczyć anno domini 22 – Tomasz Pawłowski (Warszawa)
• 13:15-13:30 Najważniejsze problemy do rozwiązania w NSTEMI – Michał Hawranek (Zabrze)
• 13:30-13:50 Recorded case presentation – SCAD case& problem overview Michał Hawranek (Zabrze)
• 13:50-14:05 Wstrząs kardiogenny – kiedy pLVAD? Agnieszka Tycińska (Białystok)
• 14:05-14:20 Wrap-up
14:35-16:05 Joint Session of the Working Group on Cardiac Surgery & Association On Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society: Invasive Cardiology & Cardiac Surgery today and tomorrow…
Chairmen: Robert J. Gil (Warszawa), Wojciech Wojakowski(Katowice), Marek Deja (Katowice)
Panelists: Kuba Staromłyński (Warszawa), Adam Kern (Olsztyn), Piotr Waciński (Lublin), Stanisław Bartuś (Krakow), Tomasz Hirnle (Białystok), + kardiochirurg z zachodu…
• 14:35-14:47 Contemporary armentarium of interventionalist – what else do we need. Maciej Lesiak (Poznan)• 14:47-14:59 Ablation techniques in angioplasty procedures – a useful return to the past. Tomasz Pawłowski (Warszawa)
• 14:59-15:35 Live case 3. PCI of CHIP patient
Operators: Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw), Michał Kuzemczak (Warsaw)
• 15:35-15:45 Standards for Surgical Coronary Revascularization in 2022. Tomasz Hirnle (Białystok)
15:45-15:47 Robotic revascularization is it real future? Points of view:
• Cardiac surgeon – Piotr Suwalski (Warszawa)
• Interventional cardiologist – Dariusz Dudek (Kraków)
• 15.47-16.05 Wrap-up by Robert J. Gil (Warszawa)
16:55-17:55 OCT Ultreon w codziennej praktyce.
Sesja wsparta nieograniczony grant edukacyjny Abbott Vascular
Przewodniczący: Adam Witkowski (Warszawa), Robert J. Gil (Warszawa)
Panel: Stanisław Bartuś (Krakow), Tomasz Pawłowski (Warszawa)
1. Wprowadzenie: Adam Witkowski (Warszawa)
2. Możliwości techniczne systemu OCT Ultron i prawidłowy protokół badania. Tomasz Pawłowski (Warszawa)
3. Analiza obrazów w systemie OCT Ultron – prezentacja możliwości na przykładzie przypadku klinicznego. Stanisław Bartuś (Krakow)
4. Podsumowanie. Robert J. Gil (Warszawa)
18:25-19:25 Zaburzenia lipidowe okiem kardiologa interwencyjnego
Sesja wsparta przez firmę Novartis
Przewodniczący: Adam Witkowski (Warszawa)
1. Hipercholesterolemia i w konsekwencji zawał – dlaczego to nadal niezaspokojona potrzeba medyczna? Mariusz Gąsior (Zabrze)
2. Pacjent z hipercholesterolemią po zawale – na co powinien zwrócić uwagę kardiolog interwencyjny w świetle wytycznych? Adam Witkowski (Warszawa)
3. Czy inklisiran może zmienić perspektywy dla pacjenta po zawale? Przemysław Mitkowski (Poznań)
4. Dyskusja
18:00-20:00 Zebranie Zarządu AISN – sala NYX 4
8:00-9:15 Zebranie wszystkich członków AISN
(format online) Pierwszy termin 8:00, drugi termin 8:15
9.30-11.00 Session: Drug Eluting Balloons – which, when and whom
Chairmen: Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice), Maciej Lesiak (Poznań)
Panelists: Adam Kern (Olsztyn), Valery Gelev (Sofia), Jarosław Zalewski (Krakow), Adam Sukiennik (Bydgoszcz), Maksymilian Opolski (Warszawa)
• 9:30-9:42 Does drug matter: paclitaxel vs sirolimus. Piotr Waciński (Lublin)
• 9:42-9:47 Discussion
• 9:47-9:59 Is DEB really effective for ISR. Wiktor Kuliczkowski (Wrocław)
• 9:59-10:04 Discussion
• 10:04-10:16 DEB for coronary bifurcations and small vessels – is it possible. Review of the literature. Dobrin Vassilev (Sofia)
• 10:16-10:21 Discussion
• 10:21-10:33 Should we use DEB in PTA. Tomasz Nowakowski (Kraków)
• 10:33-10:45 DEB-DRAGON registry – Polish experience in the treatment of in-stent restenosis. Wojciech Wańha (Katowice)
• 10:45-10:50 Wrap-up
• 11:00-12:20 How Should I treat multivessel disease with Left Main stenosis in pt with Chronic Coronary SYNDROMES?
