21st Warsaw Course on Cardiovascular Interventions

5th-7th April 2017
Hotel InterContinental, 49 Emilii Plater Street, Warsaw

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Dear Colleagues,

We have a great pleasure to invite you to the XXIst edition of the  Warsaw Course on Cardiovascular Interventions (WCCI), an official meeting of the Association on Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society.WCCI will take place from 5th to 7th April 2017 in Warsaw, in a INTERCONTINENTAL Hotel on 49 Emilii Plater Street.

WCCI program will be available soon at www.wcci.pl

On first day of WCCI an exciting event is planned: Young Practitioners Course under the auspices of the Association on Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society, European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI) and Paris Course on Revascularization (PCR).This event is especially dedicated for younger interventionalists from Central and Eastern Europe who already initiated their traing in PCI.

Registration Forms for WCCI and Young Practitioners Coursewill be available soon at www.wcci.pl

As a result of our continued cooperation with EAPCI and PCR, the WCCI is a regular event in the European calendar of cardiovascular interventions. First time we would also like to invite all WCCI participants to the special session dedicated to the position of interevntional cardiology in Eastern and Middle European countries. The Course is also accredited by Polish Cardiac Society and EBAC.

At WCCI in 2017 there will be four main pathways:

1. Coronary Revascularization
2. Structural and Valvular Heart Interventions
3. Peripheral and Carotid Artery Interventions, including Acute Stroke Interventions
4. A NEW TOPIC at WCCI! ComplexCare on Patient safter Myocardial Infarction.

As WCCI program is as much practical and interactive as possible, many sessions will be in the Learning The Technique, How Should I Treat and Case Review format. Alsomanyinterestingcoronary, structural and peripheral live caseswill be transmitted throughall 3 days of WCCI, as well as satellite symposia, presenting the new trials and devices, nurse and technician session and session for paramedics will be a part of WCCI 2017.

You cordially invited you to participate and join us in Warsaw! We do hope that the  XXIst edition of WCCI will be important and successful!

Directors of the 21st WCCI

Professor Robert J. Gil             Professor Adam Witkowski


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Workshop Programme /

  • 1 Day (Wednesday, April 5th, 2017, 9:00-21:30) 21st Warsaw Course on Cardiovascular Interventions
  • 2 Day (Thursday, April 6th, 2017, 7:00-20:10) 21st Warsaw Course on Cardiovascular Interventions
  • 3 Day (Friday, April 7th, 2017, 7:30-15:00) 21st Warsaw Course on Cardiovascular Interventions
  • 1 Day (Wednesday, April 5th, 2017) 21st Young Practitioners Master Class - Management by PCI of a patient with NSTE-ACS and multivessel disease

9:00-09:50 BOARDROOM
Press Conference
Professor Robert Gil, WCCI Director
Professor Adam Witkowski, WCCI Director
Professor Piotr Hoffman, President of the Polish Cardiac Society
Professor Jacek Legutko, Chairman of the ACVI of the PCS

09:00-16:00 RUBINSTEIN ROOM (second floor of the Hotel Conference Centre)
A patient with NSTE-ACS and mutivessel coronary artery disease
Facilitators: Jacek Legutko (Krakow), Jerzy Pręgowski (Warsaw), William Wijns (Galway)

10:00-11:55 Opieka kompleksowa w kardiologii – dokąd zmierzamy?
Cykl debat z uczestnictwem przedstawicieli Ministerstwa Zdrowia, Narodowego Funduszu Zdrowia, AOTMiT, pracodawców i ekspertów klinicznych
Prowadzący: red. Marcin Piasecki (Rzeczpospolita)

10:00-10:55 ROOM C
Pacjent po zawale serca – jak funkcjonuje modelowe rozwiązanie dla opieki kompleksowej w kardiologii w praktyce?
Paneliści alfabetycznie:
• Dariusz Dudek – Profesor kardiologii, Kierownik II Oddziału Klinicznego Kardiologii oraz Interwencji Sercowo-Naczyniowych Szpital Uniwersytecki, UJ Collegium Medicum
• Jarosław Fedorowski, Prezes Polskiej Federacji Szpitali
• Marek Gierlotka, Profesor kardiologii, Przewodniczący-Elekt Sekcji Intensywnej Terapii Kardiologicznej i Resuscytacji PTK, Konsultant wojewódzki w dziedzinie kardiologii
• Tomasz Hryniewiecki – Profesor kardiologii, Dyrektor Instytutu Kardiologii w Warszawie
• Andrzej Jacyna – Prezes Narodowego Funduszu Zdrowia
• Piotr Jankowski – Profesor kardiologii, Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie
• Marek Tombarkiewicz  – Podsekretarz Stanu, Ministerstwo Zdrowia
• Mirosław Wysocki – Profesor medycyny, Dyrektor Narodowego Instytutu Zdrowia Publicznego – PZH, Konsultant Krajowy w dziedzinie Zdrowia Publicznego

