19-21 April 2023
Hotel Airport Okęcie, ul. Komitetu Obrony Robotników 24, Warszawa
As always, it is with great pleasure that we would like to invite you to participate in the 27th edition of the Warsaw Course on Cardiovascular Interventions (WCCI), which takes place under the auspices of the Association of Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society and in cooperation with EAPCI and EuroPCR. In order to make our Workshops more attractive, representatives of the Association of Intensive Cardiac Care of the Polish Cardiac Society, the Club 30 of the PCS and the Euro 4C EAPCI Group take part in the creation of the program. This year, WCCI is scheduled for April 19-21 in an on-site formula in the Airport Hotel Okecie in Warsaw.
This year, the main topics are: revascularization of coronary arteries with particular emphasis on multivessel coronary disease (with and without left coronary trunk involvement), the problem of coronary bifurcations and percutaneous treatment of structural heart diseases (including interventions on aortic, mitral and tricuspid valves). The program will include interesting sessions on invasive imaging and functional diagnostics. The program of the Workshops also includes sessions devoted to interventions on the carotid and peripheral arteries. As always, there will be sessions on the borderline of intensive cardiac therapy and invasive cardiology. Once again, we invite you to participate in such well-received mini-workshops: WAR-CHIP (devoted to comprehensive treatments of the highest risk) and WAR-CTO (intended for operators interested in training in recanalization of chronic coronary occlusions).
Traditionally, during the Workshops, live broadcasts from renowned centers in Poland and abroad are planned. There are also scheduled presentations in the “live-in-a box” format. As usual, the WCCI program will be complemented by satellite sessions of the Workshops sponsors.
We cordially invite you to register! Fees and regulations area vailable in the registration form.
• 9:00-10:00 Sztuczna inteligencja w ITK oraz kardiologii interwencyjnej, czyli…
Joint Session of the Association on Cardiovascular Interventions & Intensive Cardiological Care Associations of the Polish Cardiac Society
Prowadzenie: Marek Grygier (Poznań), Przemysław Trzeciak (Zabrze), Robert Gil (Warszawa)
Panel: Agnieszka Tycińska (Białystok), Robert Zymliński (Wrocław), Stanisław Bartuś (Kraków), Michał Hawranek (Zabrze)
• 9:00-9:12 Czy AI jest w stanie za nas ocenić EKG?
Marta Kałużna-Oleksy (Poznań)
• 9:12-9:24 Czy ta zmiana na pewno jest istotna? Spytaj AI!
Krzysztof Milewski (Bielsko-Biała)
• 9:24-9:36 Czy AI prawidłowo oceni blaszkę miażdżycową?
Stanisław Bartuś (Kraków)
• 9:36-9:48 O rety, on to naprawdę zmalował! Nowe możliwości da Vinci.
Piotr Suwalski (Warszawa)
• 9:48-10:00 Dyskusja: Czy to możliwe, że maszyny same leczą?
Moderator: Robert Gil (Warszawa)
Chair: Robert J. Gil, WCCI Director, Adam Witkowski, WCCI Director, Łukasz Szumowski (Warsaw), Waldemar Wierzba (Warsaw)
• 10:15-10:20 Łukasz Szumowski, Director of National Institute of Cardiology. Opening remarks.
• 10:20-10:27 Przemysław Mitkowski, President of the Polish Cardiac Society
• 10:27-10:34 Marek Grygier, Chairman of Association on Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society
• 10:34-10:41 Emanuele Barbato, Chairman of EAPCI
• 10:41-10:55 William Wijns, Chairman of PCR. Keynote WCCI 2023 Lecture.
• 10:55-11:10 ANDREAS AWARDS. Robert J. Gil and Adam Witkowski
• 11:10-11:15 Waldemar Wierzba, Director of the National Medical Institute of the Internal Affairs and Administration Ministry. Session Wrap-up.
11:15-11:20 BREAK
• 11:20-12:20 Session supported by the unrestricted educational grant by Novartis
Pacjent po zawale A.D. 2023
Chair: prof. Przemysław Mitkowski (Poznań)
1. Ścieżka pacjenta po zawale – co mamy, a czego nadal brakuje?
prof. Krystian Wita (15 min)
2. Jak osiągać cele terapeutyczne dla LDL-C u pacjenta z bardzo wysokim i ekstremalnym ryzykiem sercowo-naczyniowym.
prof. Mariusz Gąsior (15 min)
3. Inklisiran – nowy gracz w programie lekowym B.101. Dla kogo? Dlaczego? Jak?
prof. Przemysław Mitkowski (15 min)
4. Dyskusja (15 min)
12:20-12:30 COFFEE BREAK
• 12:30-13:40 Workshop organized by the Association of Intensive Cardiac Care of the Polish Cardiac Society: Codzienne problemy na oddziale intensywnej terapii kardiologicznej – wstrząs…
Prowadzący: Przemysław Trzeciak (Zabrze), Agnieszka Tycińska (Białystok), Marek Gierlotka (Opole)
Panel: Karol Kamiński (Białystok), Barbara Zawiślak (Kraków)
• 12:30-12:45 Utrzymujące się objawy wstrząsu pomimo rewaskularyzacji – co możemy jeszcze zrobić?
Marta Kałużna-Oleksy (Poznań)
• 12:45-13:00 Ocena wolemii z wykorzystaniem monitorowania nieinwazyjnego i inwazyjnego.
Agnieszka Kapłon-Cieślicka (Warszawa)
• 13:00-13:15 Monitorowanie niewydolności wielo-narządowej.
Robert Zymliński (Wrocław)
• 13:15-13:30 Deeskalacja mechanicznego wspomagania krążenia.
Joanna Płonka (Opole)
• 13:30-13:40 Dyskusja i podsumowanie
13:40-14:10 LUNCH BREAK
• 14:10-16:25 European Bifurcation Club Symposium: Coronary bifurcation treatment in 2023
• Part 1: Lights on a side branch assessment and treatment
Chairmen: R.J. Gil (Warsaw), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw), Yves Louvard (Paris), Gary Mintz (New York)
Panel: Dobrin Vassilev (Sofia), Jacek Legutko (Krakow), Adam Kern (Olsztyn), Maciej Lesiak (Poznań)
• 14:10-14:40 Live case 1. PCI of bifurcation lesion under guidance of iFR&FFR
Operators: Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw), Sławomir Dobrzycki (Białystok)
• 14:40-14:52 How to assess whether SB needs to be treated?
Dobrin Vassilev (Sofia)
• 14:52-15:04 How I can protect SB occlusion?
Yves Louvard (Paris)
• Part 2: Summary on Left Main bifurcation treatment
Chairmen: R.J. Gil (Warsaw), Maciej Lesiak (Poznań), ShaoLiang Chen (Nanjing), Gary Mintz (New York)
Panel: Dobrin Vassilev (Sofia), Gianluca Rigatelli (Padova), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
• 15:04-15:16 Optimal strategy for side branch treatment in patients with left main coronary bifurcation lesions: POBA, DEB or DES?