Chairmen: Adam Witkowski (Warsaw), Dariusz Dudek (Kraków)
Panelists: Janusz Kochman (Warsaw), Robert J. Gil (Warsaw), Giuseppe DeLuca (Sassari), Elvin Kedhi (Rotterdam), Valery Gelev (Sofia)
• 11:00-11:05 Introduction and objectives. A. Witkowski
Case 1 (w/o DM).
• Speaker 1: Case presentation (5 minutes). Rafał Wolny (Warsaw)
• Expert 1: How would I treat? (7 minutes). Giuseppe DeLuca (Sassari)
• Expert 2: How would I treat? (7 minutes). Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)
• Speaker 1 (5 minutes). Rafał Wolny (Warsaw)
• Discussion – 10 minutes
• Consensus (5 minutes). Dariusz Dudek (Kraków)
Case 2 (with DM).
• Speaker 2: Case presentation. Michał Kuzemczak (Warsaw) (5 minutes)
• Expert 1: How would I treat? (7 minutes) Elvin Kedhi (Rotterdam)
• Expert 2: How would I treat? (7 minutes) Valery Gelev (Sofia)
• Speaker 2: How did I treat. (5 minutes)
• Discussion. (10 minutes)
• Consensus (5 minutes). A. Witkowski (Warsaw)
12:45-14:20 Invasive functional assessment of coronary stenosis in selected clinical situations.
Chairmen:Jacek Legutko (Krakow), Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)
Panelists: Jerzy Sacha (Opole), Paweł Tyczyński (Warsaw), Krzysztof Dyrbuś (Zabrze), Zsolt Piróth (Budapest)
• 12:45-12:57 How to assess the stenosis in the LM: FFR vs. NHPR vs. virtual FFR. Giuseppe De Luca (Sassari)
• 12:57-13:09 How to assess coronary stenoses in pts with severe aortic stenosis before TAVI? Łukasz Rzeszutko (Krakow)
• 13:09-13:21 How to assess coronary stenoses in pts after CABG? Paweł Tyczyński (Warsaw)
• 13:21-13:33 Invasive functional assessment after PCI – is it worth to be done? Zsolt Piróth (Budapest)
• 13:33-13:55 Pullback pressure gradient (PPG) – the new parameter in the assessment of multifocal coronary stenoses. Jacek Bil (Warsaw)
• 13:55-14:10 Roundtable discussion on place and role of functional coronary stenosis assessment
• 14:10-14:20 Wrap-up. Jacek Legutko (Kraków)
14:35-15:35 Sesja: Stanowiska/opinie polskich ekspertów – co nowego?
Prowadzący: Dariusz Dudek (Krakow), Adam Witkowski (Warszawa)
• 14:35-14:47 Przezcewnikowa naprawa i wymiana zastawki mitralnej. Stanowisko Ekspertów Polskiego Towarzystwa Kardiologicznego oraz Polskiego Towarzystwa Kardio-Torakochirurgów. Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice)
• 14:47-14:59 Mechanical circulatory support. An expert opinion of the Association of Intensive Cardiac Care and the Association of Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society. Agnieszka Tycińska (Białystok)
• 14:59-15:11 Przezskórna naprawa zastawki trójdzielnej metodą brzeg-do-brzegu — kwalifikacja pacjentów, obrazowanie, techniki zabiegowe. Opinia ekspertów Sekcji Echokardiografii i Asocjacji Interwencji Sercowo-Naczyniowych Polskiego Towarzystwa Kardiologicznego. Adam Rdzanek (Warszawa)
• 15:11-15:23 Diagnostyka i postępowanie w spontanicznym rozwarstwieniu tętnicy wieńcowej. Opinia ekspertów Asocjacji Interwencji Sercowo-Naczyniowych Polskiego Towarzystwa Kardiologicznego. Jacek Kądziela (Warszawa)
• 15:23-15:35 Denerwacja tętnic wieńcowych w leczeniu nadciśnienia tętniczego – czy w świetle nowych wyników potrzebujemy nowych wytycznych? Andrzej Januszewicz (Warszawa)
15:50 -16:25 2020 Acute Coronary Syndromes in Patients Presenting without Persistent ST-Segment Elevation Guidelines – are the treatment choices clear?