11:00-11:55 ROOM C
Wyzwania dla ochrony zdrowia w Polsce: Jak wygląda wprowadzanie nowych leków i technologii medycznych do praktyki klinicznej?
Paneliści alfabetycznie:
Jakub Gierczyński – Wykładowca i ekspert w Narodowym Instytucie Zdrowia Publicznego i Instytucie Zarządzania w Ochronie Zdrowia Uczelni Łazarskiego
Robert J. Gil – Profesor kardiologii, Kierownik Kliniki Kardiologii Inwazyjnej, Centralny Szpital Kliniczny MSWiA w Warszawie
Stefan Grajek – Profesor kardiologii, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Poznaniu
Piotr Hoffman – Profesor kardiologii, Prezes Polskiego Towarzystwa Kardiologicznego
Krzysztof Łanda – Podsekretarz Stanu, Ministerstwo Zdrowia
Wojciech Matusewicz – Prezes Agencji Oceny Technologii Medycznych i Taryfikacji
Maciej Miłkowski – Zastępca Prezesa Narodowego Funduszu Zdrowia ds. Finansowych
Łukasz Szumowski – Podsekretarz Stanu w Ministerstwie Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego
Sylwia Wądrzyk – Bularz – Rzecznik NFZ
Adam Witkowski – Profesor kardiologii, Kierownik Kliniki Kardiologii i Angiologii Interwencyjnej, Instytut Kardiologii w Warszawie

11:55-12:05 COFFEE BREAK

12:05-13:00 ROOM C
Special Session of the Association on Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society: Focus on acute stroke treatment in Poland (Session in Polish)
Przewodniczący: Prof. Robert J. Gil (Warszawa),  Prof. Adam Witkowski (Warszawa), Prof. Agnieszka Słowik (Kraków), Dr hab. n. med. Anetta Lasek-Bal (Katowice)
Panel: Paweł Buszman (Ustron), Andrzej Kleinrok (Zamość), Witold Rużyłło (Warszawa), Krzysztof Ziaja (Katowice), Agata Stanek (Bytom)

• 12:05-12:15 Epidemiologia, patofizjologia oraz kliniczna prezentacja ostrego niedokrwiennego udaru mózgu. Leczenie interwencyjne: tromboliza i trombektomia. Andrzej Kleinrok (Zamość)
• 12:15-12:27 Leczenie trombolityczne – wciąż leczenie z wyboru w ostrym niedokrwiennym udarze mózgu? (Thrombolysis – still treatment of choice for acute ischemic stroke?) Anetta Lasek-Bal (Katowice)
• 12:27-12.39 Polskie doświadczenia leczenia ostrego udaru mózgu za pomocą trombektomii mechanicznej. Agnieszka Słowik (Kraków)
• 12:39- 12:50 Leczenie interwencyjne ostrego niedokrwiennego udaru mózgu – jak powinno przebiegać wdrożenie programu w szpitalu? Krzysztof Ziaja (Katowice)
• 12:50-13:05 Dyskusja