ShaoLiang Chen (Nanjing)
• 15:16-15:28 Impact of Technique on LM Bifurcation Stent Outcomes.
Gianluca Rigatelli (Padova)
• 15:24-16:08 Live case 2. Patient with distal left main stenosis (DK Culotte technique).
Operators: Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw), Jacek Legutko (Cracow)
• 16:08-16:15 Master`s comment
by Gary Mintz (New York)
16:15-16:30 COFFEE BREAK
• 16:30-18:00 Symposium: Functional assessment of coronary lesion severity – status in 2023.
Chairmen: RobertJ. Gil (Warsaw), Jacek Legutko (Krakow), Gary Mintz (New York)
Panelists: Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice), Stanisław Bartuś (Kraków), Janusz Kochman (Warsaw), Mateusz Tajstra (Zabrze), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
• 16:30-16:42 Which is more Important? Imaging or Physiology?
Gary Mintz (New York)
• 16:42-16:47 FFR after FAME 3 and FLOWER – Where do we stand?
Tomasz Pawłowski (Warszawa)
• 16:47-16:59 Invasive vs Resting Indices – what is better?
Michał Hawranek (Zabrze)
• 16:59-17:11 Physiological stent optimisation – Is it a new standard?
Jacek Legutko (Krakow)
• 17:11-17:23 Microvascular assessment: when, whom and how…
Łukasz Kołtowski (Warsaw)
• 17:11-17:23 Optimization of the PCI – How should it look like for a stent and balloon (including a drug-eluting balloon)
Giuseppe DeLuca (Novara)
• 17:23-18:00 Live case 3. PCI with iFR, FFR and microcirculatory assessment
Operator: Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw), Radosław Targoński (Gdańsk)
18:00-18:15 BREAK
• 18:15-19:36 Symposium: Innovations in Cardiology.
Let’s have a look what is and will be available in Cath Lab.
Chairmen: Zbigniew Chmielak (Warsaw), Marek Grygier (Poznań)
Panelists: Adam Kern (Olsztyn), Pranas Serpytis (Vilnius)
• 18:15-19:31 Presentations of Industry Innovations:
• 18:15-18:22 Meril.
Marcin Protasiewicz (Wrocław)
• 18:22-18:29 Balmed. TricValve®– Transcatheter Valves System for the treatment of patients with hemodynamically relevant tricuspid insufficiency and caval reflux. Introduction, procedure step-by step, and current clinical data. Stefano Guarracini (Italy)
• 18:29-18:36 Siemens Healthineers
• 18:36:18:43 Medtronic. Onyx TruCor & TruStar – new players in the DES`s field.
Robert Gil (Warsaw)
• 19:31-19:36 Take-home message.
Marek Grygier (Poznań), Zbigniew Chmielak (Warsaw)
• 20:00 KOLACJA / DINNER (Restauracja Mirage)
• 9:00-10:00 New national registries in interventional cardiology.
Session under auspices of the Club 30 of the Polish Cardiac Society and e-journal Academy of Interventional Cardiology:
Prowadzenie: Agnieszka Kapłon-Cieślicka (Warszawa), Miłosz Jaguszewski (Gdańsk), Arkadiusz Pietrasik (Warszawa)
Panel: Mariusz Gąsior (Zabrze), Radosław Targoński (Gdańsk), Karolina Kupczyńska (Łódź), Jacek Bil (Warszawa)
• 9:00-9:08 DEB-DRAGON
Wojciech Wańha (Katowice)
• 9:08-9:16 IMPELLA-PL
Arkadiusz Pietrasik (Warszawa)
• 9:16-9:24 POL-TAKO
Monika Budnik (Warszawa)
• 9:24-9:32 POL-MKW
Rafał Januszek (Kraków)
• 9:32-9:40 SALAMANDER
Mariusz Kowalewski (Warszawa)
• 9:40-9:48 Registries on tricuspid regurgitation and related transcatheter interventions
Adam Rdzanek (Warszawa)
• 9:48-10:00 Dyskusja i podsumowanie przewodniczących sesji
Chair: Robert J. Gil, WCCI Director, Adam Witkowski, WCCI Director, Łukasz Szumowski (Warsaw), Waldemar Wierzba (Warsaw)
• 10:15-10:20 Łukasz Szumowski, Director of National Institute of Cardiology. Opening remarks.
• 10:20-10:27 Przemysław Mitkowski, President of the Polish Cardiac Society
• 10:27-10:34 Marek Grygier, Chairman of Association on Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society
• 10:34-10:41 Emanuele Barbato, Chairman of EAPCI
• 10:41-10:55 William Wijns, Chairman of PCR. Keynote WCCI 2023 Lecture.
• 10:55-11:10 ANDREAS AWARDS. Robert J. Gil and Adam Witkowski
• 11:10-11:15 Waldemar Wierzba, Director of the National Medical Institute of the Internal Affairs and Administration Ministry. Session Wrap-up.
11:15-11:20 BREAK
• 11:20-12:20 Session supported by the unrestricted educational grant by Philips Healthcare IGT
• Practical utilization of of IVUS and iFR/FFR in daily practice.
Chair: Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)
• Introduction.
Robert J. Gil (Warsaw), 3 min
• Co-registration angio & iFR or IVUS – when, whom and why?
Jacek Legutko (Kraków), 15 min
• How to deal with Intravascular ultrasound in pts with bifurcation lesions
Gary S. Mintz (New York), 15 min
• ELCA & IVUS – last hope devices for highly calcified lesions
Pawłowski (Warsaw), 15 min
• Discussion, 12 min
12:20-12:30 COFFEE BREAK
• 12:30-13:40 Image-based FFR – 2023 update for interventional cardiologist
Chairmen: Adam Witkowski (Warszawa), Robert J. Gil (Warszawa), Michał Hawranek (Zabrze)
Panelists: Krzysztof Milewski (Bielsko-Biała), Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice), Tomasz Roleder (Wrocław)
• 12:30-12:45 Introduction to angio-based FFR – rationale & techniques available in 2023.
K. Milewski (Bielsko-Biała)
• 12:45-13:00 Angio-based FFR – Clinical Data and subgroup analyses.
M. Tomaniak (Warszawa)
• 13:00-13:15 FFR-CT – how to incorporate it in the cathlab?
C. Kępka/ M. Kruk (Warszawa)
• 13:15-13:30 Imaged-based FFR in daily practice: case-based clinical scenarios.
P. Buszman (Bielsko Biała/Kraków)
• 13:30-13:40 Discussion & Summary
13:40-14:10 LUNCH BREAK
• 14:10-16:15 European Bifurcation Club symposium: Coronary bifurcation treatment in 2023
• Part 1: Lights on a side branch assessment and treatment
Chairmen: R.J. Gil (Warsaw), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw), Yves Louvard (Paris), Gary Mintz (New York)
Panel: Dobrin Vassilev (Sofia), Jacek Legutko (Krakow), Adam Kern (Olsztyn), Maciej Lesiak (Poznań)
• 14:10-14:40 Live case 1. PCI of bifurcation lesion under guidance of iFR&FFR
Operators: Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw), Sławomir Dobrzycki (Białystok)
• 14:40-14:52 How to assess whether SB needs to be treated?