Chairman: Miłosz Jaguszewski (Gdańsk)
1. It is not recommended to administer routine pre-treatment with a P2Y12 receptor inhibitor in patients in whom coronary anatomy is not known and an early invasive management is planned.
– The recommendation is justified – Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice) (5 min.)
– The recommendation is not justified – Wiktor Kuliczkowski (Wrocław) (5 min.)
2. Prasugrel should be considered in preference to ticagrelor for NSTE-ACS patients who proceed to PCI.
– The recommendation is justified – Mariusz Gąsior (Zabrze) (5 min.)
– The recommendation is not justified – Jacek Kubica (Bydgoszcz) (5 min.)
Summarizing discussion: Miłosz Jaguszewski (Gdańsk), Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice), Wiktor Kuliczkowski (Wrocław), Mariusz Gąsior (Zabrze), Jacek Kubica (Bydgoszcz) (10 min.)
16:55-17:55 Effective antiplatelet therapy in acute and chronic coronary syndromes
Session supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Gedeon Richter
Chairs: Jacek Legutko (Kraków), Zoltan Ruzsa (Szeged)
Panelists: Marek Grygier (Poznań), Krzysztof Milewski (Bielsko-Biała), Zenon Huczek (Warsaw)
1. Is Prasugrel different from other P2Y12 receptor inhibitors? Zenon Huczek (Warsaw)
2. What do the ESC Recommendations say about the indications for Prasugrel:
– in ACS. Marek Grygier (Poznań)
– in CCS. Krzysztof Milewski (Bielsko-Biała)
3. Hungarian experiences with Prasugrel – a bit of history… Zoltan Ruzsa (Szeged)
4. Panel discussion based on clinical case(s)
18.25- 19.25 Practical utilization of of IVUS and iFr/FFR in daily practice
Session supported by unrestricted educational grant from Philips Healthcare IGT
Chairs: Jacek Legutko (Kraków), Robert J. Gil (Warszawa)
1. Proper protocol of acquisition and recording of iFR/FFR – the need of the time. Robert J. Gil (Warszawa) (15 min)
2. How to deal with Intravascular ultrasound in pts with LM disease. Giuseppe Tarantini (Padova) (15 min)
3. Have you ever heard of IVUS and ELCA synergy?
– Introduction & Clinical cases presentation. Tomasz Pawłowski (Warszawa) (20 min)
4. Discussion & Wrap-up by Jacek Legutko (Kraków) (10 min)
7:30-9:00 Investigator’s Meeting 1. TBD
Investigator’s Meeting 2. TBD
Coronary Interventions and Mechanical Thrombectomy
3rd Warsaw CTO Symposium (WARSAW-CTO)
Course Co-Directors: Paul Knaapen (Amsterdam), Maksymilian Opolski (Warsaw)
Morning Session 1 (CTO Appetizer)
Chair: Paul Knaapen (Amsterdam) / Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice)
Panel: Carlo di Mario (Florence), Grzegorz Sobieszek (Lublin), Mateusz Tajstra (Zabrze), Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice)
Fellow: Jarosław Skowronski (Warsaw)
• 8:00-8:05 Opening.
Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
• 8:05-8:15 Selection for CTO PCI: “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”.
Paul Knaapen (Amsterdam)
• 8:15-8:25 The universal CTO skills for PCI operators: why CTO PCI matters?