13:05-13:15 COFFEE BREAK

13:15-14:45 LUNCH (lunch boxes at satellite symposia) 13:15-14:45 ROOM A
Satellite Lunch Symposium 1. Sponsored by unrestricted grant by Abbott Vascular (session in Polish)
Interwencje w OZW z zastosowaniem stentu Absorb BVS – co wiemy dziś?
Przewodniczący: Prof. Mariusz Gąsior (Zabrze), Prof. Sławomir Dobrzycki (Białystok)
Panel: Prof. Dariusz Dudek (Kraków), Prof. Maciej Lesiak (Poznań), Dr Janusz Rzeźniczak (Poznań), Dr. Adrian Włodarczak (Lubin), Prof. Jarosław Wójcik (Lublin)
1. Absorb BVS w kardiologii interwencyjnej – rzeczywistość w Polsce, Europie i na świecie oraz aktualne wyniki kliniczne.  Prof. Dariusz Dudek (Karków)
2. 5-letnie doświadczenia z implantacją stentu Absorb BVS u pacjentów z OZW. Dr Adrian Włodarczak (Lubin)
3. Rejestr wieloośrodkowy Absorb BVS w OZW.  Prof. Maciej Lesiak (Poznań)
4. Porównanie wyników leczenia Absorb BVS vs  Xience w OZW – doświadczenia własne.  Prof.  Mariusz Gąsior (Zabrze)
5. Dyskusja.

13:15-14:45 ROOM B
Satellite Lunch Symposium 2.

Sponsored by unrestricted grant by BALTON
BiOSS Lim C  and ALEX Plus stents (Balton Company, Warsaw PL) –  further steps towards the optimization of coronary stenosis treatment.
Chairmen: Carlo Briguori ( Naples), Robert J. Gil (Warsaw), Dobrin Vassilev (Sofia)
Pannelists:  Adam Kern (Olsztyn), Luis Ingio Garcia (Marbella), Marek Król (Ustroń), Jacek Legutko ( Kraków), Antonio Nicosia ( Rugusa)
1. Sirolimus-eluting stent ALEX Plus® with a biodegradable polymer in the all-comers population: one year clinical results with quantitative coronary angiography and optical coherence tomography analysis. Jacek Legutko (Kraków) (18 min)
2. Long-term safety and Efficacy of Thin Struts Biodegradable Coated Sirolimus Eluting Alex Stents Compared to Durable Polymer Everolimus Eluting Xience Stents Implanted in All-Comers Patient Population Michał Hawranek (Zabrze) (18 min)
3. First-in-Men for a Thin-Strut, Chromium-Cobalt Version of the Dedicated Bifurcation Stent BiOSS® Lim: 3 month results for ongoing Registry. Robert J Gil (Warsaw) (18 min)
4. Presentation of clinical cases with Alex Plus and BiOSS LimC usage. (25 min); Adam Kern (Olsztyn), Luis Inigio Garcia (Marbella), Marek Król (Ustroń), Antonio Nicosia (Rugusa)
5. Discussion (9 min)
6. Take home message (2 min) Dobrin Vassiliev (Sofia)

13:15-14:45 ROOM C
Satellite Lunch Symposium 3.

Sponsored by unrestricted grant by MEDTRONIC
Transcatheter Valve Interventions: aortic and pulmonary.
Chairmen: Lars Sondergaard (Copenhagen), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
• 13:15-13:20 Introduction. Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
• 13:20-13: 35 TBD. Lars Sondergaard (Copenhagen)
• 13:35-13:50 Evolut R 34 – the best approach to large aortic annulus. Live-in-a-box. Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
• 13:50-14:05 Minimalist approach to transcatheter aortic valve replacement. Zenon Huczek (Warsaw)
• 14:05-14:20 Valve-in-valve in the aortic position. Marek Grygier (Poznan)
• 14:20-14:35 Melody valve in pulmonary position. Marcin Demkow (Warsaw)
• 14:35-14:45 Discussion and wrap-up. Lars Sondergaaird (Copenhagen)

14:45-15:00 COFFEE BREAK

15:00-17:05 ROOM A+B
European CTO Club session:
How to build the program of CTO recanalization at my centre? Advices from the Best.
Chairmen: ShaoLiang Chen (Nanjing), Imre Ungi (Seged), Anthony Gershlick (Leicester)
Panellists: Jarosław Wójcik (Lublin), Janusz Kochman (Warszawa), Marek Radomski (Inowrocław), Jarosław Rzezak (Warszawa, Bagrat Alekyan (Moscow), Andrejs Erglis (Riga)