Dobrin Vassilev (Sofia)
• 14:52-15:04 How I can protect SB occlusion?
Yves Louvard (Paris)
• Part 2: Summary on Left Main bifurcation treatment
Chairmen: R.J. Gil (Warsaw), Maciej Lesiak (Poznań), ShaoLiang Chen (Nanjing), Gary Mintz (New York)
Panel: Dobrin Vassilev (Sofia), Gianluca Rigatelli (Padova), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
• 15:04-15:16 Optimal strategy for side branch treatment in patients with left main coronary bifurcation lesions: POBA, DEB or DES?
ShaoLiang Chen (Nanjing)
• 15:16-15:28 Impact of Technique on LM Bifurcation Stent Outcomes.
Gianluca Rigatelli (Padova)
• 15:24-16:08 Live case 2. Patient with distal left main stenosis (DK Culotte technique).
Operators: Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw), Jacek Legutko (Cracow)
• 16:08-16:15 Master`s comment
by Gary Mintz (New York)
16:15-16:30 COFFEE BREAK
• 20:00 KOLACJA / DINNER (Restauracja Mirage)
• 9:00-10.15 WARCHIP Workshop 1
Interactions with clinical experts on complex & high-risk lesions treatment.
(Participation must be confirmed)
Hands -on & simulator-based training including:
• 1. Impella CP & Impella RV
Abiomed – Jerzy Sacha (Opole)
• 2. Rotational atherectomy
Boston Scientific – Rafał Wyderka (Wrocław)
• 3. Orbital Atherectomy
Procardia – Łukasz Lewicki (Wejcherowo)
• 4. Manta
Teleflex – Radosław Parma (Katowice)
• 5. IVUS
Philips-Volcano – Paweł Kleczyński (Kraków)
• 6. iVAC-2L
Medaccess – Tomasz Pawłowski (Warszawa)
• 7. OCT Ultreon system
Abbott– Łukasz Rzeszutko (Kraków)
• 12:15-13:25 WARCHIP Workshop 2
Interactions with clinical experts on complex & high-risk lesions treatment.
(Participation must be confirmed)
Hands -on & simulators based training including:
• 1. Impella CP & Impella RV
Abiomed – Arkadiusz Pietrasik (Warszawa)
• 2. Rotational atherectomy
Boston Scientific – Paweł Kralisz (Białystok)
• 3. Orbital Atherectomy
Procardia – Maksymilian Opolski (Warszawa)
• 4. Large bore closure
Manta – Grzegorz Smolka (Katowice)
• 5. IVUS
Philips-Volcano – Sylwia Iwańczyk (Poznań)
• 6. iVAC-2L
Medaccess– Tomasz Pawłowski (Warszawa)
• 7. OCT Ultreon system
Abbott – Tomasz Roleder (Wrocław)
Chair: Robert J. Gil, WCCI Director, Adam Witkowski, WCCI Director, Łukasz Szumowski (Warsaw), Waldemar Wierzba (Warsaw)
• 10:15-10:20 Łukasz Szumowski, Director of National Institute of Cardiology. Opening remarks.
• 10:20-10:27 Przemysław Mitkowski, President of the Polish Cardiac Society
• 10:27-10:34 Marek Grygier, Chairman of Association on Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society
• 10:34-10:41 Emanuele Barbato, Chairman of EAPCI
• 10:41-10:55 William Wijns, Chairman of PCR. Keynote WCCI 2023 Lecture.
• 10:55-11:10 ANDREAS AWARDS. Robert J. Gil and Adam Witkowski
• 11:10-11:15 Waldemar Wierzba, Director of the National Medical Institute of the Internal Affairs and Administration Ministry. Session Wrap-up.
11:15-11:20 BREAK
• 11:20-12:20 Session supported by the unrestricted educational grant by MEDTRONIC
Chairs: Adam Witkowski (Warsaw), Dariusz Dudek (Kraków)
Panellists: Marek Grygier (Poznań), Piotr Olszówka (Rzeszów)
• Coronary access after TAVI.
Dariusz Dudek (Kraków), 15 min
• Discussion, 10 min
• Resistant hypertension.
Andrzej Januszewicz (Warsaw), 15 min
• Is it a time for the come back of renal denervation in the treatment of arterial hypertension?
Adam Witkowski (Warsaw), 12 min
• Dyskusja, 8 min
12:20-12:30 COFFEE BREAK
• 12:30-13:40 Session/workshop organized by the Association of Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society: Ochrona radiologiczna w pracowni kardiologii inwazyjnej –…
Prowadzenie: Marek Grygier (Poznań), Krzysztof Milewski (Bielsko-Biała), Tomasz Pawłowski (Warszawa), Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice), Andrzej Lekston (Zabrze)
• 12:30-12:42 Promieniowanie jonizujące, organizacja pracowni kardiologii inwazyjnej.
Joanna Kidoń (Katowice)
• 12:42-12:54 Systemy ochrony radiologicznej.
Krzysztof Milewski (Bielsko-Biała)
• 12:54-13:06 Narażenie na promieniowanie personelu w odniesieniu do pełnionych zadań w obrębie pracowni kardiologii inwazyjnej.
Piotr Szymański (Warszawa)
• 13:06-13:18 Następstwa chorobowe promieniowania RTG dla personelu i ich leczenie.
Tomasz Pawłowski (Warszawa)
• 13:18-13:30 Ochrona radiologiczna pacjenta.
Mariusz Tomaniak (Warszawa)
• 13:30-13:40 Dyskusja panelowa oraz podsumowanie Przewodniczących
13:40-14:10 LUNCH BREAK
• 14:10-15:40 Sesja “Klubu 30” PTK: Drug-Coated Balloons (DCB) for coronary artery disease – a new perspective in PCI.
Przewodniczący: Wacław Kochman (Warszawa), Miłosz Jaguszewski (Gdańsk)
Panel: Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice), Piotr Buszman (Bielsko-Biała), Maciej Wybraniec (Katowice), Radosław Targoński (Gdańsk)
• The role of DCB in the era of modern PCI.
Wojciech Wańha (Katowice)
• DCB for the treatment of complex coronary artery disease.
Sylwia Iwańczyk (Poznań)
• DCB in high bleeding risk patients: an alternative treatment to DES?
Mariusz Tomaniak (Warszawa)
• DCB for de novo coronary lesions: clinical applications.
Miłosz Jaguszewski (Gdańsk)
• The role of intravascular imaging during PCI with DCB.
Paweł Gąsior (Katowice)
16:15-16:30 COFFEE BREAK
• 16:30-17:45 OZW u pacjenta z niewydolnością serca.
Session organized by the Association of Heart Failure of the Polish Cardiac Society
Przewodniczący: Agnieszka Pawlak (Warszawa), Marek Grygier (Poznań)
Panel: Jarosław Zalewski (Kraków), Jan Zbigniew Peruga (Łódź), Wacław Kochman (Warszawa)
• 16:30-16:45 Niewydolność serca u chorych z OZW wg danych PL/ ACS.