Carlo di Mario (Florence)
• 8:25 Live Case 1 (National Institute of Cardiology)
Maksymilian Opolski (Warsaw) – Artur Debski (Warsaw)
• 8:50 Live Case 2 (Medical University of Warsaw)
Alex Nap (Amsterdam) – Arkadiusz Pietrasik (Warsaw)
Morning Session 2 (CTO Entrée)
Chair: Daniel Weilenmann (St. Gallen) / Grzegorz Sobieszek (Lublin)
Panel: Jakub Drozd (Lublin), Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw), Marek Radomski (Inowrocław), Grzegorz Sobieszek (Lublin)
Fellow: Umberto Barbero (Savigliano)
• 11:00-11:10 Hybrid algorithm: “Rest at the end, not in the middle”.
Maksymilian Opolski (Warsaw)
• 11:10-11:20 The basics of ADR using Crossboss/Stingray: I believe in good moves.
Jakub Drozd (Lublin)
• 11:20-11:30 Double-lumen microcatheters: do we need ADR at all?
Daniel Weilenmann (St. Gallen)
• 11:30 Live Case 3 (Liestal, Switzerland)
Gregor Leibundgut (Liestal) – Alex Achim (Liestal)
• 12:00 Live Case 4 (National Institute of Cardiology)
Paul Knaapen (Amsterdam) – Maksymilian Opolski (Warsaw)
Afternoon Session 1 (CTO Confection)
Chair: Alex Nap (Amsterdam)
Panel: Leszek Bryniarski (Cracow), Maciej Lesiak (Poznan), Shamim Rahman (Birmingham), Daniel Weilenmann (St. Gallen)
Fellow: Rafał Wolny (Warsaw)
• 14:00–14:40 Live Case 5 (Milan, Italy)
Gabriele Gasparini (Milan) – Damiano Regazzoli (Milan)
• 14:40-14:50 Tips and tricks to resolve difficult RDR: how to hurry up slowly?
Alex Nap (Amsterdam)
• 14:50-15:00 CTO PCI after CABG: ready for prime time?
Shamim Rahman (Birmingham)
• 15:00-15:15 Complete revascularization in CTO PCI: quality is not an act, it is a habit.
Maciej Lesiak (Poznan)
Afternoon Session 2 (CTO Banquet)
Chair: Leszek Bryniarski (Cracow) / Jarosław Wójcik (Nałęczów)
Panel: Jakub Drozd (Lublin), Gabriele Gasparini (Milan), Alex Nap (Amsterdam), Arkadiusz Pietrasik (Warsaw), Jerzy Sacha (Opole)
Fellow: Jacek Kwieciński (Warsaw)
• 16:00-16:10 MCS in complex PCI: access site considerations to win by KO!
Jerzy Sacha (Opole)
• 16:10-16:20 Case in the box 1: ADR CTO PCI.
Grzegorz Sobieszek (Lublin)
• 16:20-16:30 Case in the box 2: IVUS-guided CTO PCI.
Grzegorz Mężyński (Białystok)
• 16:30-16:40 Case in the box 3: Difficult retrograde CTO PCI.
Jakub Drozd (Lublin)
• 16:40-16:45 Closing remarks and adjourn.
Robert Gil (Warsaw)
18:20-20:15 Afternoon Session 3
Aortic Arch Arteries and Peripheral Arteries Interventions
Chairmen: Zoltan Ruzsa (Szeged), Wacław Kuczmik (Katowice), Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)
Panelists: Tadeusz Przewłocki (Krakow), Mirosław Dziekiewicz (Warsaw), Piotr Pieniążek (Krakow)
• 18:20-18:25 Introduction. Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)
• 18:25-19:04 Debate on the interventional vs surgical treatment of carotid arteries.
• 18:25-18:37 A candidate for carotid endartherectomy (CEA). Mirosław Dziekiewicz (Warsaw)
• 18:37-18:59 A candidate for carotid stenting (CAS). Zoltan Ruzsa (Szeged)
• 18:59-19:04 Discussion moderated by Wacław Kuczmik (Katowice)
• 19:04-19:20 Live-in-a box case 4. Carotid stenting.