15:00-15:40  Live case 1. CTO PCI
Operators: Leszek Bryniarski (Kraków), Tomasz Pawłowski (Warszawa)
FFR/IVUS/OCT: Jacek Bil (Warsaw)
• 15:40-15:50 The staff – training & experience. Imre Ungi (Seged)
• 15:50-16:00 The stuff – equipment & radiation safety Dobrin Vassiliev (Sofia)
• 16:00-16:10 Basic and advanced devices for chronic total occlusions Maciej Lesiak
• 16:10-16:20 Case selection and indications. Jarosław Wójcik
• 16:20-17:00 CTO PCI presented as the recorded case with discussion. Anthony Gershlick (Leicester)
• 17:00-17:05 Take home message. ShaoLiang Chen (Nanjing)

 17:05-17:20 COFFEE BREAK

17:20 -20:00 ROOM A+B
European Bifurcation Club session: Practical approach for choosing the optimal strategy for intervention with coronary bifurcation lesions.
Moderators: Robert J. Gil (Warsaw), Goran Stankovic (Belgrade)
Panelists: Carlo Briguori (Naples), Valery Gelev (Sofia), Avtandil Babunashvili (Moscow), Maciej Lesiak (Poznań), Adam Kern (Olsztyn), Andrzej Wnęk (Sieradz)

17:20-18:00 Life case 2. Patient with distal left main stenosis (PTS approach).
Operators: Dobrin Vassiliev (Sofia), Piotr Kwiatkowski (Warsaw)
FFR/IVUS/OCT: Jacek Bil (Warsaw)
• 18:00-18:12 Provisional stenting as a default strategy. Avtandil Babunashvili (Moscow)
• 18:12-18:55 Live case 3. PCI of “true” bifurcation lesion (two stents approach).
Operators: ShaoLiang Chen (Nanjing), Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw)
FFR/IVUS/OCT: Jacek Bil (Warsaw)

• 18:55-19:07 Complex strategy for bifurcation. Why and what is the best technique? Goran Stankovic (Belgrade)
• 19:07-19:19 Optimization measures and practical algorithm.  Carlo Briguori (Naples)

19:19-20:00 Live case 4. Bifurcation PCI.
Operators: Andrzej Ochała (Katowice), Zbigniew Śliwiński (Warsaw)
FFR/IVUS/OCT: Jacek Bil (Warsaw)

15:00-16:20 ROOM C
Symposium: Innovations in technology – what is new for the interventionalists?
Chairmen: Paweł Buszman (Ustron), Robert J. Gil (Warsaw), Lars Sondergaard (Copenhagen), Goran Olivecrona (Lund)
15:00-15:05 Introduction and objectives. Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)

Presentations of Industry Innovations:
• 15:05-15:12 Medtronic. Lars Sondergaard (Copenhagen)
• 15:12-15:19 Balton. Piotr Buszman (Zabrze/Ustroń)
• 15:19-15:26 Biotronik. TBD
• 15:26-15:33 Boston Scientific. TBD
• 15:33-15:40 Edwards. TBD
15:40-15:47 Abbott. Michał Hawranek (Zabrze)
• 15:47-15:54 Pro Cardia. Andrzej Szczepański (Wroclaw)
• 15:54-16:01 Microport/Polimed. Adam Sukiennik (Bydgoszcz)
• 16:01-16:08 Terumo.TBD
• 16:08-16:15 Meril. Andrzej Ochała (Katowice)
• 16:15-16:16:22 Bracco. TBD
• 16:22-16:29 Cordis. TBD
• 16:29-16:34 Take-home message. Pawel Buszman (Ustron)

Session for nurses and technicians (Session in Polish)

Kwalifikacja i minimalizacja powikłań w TAVI
Prowadzący: mgr Piotr Hetman (Kraków), mgr Małgorzata Wolszczak
1. Komu i dlaczego wykonywany jest zabieg TAVI. Maciej Dąbrowski (Warszawa)
2. TAVI w Pracowni Hemodynamicznej – rola zespołu pielęgniarskiego w minimalizacji powikłań. Anna Sikora (Katowice)
3. Jak zmniejszyć ryzyko występowania po TAVI
– udaru mózgu. Maria Walkiewicz (Warszawa)
– niewydolności nerek. Kinga Waszczuk (Warszawa)
– zaburzeń rytmu. Dorota Krówczyńska (Warszawa)
– powikłań naczyniowych. mgr Eliza Szklarz (Zabrze)
4. Dyskusja