Jacek Niedziela (Zabrze)
• 16:45-17:00 Pacjent z OZW i ostrą niewydolnością serca.
Krzysztof Ozierański (Warszawa)
• 17:00-17:15 Dylematy kliniczne – kiedy PCI?
Jacek Bil (Warszawa)
• 17:15-17:30 Dylematy kliniczne: kiedy kardiochirurg?
Mariusz Kuśmierczyk (Warszawa)
• 17:30-17:45 Dyskusja i podsumowanie
18:00-18:15 BREAK
• 18:15-19:45 My most demanding case in 2021-2022. Session under the patronage of the e-journal Interventional Cardiology Academy in cooperation with Club 30 of the PCS.
• 1. My best & worst case. Competition for diplomas.
Chairmen: Miłosz Jaguszewski (Gdańsk), Arkadiusz Pietrasik (Warsaw)
1. MVD: Expect the unexpected. Triple orbital artherectomy.
Łukasz Furtan (Lubin)
2. Sky is the limit for Impella-assisted PCI: 4 technologies, 3 vessels, 2 bifurcations and 1 CTO.
Aleksandra Gąsecka (Warszawa)
3. Can IVL make coronary artery disappear?
Mateusz Kaczyński (Warszawa)
4. Sounds Saves Lifes.
Adam Janas (Bielsko Biała)
5. Rescue PCI following CABG.
Wojciech Wańha (Katowice)
6. Wstrząs kardiogenny: od IABP przez pompy Impella po przeszczep serca.
Piotr Gajewski (Wrocław)
7. Angioplastyka prawej tętnicy wieńcowej z użyciem litotrypsji i wysokociśnieniowego balonu powikłana perforacją tętnicy, tamponadą i wstrząsem.
Maciej Karwowski (Wejherowo).
8. Moje najtrudniejsze decyzje – NSTEMI u 87-letniej chorej z dekompensacją układu krążenia i zaawansowaną chorobą wieńcową.
Piotr Buszman (Bielsko Biała)
• 20:00 KOLACJA / DINNER (Restauracja Mirage)
• 9.30-12.30 Warsaw Course on Complex and High Risk Indicated Patients (WAR-CHIP) organized in cooperation with Euro4C group.
Course Directors: Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw) and M. Ferenc (Bad Krozingen)
Scientific Committee: Robert J. Gil (Warsaw), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw), Krzysztof Reczuch (Wrocław), Leszek Bryniarski (Krakow), Sławomir Dobrzycki (Białystok)
• 9.30-11.00 Session 1.
CathLab live case guided session.
Chairs: Robert J. Gil (Warsaw), Jacek Legutko (Krakow)
Panelists: Adam Kern (Olsztyn), Adam Sukiennik (Bydgoszcz), Valery Gelev (Sofia), Pranas Serpytis (Vilnus),
• 9:30-9:33 Introduction by Robert J. Gil
• 9:33-10:03 Live case – high risk PCI with left ventricular support and atherectomy devices
Operators: Tomasz Pawłowski, Mirosław Ferenc
• 10:03-10:11 Low ejection fraction – do they need LVAD?
Arakadiusz Pietrasik (Warsaw)
• 10:11-10:19 Large bore access – tricks.
RadosławParma (Katowice)
• 10:19-10:27 Calcifications – Do they need orbital or rotational atherectomy?
Krzysztof Reczuch (Wrocław)
• 10:27-10:35 Another devices – High pressure & scoring balloons?
Maciej Lesiak (Poznań)
• 10:35-10:54 Which stent for calcified and long lesions?
Sławomir Dobrzycki (Białystok)
• 10:43-10:51 Large bore closure.
J. Sacha (Opole)
• 10:51-11:00 Summary by J. Legutko (Krakow)
• 11:05-12:30 Session 2.
Pro&contra in CHIPs
Chairman: Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw), Miroslaw Ferenc (Bad Krozingen)
Panelists: Stanisław Bartuś (Kraków), Zbigniew Chmielak (Warszawa), Zoltan Ruzsa (Szeged), Leszek Bryniarski (Krakow), Krzysztof Reczuch (Wrocław)
• 11:05-11:25 Imaging for every calcified lesion!
Pro – Janusz Kochman (Warsaw)
Contra – Tomasz Roleder (Wroclaw)
• 11:25-11:45 Left main stenting is different in every aspect!
Pro – Jacek Legutko (Kraków)
Contra – Maciej Lesiak (Poznań)
• 11:45-12:05 CTO PCI is a kind of CHIP procedure!
Pro – Mateusz Tajstra (Zabrze)
Contra – Maksymilian Opolski (Warsaw)
• 12:05-12:30 Live case 1. Complex CHIP PCI with LVAD support
Operators: Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw), Łukasz Lewicki (Wejherowo)
12:30-13:00 LUNCH BREAK
• 12:30-13:30 Boehringer-Ingelheim: Od prewencji do farmakoterapii niewydolności serca
Przewodniczący: Agnieszka Pawlak
• Co kardiolog inwazyjny powinien wiedzieć o SGLT2i? (15 min)
Prof. dr hab. n. med. Robert Gil
• Wpływ empagliflozyny na remodelling serca (15 min)
Prof. dr hab. n. med. Agnieszka Pawlak
• Czy w przyszłości będziemy mogli zapobiegać rozwojowi niewydolności serca? (15 min)
Prof. dr hab. n. med. Adam Witkowski
• Dyskusja, 15 min
• 13:30-15:00 Session: Robotic PCI: real need or just invention of bored interventionalist?
Chairmen: Robert Gil (Warsaw), Dariusz Dudek (Kraków)
Panelists: Adam Witkowski (Warsaw), Ravi Nair (Cleveland), Yves Louvard (Paris), Dobrin Vassilev (Sofia)
• 13:30-13:45 Robotic PCI systems: current technology overview (CorPath® GRX&R-One).
Dariusz Dudek (Krakow)
• 13:45-14:00 Robotic-assisted PCI: Clinical evidences.
Piotr Waciński (Lublin))
• 14:00-14:15 The benefits of robotic-assisted PCI: is it real?
Robert Gil (Warsaw)
• 14:15-14:27 Live in a box case. R-PCI for mid LAD.
Operators: Robert J. Gil (Warsaw), Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw)
• 14:27-14:55 Live case 2. R-PCI for MVD with iFR/FFR and IVUS guidance
Operators: Robert J. Gil (Warsaw), Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw)
• 14:55-15:00 Wrap-up.
Dariusz Dudek (Kraków)
15:00-15:15 BREAK
• 15:15-16:45 Joint Session of the Working Group on Cardiac Surgery & Association On Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society: Invasive Cardiology & Cardiac Surgery & Interventional Cardiology: Are we able to build new recommendations on myocardial revascularizations?