Operators: Piotr Pieniążek (Krakow), Marcin Misztal (Krakow)
• 19:20-19:32 Thrombectomy in acute stroke. Polish, European and US experience. Piotr Musiałek (Krakow)
• 19:32-19:44 When and in whom to do renal artery angioplasty? Tadeusz Przewłocki (Krakow)
• 19:44-19:56 Emergency interventions in iliac and femoral arteries in patients immediately after TAVI. Dariusz Jagielak (Gdansk)
• 19:56-20:08 Below the knee interventions. Tomasz Nowakowski (Krakow)
• 20:08-20:15 Wrap-up. Zoltan Rusza (Szeged)
General Meeting of the Association of Interventional Cardiologists (in Polish)
Walne Zgromadzenie Stowarzyszenia Zawodowego Kardiologów Interwencyjnych
First term 7:30, Second term 7:50, Quit 8:50
9:00-18:40 Structural Heart Disease Interventions
9:00-11:25 Sesssion 1. TAVI. New European Guidelines and Remaining Controversies.
Chairmen: Eberhard Grube (Bonn), Ariel Finkelstein (Tel Aviv), Janusz Kochman (Warsaw), Andrzej Ochała (Katowice)
Panelists: Zenon Huczek (Warsaw), Marek Grygier (Poznan), Tomasz Hirnle (Białystok), Jarosław Trębacz (Krakow), Dariusz Jagielak (Gdansk), Piotr Olszówka (Rzeszow), Łukasz Tułecki (Zamosc), Sławomir Dobrzycki (Bialystok), Krzysztof Reczuch (Wroclaw), Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)
• 9:00-9:05 Introduction. Eberhard Grube (Bonn)
• 9:05-9:45 Live in a box 5. TAVI with cerebral protection
Operators: Adam Witkowski (Warsaw), Maciej Dąbrowski (Warsaw)
ECHO: Patrycjusz Stoklosa (Warsaw)
• 9:45-9:57 TAVI with cerebral protection: Do we have strong evidence for use in every case? Available devices. Eberhard Grube (Bonn)
• 9:57-10:09 TAVI for all? But how to optimize results and eliminate PVL and PPI? Marek Grygier (Poznan)
• 10:09-10:29 Live-in-a box 6. TAVI in degenerated bioprosthesis.
Operators: Zenon Huczek (Warsaw), TBD
• 10:29-10:41 Valve-in-valve TAVI: step-by-step technique. Lars Sondergaard (Copenhagen)
• 10:41-10:53 The dark side of TAV in TAV. Ariel Finkelstein (Tel Aviv)
• 10:53-11:05
TAVI in patients with large aortic annuli. Dariusz Jagielak (Gdańsk)• 11:05-11:17 TAVI vs SAVR in patients with multivessel coronary artery disease. Elvin Kedhi (Zwolle)
• 11:17-11:25 Wrap-up. Janusz Kochman (Warsaw)
Chairmen: Grzegorz Smolka (Katowice), Marcin Demkow (Warsaw)
Panelists: Zenon Huczek (Warsaw), Dariusz Ciećwierz (Gdansk), Janusz Sławin (Wroclaw), Paweł Kralisz (Bialystok), Tadeusz Przewłocki (Krakow)
• 12:00-12:05 Introduction. Marcin Demkow (Warsaw)
• 12:05-12:17 Brightness and shadow of the antithrombotic therapy in 12:05-12:17 Brightness and shadow of the antithrombotic therapy in patients with nonvalvular AF. Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice)
• 12:17-12:29 Candidates for LAAO – current indications and in anticipation of new evidence. Marek Grygier (Poznan)
• 12:29-12:41 LAAO in patients with thrombus in the left atrial appendage. Jaroslav Januska (Trinec).
Presentation in English:
• 12:41-12:56 Live-in-a box 7. LAAO.
Operators: Marcin Demkow (Warsaw), TBD
ECHO: Marek Konka (Warsaw)
• 12:56-13:08 Perivalvular leaks closure in patients with surgical valves. Grzegorz Smolka (Katowice)
• 13:08-13:23 Live-in-a box 8. PVL closure.