16:35-18:00 ROOM C
Central and Eastern European Session – Progress in the interventional cardiology
Chairmen: Dariusz Dudek (Krakow), Bela Merkely (Budapest), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
Panelists: Bagrat Alekyan (Moscow), Zbigniew Chmielak (Warsaw), Jacek Legutko (Krakow), Valery Gelev (Sofia),Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice), Jarosław Zalewski (Krakow)

Presentations by countries:
• 16:35-16:42 Belarus. Walery Stelmaszuk (Minsk)
• 16:42-16:49 Bulgaria. Valery Gelev (Sofia)
• 16:49-16:56 Latvia. Andrejs Erglis (Riga)
• 16:56-17:03 Hungary.  Imre Ungi (Seged)
• 17:03-17:10 Russia. Bagrat Alekyan (Moscow)
• 17:10-17:17 Slovakia. Stanislas Juhas (Kosice)
• 17:17-17:24 Poland. Jacek Legutko (Krakow)
• 17:24-17:31 Lithuania. Pranas Serpytis (Vilnius)
• 17:31-17:38 Romania. Lucian Zarma (Bucharest)
• 17:38-17:45 Ukraine.  Sebov Denys (Odessa)
• 17:45-17:52 Serbia. Goran Stankovic (Belgrade)
• 17:52-18:00 Discussion and Wrap up

20:00-21:30 BOARDROOM
Meeting of the Board of the Association on Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society.

Training Room Medtronic

7:00 -8:00 BOARDROOM
Meeting of the Editorial Board of the Invasive Cardiology Journal.

 8:00-9:30 RUBINSTEIN ROOM (2nd floor)
General Assembly of the Association on Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society.

9:30-10:30RUBINSTEIN ROOM (2nd floor)
Stenting Strategy for bifurcation lesions
TERUMO Workshop. Maciej Lesiak (Poznan)

9:30-11:00 ROOM C
Session 1. Acute Coronary Syndrome Session: lectures, live cases, case-based presentations

Chairmen: Ralf Birkemeyer (Ulm),  Janina Stępińska (Warsaw), Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice)
Panelists: Bagrat Alekyan (Moscow), Shaoliang Chen (Nanjing), Mariusz Gąsior (Zabrze), Stefan Grajek (Poznan), Tae Jin Youn (Seoul), Andrzej Ochała (Katowice), Piotr Suwalski (Warsaw), Jarosław Wójcik (Lublin)

9:30-10:00 Live case 1. Patient with NSTE-ACS and multivessel CAD
Operators: Sławomir Dobrzycki (Białystok), Sławomir Gołębiewski (Warsaw)
FFR/IVUS/OCT: Jacek Bil (Warsaw)

Symposium:  Acute coronary syndrome – not only primary angioplasty
10:30-10:40 MINOCA – pathogenesis, treatment & prognosis. Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice)
• 10:40-10.50 Myocardial infarction type 2 – how to treat? Marek Gierlotka (Zabrze)
• 10:50-11:00 Cardiac surgery in acute coronary syndromes – when & how? Piotr Suwalski (Warsaw)

 11:00-11:30 Live case 2. Patient with NSTE-ACS and left main stenosis.
Operators: Jacek Legutko (Krakow), Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw)
FFR/IVUS/OCT: Jacek Bil (Warsaw)

11:30-11:45 Featured Lecture
NSTE-ACS: How to tailor antithrombotic and antiplatelet therpay to improve safety and efficacy of percutaneous treatment? Andreas Baumbach (London)

11:45-12:30 ROOM C  
Session 2. Acute coronary syndrome: case review session
Chairmen: Dariusz Dudek (Krakow), Andrejs Erglis (Riga), Maciej Lesiak (Poznań)
Panelists: Carlo Briguori (Naples), Marek Dąbrowski (Warsaw), Valery Gelev (Sofia), Robert J. Gil (Warsaw), Pranas Serpytis (Vilnius), Janusz Rzeźniczak (Poznań), Kim Ki-Seok (Jeju), Avtandil Babunashvili (Moscow)
• 11:45-12:00 Case 1. Lucien Zarma (Bucharest)
• 12:00-12:03 Discussion
• 12:03-12:18 Case 2. Jacek Bil  (Warsaw)
• 12:18-12:21 Discussion