Chairmen: Adam Witkowski (Warsaw), Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice), Marek Deja (Katowice)
Panelists: Piotr Suwalski (Warsaw), Adam Kern (Olsztyn), Piotr Waciński (Lublin), Paweł Kleczyński (Krakow), Tomasz Hirnle (Białystok)
• 15:15-15:35 Acute Coronary Syndromes:
Interventionalist point of view. Mateusz Tajstra (Zabrze)
Cardiac Surgeon point of view. Tomasz Hirnle (Białystok)
• 15:35-15:55 Chronic Coronary Syndrome with MVD (w&w/o LM)
Interventionalist point of view. Maciej Lesiak (Poznań)
Cardiac Surgeon point of view. Marek Deja (Katowice)
• 15:55-16:15 The current controversies of Multivessel disease treatment – current update and furure trials.
Patrick W. Serruys (Galway)
• 16:15-16:35 Roundtable discussion
• 16:35-16:45 Wrap-up by A. Witkowski (Warsaw)
• 17:00- 18:00 Workshop supported by unrestricted grant from SMT
• SMT introduction movie, 5 min
• Cruz in MVD.
Patrick W. Serruys (Galway), 20 min
• Hydra valve – new option for TAVI.
A. Ielasi (Milan), 15 min
• Hydra aortic valve and Cruz stent as a combined treatment of patients with aortic stenosis and coronary artery disease AS &MVD.
Robert J. Gil, 10 min
• Discussion (10 min)
18:00-18:15 BREAK
• 18:15-19:15 Od zawału do niewydolności serca AD 2023 – Jak poprawić rokowanie pacjenta wg najnowszych doniesień?
Sesja – 45 min
Prowadzący: prof. dr hab. med. Robert J. Gil
• 18:15-18:30 Jak poprawić rokowanie pacjenta z OZW w świetle najnowszych danych klinicznych
Prof. M. Hawranek (Zabrze)
• 18:30-18:45 Nowa strategia na poprawę rokowań u pacjentów z niewydolnością serca
Prof. A. Pawlak (Warszawa)
• 18:45-19:00 Dyskusja podsumowująca
• 9.30-11.00 Session 1
Revascularization in patients with HF: when, whom and which…
Chairman: Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw), Jarosław Wójcik (Nałęczów)
Panelists: Stanisław Bartuś (Kraków), Chmielak (Warszawa), Zoltan Ruzsa (Szeged), Agnieszka Pawlak (Warsaw), Tomasz Hirnle (Białystok)
• 9:30-9:42 Trials review and current ESC guidelines.
Paweł Rubiś (Kraków)
• 9:42-9:47 Discussion
• 9:47-9:59 Tissue consequences of acute and chronic myocardial ischemia – hibernation, stun vs viability.
Jarosław Zalewski (Kraków)
• 9:59-10:04 Discussion
• 10:04-10:16 Which parameter is most important regarding selection for revascularization?
Zoltan Ruzsa (Szeged)
• 10:16-10:21 Discussion
• 10:21-10:33 Echo Dobutamine, PET, SPECT and cMRI – are they equal?
Andreas Baumbach (London)
• 10:33-10:38 Discussion
• 10:21-10:33 Echo Dobutamine, PET, SPECT and cMRI – are they equal?
Andreas Baumbach (London)
• 10:33-10:38 Discussion
• 10:38-10:50 Proposal of the algorithm for proper patient`s selection for myocardial revascularization.
Ravi Nair (Cleveland)
• 10:55-11:00 Discussion & wrap-up
• 11:00-12:20 Session 2
How Should I treat Cardiogenic Shock in patient with multivessel disease suffering from STEMI?
Chairmen: Adam Witkowski (Warsaw), Robert J. Gil (Warsaw), Pranas Serpytis (Vilnus)
Panelists: Janusz Kochman (Warsaw), Valery Gelev (Sofia), Miłosz Jaguszewski (Gdańsk)
• 11:00-11:05 Introduction and objectives. A. Witkowski
• Case 1 (w/o LM involvement).
Speaker 1: Case presentation (5 minutes). Piotr Desperak (Zabrze)
Expert 1: How would I treat? (7 minutes). Leszek Bryniarski (Krakow)
Expert 2: How would I treat? (7 minutes). Valery Gelev (Sofia)
Speaker 1 (5 minutes). Piotr Desperak (Zabrze)
Discussion – 10 minutes
Consensus (5 minutes) William Wijns (Galway)
• Case 2 (with LM involvement).
Speaker 2: Case presentation (5 minutes) Dobrin Vassiliev (Sofia)
Expert 1: How would I treat? (7 minutes) Miłosz Jaguszewski (Gdańsk)
Expert 2: How would I treat? (7 minutes) Jerzy Pręgowski (Warsaw)
Speaker 2: How did I treat. (5 minutes) Dobrin Vassiliev (Sofia)
Discussion. (10 minutes)
Consensus (5 minutes). R.J. Gil (Warsaw)
12:30-13:30 LUNCH BREAK
• 12:30-13:30 ABBOTT: Advances in the treatment of coronary and structural heart diseases Anno Domini 2023
Chairpersons: Prof. Stanisław Bartuś, Prof. Marek Grygier, Prof. Wojciech Wojakowski
• How to Train Your Dragon… Fly OCT system.
Prof. Stanislaw Bartuś
• MitraClip – 15 years of experience, 150k patients treated and COAPT 5- Year Follow up.
Prof. Wojciech Wojakowski
• TriClip – the first choice to treat TR- lessons learned from recent clinical trials.
Prof. Marek Grygier
• Quo vadis 2023…
Prof. Stanisław Bartuś, Prof. Marek Grygier, Prof. Wojciech Wojakowski
• 13:30-15:00 Session 3.
Intracoronary visualization – do we have clear recommendation regarding usage of IVUS and OCT?
Chairmen: Andreas Baumbach (London), Jacek Legutko (Krakow), Gary Mintz (New York)
Panelists: Jerzy Sacha (Opole), Paweł Tyczyński (Warsaw), Krzysztof Dyrbuś (Zabrze), Paweł Kleczyński (Kraków)
• 13:30-13:38 IVUS vs OCT: master position.
Gary Mintz (New York)
• 13:38-13:54 How to perform PCI procedure in patients with acute coronary syndromes with use of:
IVUS – Paweł Kleczyński (Krakow)
OCT – S. Bartuś (Kraków)
• 13:54-14:11 How to use PCI procedure with left main disease with use of:
IVUS – P. Tyczyński (Warsaw)
OCT – P. Gąsior (Katowice)
• 14:11-14:27 Complications of PCI: diagnosis and treatment:
I prefer IVUS guidance – M. Tajstra (Zabrze)
I prefer OCT guidance – T. Roleder (Wrocław)
• 14:27-14:55 Live case 3. R-PCI for MVD with iFR/FFR and IVUS guidance
Operators: Robert J. Gil, (Warsaw) Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw)
• 14:55-15:00 Wrap-up.
Jacek Legutko (Kraków)
15:00-15:15 BREAK
• 15:15-16:45 Session 4. Mechanical cardiac support in cardiovascular & pulmonary care
Chairmen: Robert Gil (Warsaw), Konstanty Szułdrzyński (Warsaw)
Panelists: Jacek Legutko (Kraków), Jerzy Sacha (Opole), Stanisław Bartuś (Kraków), Wiktor Kuliczkowski (Wrocław), Ravi Nair (Cleveland)
• 15:15-15:27 Percutaneous MCS– which is the best for complex PCI & cardiogenic shock?
Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw)
• 15:27-15:39 Extracorporal membrane oxygenation in cardiogenic shock & post cardiotomy syndrome.
Piotr Suwalski (Warsaw)
• 15:39-15:51 Every ECMO therapy needs ventricular venting – how to achieve it – IABP / LVAD.
Wiktor Kuliczkowski (Wrocław)
• 15:51-16:03 VV ECMO and RVAD for pulmonary support – together or not?
Konstanty Szułdrzyński (Warsaw)
• 16:03-16:40 Live case 4. PCI in a patients with severe depressed LV with LVAD support
Operators: Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw), Janusz Kochman (Warsaw)
• 16:40-16:45 Wrap-up
• WARCHIP training corner
Interactions with clinical experts: day with industry experts
Hands -on & simulators based training including:
• Impella CP & Impella RV – Procardia/Abiomed
• Rotational atherectomy – Boston Scientific
• Orbital Atherectomy – Procardia
• Large bore closure – Manta
• iVAC-2L – Medaccess
• IVUS – Philips Volcano
• OCT Ultreon – Abbott
Warsaw CTO Symposium (4th Edition)
Course Co-Directors: Maksymilian Opolski (Warsaw), Paul Knaapen (Amsterdam)
• 8:00-10:30 Morning Session 1 (Scholar Squats)
Chairs: Paul Knaapen (Amsterdam), Carlo di Mario (Florence)
Panel: Piotr Kwiatkowski (Warsaw), Andrew Lucking (Oxford), Shamim Rahman (Birmingham), Mateusz Tajstra (Zabrze)
• 8:00-8:05 Opening
Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
• 8:05-8:15 Easy-peasy: the universal CTO skills for PCI operators
Paul Knaapen (Amsterdam)
• 8:15-8:25 CTO PCI after ISCHEMIA and REVIVED: rise from the ashes?
Carlo di Mario (Florence)
• 8:25-8:35 Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee: when to choose polymeric wires?
Andrew Lucking (Oxford)
• 8:35 Live Case 1 (National Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw)
Maksymilian Opolski (Warsaw) – Artur Dębski (Warsaw) – Umberto Barbero (Savigliano)
• 9:00 Live Case 2 (Medical University of Warsaw)
Gabriele Gasparini (Milano) – Arkadiusz Pietrasik (Warsaw)
10:30-11:00 COFFEE BREAK
• 11:00-13:15 Morning Session 2 (CTO Crunches)
Chairs: Pierfrancesco Agostoni (Antwerp), Jo Dens (Genk)
Panel: Jakub Drozd (Lublin)
• 11:00-11:10 When to stop antegrade wiring?: “The trouble is, you think you have time”
Pierfrancesco Agostoni (Antwerp)
• 11:10-11:20 Difficult ADR: “Just Can’t Get Enough”
Jo Dens (Genk)
• 11:20 Live Case 3 (Military Clinical Hospital in Lublin)
Alex Nap (Amsterdam) – Grzegorz Sobieszek (Lublin) – Bartosz Zięba (Lublin)
• 12:00 Live Case 4 (National Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw)
Yoshifumi Kashima (Sapporo) – Paul Knaapen (Amsterdam) – Maksymilian Opolski (Warsaw)
13:15-14:15 LUNCH and Industry Sponsored Sessions
• 14:15-16:30 Afternoon Session 1 (IVUS Sit Up’s)
Chair: Andrea Gagnor (Turin), Rafał Wolny (Warsaw)
Panel: Pierfrancesco Agostoni (Antwerp), Mihajlo Kovacic (Cakovec), Grzegorz Mężyński (Białystok), Marek Radomski (Inowrocław)
• 14:15-14:25 My dear mistress IVUS: Blue eyes are cool, but grey eyes rule
Andrea Gagnor (Turin)
• 14:25-14:35 Mortal combat IVUS Competition
Rafał Wolny (Warsaw)
• 14:35 Live Case 5 (Atlanta, USA)
Stéphane Rinfret (Atlanta) – William Nicholson (Atlanta)
• 15:10 Live Case 6 (Military Clinical Hospital in Lublin)
Gregor Leibundgut (Basel) – Grzegorz Sobieszek (Lublin) – Bartosz Zięba (Lublin)
• 16:30-17:15 Afternoon Session 2 (CTO Push-Ups)
Chair: Leszek Bryniarski (Cracow), Jarosław Wójcik (Nałęczów)
Panel: Umberto Barbero (Savigliano), Jakub Drozd (Lublin), Mihajlo Kovacic (Cakovec), Grzegorz Mężyński (Białystok), Shamim Rahman (Birmingham)
• 16:30-16:40 Contrast and radiation: I fear more than my wife.
Mihajlo Kovacic (Cakovec)
• 16:40-16:50 Tamponade troubleshoting: “Dress me slowly, I’m in a hurry”
Umberto Barbero (Savigliano)
• 16:50-17:00 Proctoring in CTO PCI: when the host and the guest meet for a CTO date
Jakub Drozd (Lublin)
• 17:00-17:10 The KNAP school of CTO PCI: legacy of two “Magicians” from Amsterdam
Shamim Rahman (Birmingham)
• 17:10-17:15 Closing remarks and adjourn
Maksymilian Opolski (Warsaw)
• 18:00 CTO Warsaw Challenge Tour (by invitation only)
• 08:00-09:00 Workshop with attorney.
Warsztaty z prawnikiem.
Prokurator Ewa Kiec, Kierownik Zakładu Szkolenia Biegłych CMKP.
• 09:00-18:00 Structural Heart Disease Interventions
• 09:00-11:45 Session 1
Optimizing TAVI procedural and long-term results for life-time patients management
Chair: Jan Kovac (Leicester), Ariel Finkelstein (Tel Aviv), Dariusz Dudek (Kraków), Dariusz Jagielak (Gdańsk)
Panel: Sławomir Dobrzycki (Białystok), Radosław Parma (Katowice), Marcin Protasiewicz (Wrocław), Marek Grygier (Poznań)
• 09:00-09:40 Live case 1. Valve in Valve TAVI from NIKARD
Operators: Adam Witkowski (Warsaw), Maciej Dąbrowski (Warsaw)
ECHO: Paweł Tyczyński (Warsaw)
• 09:40-09:55 Optimal technique for TAVI in SAVR and TAVI in TAVI.
Dariusz Jagielak (Gdańsk)
• 09:55-10:35 Live case / live in a box case 2. TAVI in Bicuspid Aortic Valve from Central Hospital of MSWiA (Warsaw)
Operators: Robert J. Gil (Warsaw), Andrzej Ochała (Katowice)
• 10:35-10:50 Implantation technique in bicuspid aortic valve.
Corrado Tamburino (Catania)
• 10:50-11:05 How to preserve coronary access for future interventions in balloon- and self-expandable transcatheter aortic valves?