Operators: Grzegorz Smolka (Katowice), TBD
• 13:23-13:30 Wrap-up. Marcin Demkow (Warsaw)
Chairmen: Lars Søndergaard (Copenhagen), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
Panelists: Krzysztof Reczuch (Wrocław), Piotr Waciński (Lublin), Paweł Kralisz (Białystok), Michał Chmielecki (Gdańsk), Piotr Scisło (Warsaw), Piotr Szymański (Warsaw), Marek Deja (Katowice), Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)
• 13:50-13:55 Introduction. TBD
• 13:55-14:07 Transcatheter edge-to-edge mitral valve repair in 2021 European Guidelines. Lars Søndergaard (Copenhagen)
• 14:07-14:19 E2E mitral valve repair: MitraClip vs Pascal. Jerzy Pręgowski (Warsaw)
• 14:19-14:31 Transcatheter E2E in patients after AMI. Dan Haberman (Rehovot)
• 14:31-14:43 E2E tricuspid valve repair. Adam Rdzanek (Warsaw)
• 14:43-15:03 Live-in-a box 9. Transcatheter edge-to-edge therapy: mitral.
Operators: Jerzy Pręgowski (Warsaw), TBD, Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
ECHO: Patrycjusz Stokolosa (Warsaw)
• 15:03-15:23 Live-in-a box 10. Transcatheter edge-to-edge therapy: tricuspid.
Operators: Marek Grygier (Poznań)
• 15:23-15:35 Commentary and E2E tricuspid. Ralph Stephan von Bardeleben (Mainz)
• 15:35-15:47 Transcatheter mitral valve replacement: what is new? Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice)
• 15:47-15:59 Transcatheter tricuspid valve replacement: what is new? Jerzy Pręgowski (Warsaw)
• 15:59-16:05 Wrap-up. Lars Søndergaard (Copenhagen)
16:30-17:40 Session 4. Transctather Valves Complications. A case-based session.
Chairmen: Zbigniew Chmielak (Warsaw), Andrzej Ochała (Katowice), Marek Jasiński (Wroclaw)
Panelists: Jarosław Trębacz (Krakow), Piotr Suwalski (Warsaw), Michał Hawranek (Zabrze), Piotr Kübler (Wroclaw), Krzysztof Milewski (Bielsko-Biała), Jerzy Sacha (Opole)
• 16:30-16:40 Case 1. Maciej Dąbrowski (Warsaw)
• 16:40-16:43 Discussion
• 16:43-16:53 Case 2. Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw)
• 16:53-16:56 Discussion
• 16:56-17:06 Case 3. Joanna Nawara (Katowice)
• 17:06-17:09 Discussion
• 17:09-17:19 Case 4. Łukasz Kalińczuk (Warsaw)
• 17:19-17:22 Discussion
• 17:22-17:32 Case 5. Radosław Pracoń (London)
• 17:32-17:35 Discussion
• 17:35-17:40 Wrap-up Marek Jasiński (Wroclaw)
Professor Robert Julian Gil, MD, Ph.D., a graduate of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin has been the head of the Department of Invasive Cardiology of the Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration (MSWiA) in Warsaw, one of the most efficient centres of Interventional Cardiology in Poland since 2001. In 1997-2004 he was the Chair of the Invasive Cardiology Section (Working Group) of the Polish Cardiac Society, and a member of its Board (as a past president) for the next 3 years. Since 2001 he has been in the Expert Team handling accreditation in cardiology appointed by the Polish Minister of Health. Since 2002 he has been a Consultant of Healthcare for the Ministry of the Interior and Administration in the field of cardiology.
His scientific interests include mostly the evaluation of atherosclerotic plaque, coronary stenosis, diagnostics and treatment of complex lesions, including bifurcation lesions. He is also interested in the use of percutaneous revascularisation in acute coronary syndromes. For many years he has participated in international clinical studies evaluating medicines and devices supporting coronary angioplasty.
His achievements include over 200 publications in peer-reviewed journals, out of which more than 60 were published in foreign journals (IF close to 200). Moreover, he co-authored 30 chapters of books on interventional cardiology and more than 300 convention reports, out of which more than 100 were presented at prestigious international conventions on clinical electrophysiology and invasive cardiology. Since 2005 he has been a research fellow in the Mossakowski Medical Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. In June 2013 he was appointed as professor in that Institution.
He initiated annual National Workshops on Interventional Cardiology, which after 5 editions in Szczecin were moved to Warsaw as the Warsaw Course on Cardiovascular Interventions. Their 19th edition is planned for April 2015.
He co-authored the guidelines of the Invasive Cardiology Section of the Polish Cardiac Society concerning Invasive Cardiology.
Since 2007 he has been a member of the exclusive European Bifurcation Club handling the questions of diagnostics and treatment of bifurcation lesions.