12:40-13:10 ROOM C
Opening Ceremony
1. Robert J. Gil and Adam Witkowski, WCCI Directors
2. Piotr Hoffman, President of the Polish Cardiac Society
3. Jacek Legutko, Chairman of Association on Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society
4. Andreas Baumbach, President-Elect of the EAPCI
5. William Wijns, Chairman of PCR

13:10-13:20 COFFEE BREAK
13:20-17:50 PCR Learning Pathway on Left Main Angioplasty

13:20-16:55 ROOM A+B
Learning PCI in Left Main Coronary Disease

13:20-14:20 Live-in-a box cases 1 and 2
Facilitators: William Wijns (Galway), Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)
Media Driver: Jarosław Skowronski (Warsaw)

14:20-15:20 LUNCH

14:20-15:20 ROOM A+B
Satellite Lunch Symposium 3. Sponsored by unrestricted grant by Boston Scientific (lunch in a box).
Session in Polish.
Zaawansowane przezskórne technologie leczenia endowaskularnego.
Chairman:  Adam Witkowski
Panelists:  Marek Grygier (Poznań), Krzysztof Reczuch (Wrocław), Sławomir Dobrzycki (Białystok), Adam Kern (Olsztyn)
• 14.20-14.25  Opening remarks: Robert Kruidenier VP Europe – Eastern Europe, Russia, Israel and Central Asia
• 14.25 -14.35  Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
• FFR – najlepszy prowadnik (Comet)  i precyzyjna diagnostyka
• 14.35-14.45  Krzysztof Reczuch (Wrocław)
• Synergy™ II Everolimus-Eluting Platinum Chromium Coronary Stent System – najnowsza generacja stentu cienkościennego
• 14.45-14.55 Adam Kern (Olsztyn)
• Promus Premier™ Everolimus-Eluting Platinum Chromium Coronary Stent System – najlepszy wybór w codziennej praktyce
• 14.55-15.05  Marek Grygier (Poznan)
• Dowód przywództwa – WATCHMAN – powstrzymywanie udaru u  źródła
• 15.05-15.15 Sławomir Dobrzycki (Bialystok)
• Aterektomia rotacyjna najlepszą metodą modyfikacji uwapnionej blaszki miażdżycowej
• 15.20 Wrap-up

14:20-15:20 BOARDROOM
Editorial Board Meeting of the  Advances in the Interventional Cardiology.

15:20-16:00 ROOM A+B
How Should I treat Left Main Disease? Part 1.
Chairmen: Andreas Baumbach (London), Jacek Legutko (Kraków), Goran Olivecrona (Lund)
Panelists: Bela Merkely (Budapest), Zenon Huczek (Warsaw), Adam Kern (Olsztyn)
• 15:20-15:25 Introduction and objectives. Goran Olivecrona (Lund)

Case 1.
• Speaker 1: Case presentation (5 minutes) Maksymilian Opolski (Warsaw)
• Expert 1: How would I treat? (7 minutes) Goran Stankovic (Belgrade)
• Expert 2: How would I treat? (7 minutes) Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)
• Speaker 1 (5 minutes) Maksymilian Opolski (Warsaw)
• Discussion (10 minutes)
• Consensus (5 minutes). Jacek Legutko (Krakow)

16:00-16:10 COFFEE BREAK


16:10-16:54 ROOM A+B
How Should I treat Left Main Disease? Part 2.
Chairmen: Andreas Baumbach (London), Andrzej Ochała (Katowice)
Panelists: Sang-Wook Kim (Seoul), Ahmed Magdy (Cairo), Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)
• 16:10-16:15 Introduction and objectives. Andreas Baumbach (Bristol)

Case 2.
Speaker 2: Case presentation (5 minutes) Tomasz Roleder (Katowice)
• Expert 1: How would I treat? (7 minutes) Maciej Lesiak (Poznań)
• Expert 2: How would I treat? (7 minutes) Andrejs Erglis (Riga)
• Speaker 2: How did I treat. (5 minutes) Tomasz Roleder (Katowice)
• Discussion. (10 minutes)
• Consensus (5 minutes). Andrzej Ochała (Katowice)