Lars Søndergaard (Copenhagen)
• 11:05-11:20 TAVI in Patients with Previous Mitral Valve Replacement.
Zbigniew Chmielak (Warsaw)
• 11:20-11:35 Life journey with TAVI. What we have learned after 20 years and future perspective.
Eberhard Grube (Bonn)
• 11:35-11:45 Session wrap-up.
Ariel Finkelstein (Tel Aviv)
11:45-12:00 COFFEE BREAK
• 12:00-13:15 Session 2.
Stroke Prevention and Treatment
Chair: Marek Grygier (Poznań), Zenon Huczek (Warsaw), Tadeusz Przewłocki (Kraków)
Panel: Grzegorz Smolka (Katowice), Krzysztof Kaczmarek (Łódź), Łukasz Lewicki (Wejherowo), Tomasz Bochenek (Katowice), Wiktor Kuliczkowski (Wrocław), Ronen Leker (Jerusalem)
• 12:00-12:35 Live case 3. LAAO from NIKARD
Operators: Marcin Demkow (Warsaw), Piotr Rudziński (Warsaw)
ECHO: Marek Konka (Warsaw)
• 12:35-12:45 Left atrial appendage closure for all?
Marek Grygier (Poznań)
• 12:45-12:55 Post LAAC treatment in patients with good result, with Device-Related Thrombus, and with para-device Leak.
Radosław Pracoń (London)
• 12:55-13:05 Periprocedural stroke during LAA interventions.
Witold Streb (Zabrze)
• 13:05-13:15 Intervention in acute stroke.
Ronen Leker (Jerusalem)
13:15-14:15 LUNCH
• 14:15-18:00 Session 3.
Mitral and Tricuspid Valve Transcatheter Interventions
Chair: Ralph Stephan von Bardeleben (Mainz), Dan Haberman (Rehovot), Jerzy Pręgowski (Warsaw), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
Panel: Marek Grygier (Poznań), Patrycjusz Stokłosa (Warsaw), Piotr Waciński (Lublin), Jarosław Skowroński (Warsaw), Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice), Robert Gil (Warsaw), Krzysztof Reczuch (Wrocław)
• 14:15-14:20 Session key learnings.
Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
• 14:20-15:20 Live / live in a box case 3. Mitral Valve TEER from Warsaw Medical University
• 15:20-16:20 Live / live in a box case 4. Tricuspid Valve TEER/TTVR from NIKARD (Warsaw)
Operators: J. Pręgowski, Adam Witkowski
Echo: P. Stokłosa
• 16:20-16:30 The assessment of residual mitral and tricuspid regurgitation after TEER. How to understand the 4-tier grading scale?
Piotr Pysz (Katowice)
• 16:30-16:40 Comparison of two TEER devices (MitraClip vs Pascal) for mitral and tricuspid regurgitation.
Jerzy Pręgowski (Warsaw)
• 16:40-16:50 Simultaneus vs. staged TEER repair in patients with concomitant mitral and tricuspid regurgitation.
Adam Rdzanek (Warsaw)
• 16:50-17:00 The long-term management of patients after TEER for functional mitral regurgitation.
Aleksandra Mioduszewska (Warsaw)
• 17:00-17:10 Transcatheter annuloplasty for the treatment of TR.
Dan Haberman (Rehovot)
• 17:10-17:20 TR treatment: early clinical experience with CroiValve.
Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice)
• 17:20-17:30 The perspectives of repair (TEER) versus replacement for mitral regurgitation.
Kazimierz Widenka (Rzeszów)
• 17:30-17:40 The perspectives of repair (TEER) versus replacement for tricuspid regurgitation.
Ralph Stephan von Bardeleben (Mainz)
• 17:40-17:50 Transcatheter interventions for MR and TR. Perspective of EAPCI.
Dariusz Dudek (Kraków)
• 17:50-18:00 Session wrap-up.
Ralph Stephan von Bardeleben (Mainz)
• 09:00-16:00 High-risk Coronary Interventions, New Devices, Coronary and Valve Complications
• 09:00-11:45 Session 1.
Left Ventricular Assist Devices
• 09:00-11:45 Session 1. Left Ventricular Assist Devices
Chair: Andreas Baumbach (London), Tomasz Hirnle (Białystok), Marek Gierlotka (Opole), Zoltan Ruzsa (Szeged)
Panel: Zbigniew Chmielak (Warszawa), Jacek Legutko (Kraków), Łukasz Lewicki (Wejherowo), Andrzej Ochała (Katowice)
• 09:00-09:15 How safely to do a closure of the femoral artery after PCI with percutaneous left ventricular assist device? Lessons learned from valve interventions.
Jerzy Sacha (Opole)
• 09:15-10:15 Live case 1. High-risk elective PCI with the assistance of IMPELLA and IVUS-NIRS imaging from University Hospital in Brno.
Operator: Petr Kala
• 10:15-10:25 Results and conclusions from the Impella-PL Registry.
Arkadiusz Pietrasik (Warsaw)
• 10:25-10:35 How to select a patient for different LVADs? A practical approach.
Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw) (recorded)
• 10:35-11:35 Live case. High-risk elective PCI with the assistance of IVAC from University Hospital, Cracow
Operators: Stanisław Bartuś (Kraków), Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw)
• 11:35-11:45 Do we need ECMO in Cath Lab in the era of transcatheter LVADs?
Stanisław Bartuś (Kraków), (recorded)
11:45-12:00 COFFEE BREAK
• 12:00-13:15 Session 2.
Percutaneous ablation of hard/calcified coronary plaques
Chair: Gary Mintz (New York), Petr Kala (Brno), Jacek Legutko (Kraków), Piotr Waciński (Lublin), Patrick Serruys (Galway)
Panel: Adam Witkowski (Warsaw), Jerzy Sacha (Opole), Krzysztof Reczuch (Wrocław), Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice), Sławomir Dobrzycki (Białystok)
• 12:00-13:00 Live case 8 (simultaneous transmission from Warsaw CTO Course). CTO PCI with the use of LVAD from NIKARD (Warsaw)
Operators: Yoshifumi Kashima (Sapporo) – Paul Knaapen (Amsterdam) – Maksymilian Opolski (Warsaw)
• 13:00-15:15 The devices we have on shelf: Rotablation, Orbital Atherectomy, Shockwave Lithotripsy and Laser. The conundrum of appropriate selection.
Ralf Birkemeyer (Ulm)
13:15-14:15 LUNCH and Industry Sessions
• 14:15-16:00 Session 3.
The Most Remarkable Cases
Chair: Marek Jasiński (Wrocław), Zoltan Ruzsa (Szeged), Zbigniew Chmielak (Warsaw)
Panel: Dariusz Jagielak (Gdańsk), Krzysztof Reczuch (Wrocław), Piotr Waciński (Lublin), Piotr Pysz (Katowice), Stanisław Bartuś (Kraków), Aleksander Araszkiewicz (Poznań)
• 14:15-14:30 Case 1. TAVI in bicuspid aortic valve.