Since 1994 he has been a scientific reviewer of monthly Kardiologia Polska, since 1998 – Folia Cardiologica (currently Cardiology Journal), and since 2000 – Polski Przegląd Kardiologiczny. In all of these magazines he is a member of Editorial Boards, and in Kardiologia Polska was the editor of column “Angiogram of the month”. Since 2009 he has regularly reviewed papers sent by to the American Journal of Cardiology, EuroIntervention, Journal of Interventional Cardiology and Circulation.
In 1999 he was appointed as the editor-in-chief of the Invasive Cardiology journal and is performing these functions up till today.
Since 1999 he has been active in the Working Group on coronary circulation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), which in September 2006 transformed into the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI). In 2009 he was assigned to its Grant Committee. In June 2000 he was awarded a prestigious title of the Fellow of European Society of Cardiology. Since 2001 he has been regularly invited to actively participate (Faculty member) in such prestigious Congresses and Workshops of Interventional Cardiology as: EuroPCR, TCT, TCT Russia, ICI in Tel Aviv, European Bifurcation Club meetings and many national congresses.
General Cardiology & Haemodynamics Dept., Institute of Cardiology,
42 Alpejska St., 04-628 Warsaw, Poland
Phone: +48 22 812 41 64
Fax: +48 22 34 34 506
E-mail: witkowski@hbz.pl
Born: Poznań, Poland Aug 1st, 1958
Education: Warsaw Medical Academy 1976- 83
Proffessional training:
• six weeks of elective training at the Division of Cardiology, University of Maryland Hospital, USA, 1980
• Internship, Medicine and Surgery 1983-84
• 1st degree – Internal Medicine 1986
• two weeks of elective training at the Haemodynamics Division, University Vaudois Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1989
• 6th Course in Interventional Cardiology, Geneva, Switzerland, 1989
• 2nd degree – Internal Medicine 1990
• Doctor of Philosophy 1993
• Fellowship in Cardiology 1996
• Habilitation 2001 (postdoctoral lecturing qualification)
• Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology 2003
Post held:
• Assistant and Senior Assistant, Haemodynamics&General Cardiology Dept., Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland 1983-93
• Assistant Professor, Heamodynamics &General Cardiology Dept., Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland, 1993
• Deputy Director, Haemodynamics Dept., Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland, 1998
• Associate Professor, Haemodynamics Dept., Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland, 2001
• Chairmen, Working Group on Interventional, Cardiology of the Polish Cardiac Society 2004-7
• Primary Investigator, CAPE, Pfizer 1990-92
• Co-Investigator, GITS Verapamil, Lorex Pharmaceuticals, USA 1992-93
• Co-Investigator, MATTIS, Sanofi Winthrop, 1996
• Co-Investigator, EXCITE, Searle 1998
• Primary Investigator, Tirofiban Study, MSD 1998
• Primary lnvestigator, ICARUS – 1+2, 1999 Medtronic
• Primar Investigator, Race-Car, Medtronic 1999
• Co-lnvestigator, ADVANCE, Boston Scientific 1999
• Primary Investigator, PRESTO, S-KB 2000
• Primary Investigator, VISION, Guidant 2001
• Co-Investigator, Taxus II, Boston Scientific 2001
• Co-Investigator, Euroinject-One 2002
• Co-Investigator, Taxus VI, Boston Scientific 2002
• Co-Investigator, Agent-4, Schering 2002
• Co-Investigator, ARTS II, J&J-Cordis 2003
• Co-Investigator, ENDEAVOR II, Medtronic 2004
• Primary Investigator, FREEDOM 2006
• Primary Investigator, HORIZONS 2006
• Co-Investigator, SYNTAX 2006
Special interest In Cardiology:
Coronary Interventions (PTCA, DCA, TEC, Stenting, HOCM ablation, Brachytherapy)
Research Work:
• Systolic and Diastolic Performance of the Left Ventricle
• Stunned and Hibernating Myocardium
• Perfusion Balloon Catheters
• Coronary Stenting
• Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
• Coronary Brachytherapy
• Acute coronary syndrome
• Angiogenesis
Awards of the Polish Cardiac Society 1995, 2001
Faculty member:
ESC Congresses, EuroPCR