Maciej Dąbrowski (Warsaw)
• 14:30-14:40 Comments
by Dariusz Jagielak (Gdańsk)
• 14:40-14:55 Case 2.
Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)
• 14:55-15:05 Comments
by Marek Grygier (Poznań)
• 15:05-15:20 Case 3.
Radosław Targoński (Gdańsk)
• 15:20-15:30 Comments
by Piotr Suwalski (Warsaw)
• 15:30-15:45 Case 4.
Jarosław Trębacz (Kraków)
• 15:45-15:55 Comments
by Zenon Huczek (Warsaw)
• 15:55-16:00 Chairmen wrap-up.
Zbigniew Chmielak (Warsaw)
Hotel Airport Okęcie
Komitetu Obrony Robotników 24 St.,
02-148 Warsaw, Poland
phone: +48 22 456 80 00
Hotel is located in the southwest part of Warsaw at the junction of national roads: S2, S7 and S8 as well as in the immediate vicinity of the Chopin Airport. The location is convenient for domestic and foreign travel. The public transport network connects the hotel with the centre of Warsaw.
Professor Robert Julian Gil, MD, Ph.D., a graduate of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin has been the head of the Department of Invasive Cardiology of the Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration (MSWiA) in Warsaw, one of the most efficient centres of Interventional Cardiology in Poland since 2001. In 1997-2004 he was the Chair of the Invasive Cardiology Section (Working Group) of the Polish Cardiac Society, and a member of its Board (as a past president) for the next 3 years. Since 2001 he has been in the Expert Team handling accreditation in cardiology appointed by the Polish Minister of Health. Since 2002 he has been a Consultant of Healthcare for the Ministry of the Interior and Administration in the field of cardiology.
His scientific interests include mostly the evaluation of atherosclerotic plaque, coronary stenosis, diagnostics and treatment of complex lesions, including bifurcation lesions. He is also interested in the use of percutaneous revascularisation in acute coronary syndromes. For many years he has participated in international clinical studies evaluating medicines and devices supporting coronary angioplasty.
His achievements include over 200 publications in peer-reviewed journals, out of which more than 60 were published in foreign journals (IF close to 200). Moreover, he co-authored 30 chapters of books on interventional cardiology and more than 300 convention reports, out of which more than 100 were presented at prestigious international conventions on clinical electrophysiology and invasive cardiology. Since 2005 he has been a research fellow in the Mossakowski Medical Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. In June 2013 he was appointed as professor in that Institution.
He initiated annual National Workshops on Interventional Cardiology, which after 5 editions in Szczecin were moved to Warsaw as the Warsaw Course on Cardiovascular Interventions. Their 19th edition is planned for April 2015.
He co-authored the guidelines of the Invasive Cardiology Section of the Polish Cardiac Society concerning Invasive Cardiology.
Since 2007 he has been a member of the exclusive European Bifurcation Club handling the questions of diagnostics and treatment of bifurcation lesions.
Since 1994 he has been a scientific reviewer of monthly Kardiologia Polska, since 1998 – Folia Cardiologica (currently Cardiology Journal), and since 2000 – Polski Przegląd Kardiologiczny. In all of these magazines he is a member of Editorial Boards, and in Kardiologia Polska was the editor of column “Angiogram of the month”. Since 2009 he has regularly reviewed papers sent by to the American Journal of Cardiology, EuroIntervention, Journal of Interventional Cardiology and Circulation.
In 1999 he was appointed as the editor-in-chief of the Invasive Cardiology journal and is performing these functions up till today.
Since 1999 he has been active in the Working Group on coronary circulation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), which in September 2006 transformed into the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI). In 2009 he was assigned to its Grant Committee. In June 2000 he was awarded a prestigious title of the Fellow of European Society of Cardiology. Since 2001 he has been regularly invited to actively participate (Faculty member) in such prestigious Congresses and Workshops of Interventional Cardiology as: EuroPCR, TCT, TCT Russia, ICI in Tel Aviv, European Bifurcation Club meetings and many national congresses.
General Cardiology & Haemodynamics Dept., Institute of Cardiology,
42 Alpejska St., 04-628 Warsaw, Poland
Phone: +48 22 812 41 64
Fax: +48 22 34 34 506
E-mail: witkowski@hbz.pl
Born: Poznań, Poland Aug 1st, 1958
Education: Warsaw Medical Academy 1976- 83
Proffessional training:
• six weeks of elective training at the Division of Cardiology, University of Maryland Hospital, USA, 1980
• Internship, Medicine and Surgery 1983-84
• 1st degree – Internal Medicine 1986
• two weeks of elective training at the Haemodynamics Division, University Vaudois Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1989
• 6th Course in Interventional Cardiology, Geneva, Switzerland, 1989
• 2nd degree – Internal Medicine 1990
• Doctor of Philosophy 1993
• Fellowship in Cardiology 1996
• Habilitation 2001 (postdoctoral lecturing qualification)
• Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology 2003
Post held:
• Assistant and Senior Assistant, Haemodynamics&General Cardiology Dept., Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland 1983-93
• Assistant Professor, Heamodynamics &General Cardiology Dept., Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland, 1993
• Deputy Director, Haemodynamics Dept., Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland, 1998
• Associate Professor, Haemodynamics Dept., Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland, 2001
• Chairmen, Working Group on Interventional, Cardiology of the Polish Cardiac Society 2004-7
• Primary Investigator, CAPE, Pfizer 1990-92
• Co-Investigator, GITS Verapamil, Lorex Pharmaceuticals, USA 1992-93
• Co-Investigator, MATTIS, Sanofi Winthrop, 1996
• Co-Investigator, EXCITE, Searle 1998
• Primary Investigator, Tirofiban Study, MSD 1998
• Primary lnvestigator, ICARUS – 1+2, 1999 Medtronic
• Primar Investigator, Race-Car, Medtronic 1999
• Co-lnvestigator, ADVANCE, Boston Scientific 1999
• Primary Investigator, PRESTO, S-KB 2000
• Primary Investigator, VISION, Guidant 2001
• Co-Investigator, Taxus II, Boston Scientific 2001
• Co-Investigator, Euroinject-One 2002
• Co-Investigator, Taxus VI, Boston Scientific 2002
• Co-Investigator, Agent-4, Schering 2002
• Co-Investigator, ARTS II, J&J-Cordis 2003
• Co-Investigator, ENDEAVOR II, Medtronic 2004
• Primary Investigator, FREEDOM 2006
• Primary Investigator, HORIZONS 2006
• Co-Investigator, SYNTAX 2006
Special interest In Cardiology:
Coronary Interventions (PTCA, DCA, TEC, Stenting, HOCM ablation, Brachytherapy)
Research Work:
• Systolic and Diastolic Performance of the Left Ventricle
• Stunned and Hibernating Myocardium
• Perfusion Balloon Catheters
• Coronary Stenting
• Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
• Coronary Brachytherapy
• Acute coronary syndrome
• Angiogenesis
Awards of the Polish Cardiac Society 1995, 2001
Faculty member:
ESC Congresses, EuroPCR