13:20-14:35 ROOM C
13:20-14:35 Coronary Symposium part 1. Frequent PCI complications. How to deal with…
Chairmen: Ariel Finkelstein (Tel Aviv), Mariusz Gąsior (Zabrze), Ravi Nair (Cleveland)
Panelists: Michał Hawranek (Zabrze), Sang-Wook Kim (Seoul), Krzysztof Kukuła (Warsaw), Radosław Parma (Katowice),Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw), Jan Z. Peruga (Łódź), Tadeusz Przewłocki (Krakow)
• 13:20-13:28 How to deal with occlusive coronary dissection? Carlo Briguori (Naples)
• 13:28-13:36 How to deal with coronary perforation? Lucian Zarma (Bucharest)
• 13:36-13:44 How to deal with calcified lesion? Sławomir Dobrzycki  (Białystok)
• 13:44-13:52 How to deal with lost stent? Tae Jin Youn (Seoul)
• 13:52-13:57 Wrap-up. Ravi Nair (Cleveland)

13:57-14:35 Live case 3. PCI in MVD CAD with ROTA
Operators: Krzysztof Reczuch (Wrocław), Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw), Artur Telichowski (Wrocław)
FFR/IVUS/OCT: Jacek Bil (Warsaw)

14:20-15:20 LUNCH

15:20-15:57 ROOM C
Coronary Symposium part 2. How to deal with thrombotic complications?
Chairmen: Leszek Bryniarski (Kraków), Goran Stankovic (Belgrade), Carmelo Sgroi (Catania)
Panelists: Andreas Baumbach (Bristol), Dariusz Dudek (Krakow), Ki Seok Kim (Jeju), Andrejs Erglis (Riga), Jerzy Pręgowski (Warsaw), Jarosław Wójcik (Lublin), Dobrin Vassiliev (Sofia)
• 15:20-15:28 In-stent thrombosis. Giuseppe De Luca (Novara)
• 15:28-15:36 No-reflow in myocardial infarction and during elective procedure. Andrejs Erglis (Riga)
• 15:36-15:44 Stroke in pts undergoing PCI. Radosław Parma (Katowice)
• 15:44-15:52 Pulmonary embolism in pts undergoing PCI. Marek Roik (Warsaw)
• 15:52-15:57 Wrap-up. Carmelo Sgroi (Catania)

16:00-17:25 ROOM C
Forum on transcather aortic valve implantation: case review.
Chairmen: Eberhardt Grube (Bonn), Marek Jasiński (Wrocław), Jan Harnek (Lund)
Panelists: Maciej Dąbrowski (Warsaw), Marek Deja (Katowice), Tomasz Hirnle (Białystok), Michał Krejca (Łódź), Krzysztof Kuśmierski (Warsaw), Radosław Parma (Katowice), Tomasz Smyk (Zamość), Carmelo Sgroi (Catania), Jarosław Trębacz (Kraków)
• 16:00-16:05 Learning objectives. Marek Jasiński (Wrocław)
• 16:05-16:15: Case 1. Maciej Dąbrowski (Warsaw)
• 16:15-16:20 Discussion
• 16:20-16:30 Case 2. Zenon Huczek (Warsaw)
• 16:30-16:35 Discussion
• 16:35-16:45 Case 3. Dariusz Jagielak (Gdańsk)
• 16:45-16:50 Discussion
• 16:50-17:00 Case 4. Hibi Kiyoshi (Yokohama)
• 17:00-17:05 Discussion
• 17:05-17:15 Case 5. Krzysztof Wilczek (Zabrze)
• 17:15-17:20 Discussion
• 17:20-17:25 Take-home message. Eberhardt Grube (Bonn)

17:30- 18:46 ROOM C
Session 4: Fractional flow reserve – when, whom and how?

Chairmen: Giuseppe De Luca (Novara), Janusz Kochman (Warsaw), Jarosław Zalewski (Krakow)
Panelists: Bagrat Alekyan (Moscow), Ralf Birkemeyer (Ulm), Mariusz Gąsior (Zabrze), Andrzej Kleinrok (Zamość), Radosław Parma (Katowice), Dobrin Vassiliev (Sofia)
• 17:30-17:42 FFR: Basics indications and use in stable coronary cases. Jan Z. Peruga  (Łodz)
• 17:42-17:54 FFR and/or iFR in MVD assessment. Jerzy Pręgowski (Warsaw)
• 17:54-18:06 Multivessel FFR assessment in acute coronary syndromes. Andrejs Erglis (Riga)

18:06-18:46: Live case 4. PCI in MV CAD with iFR and FFR
Operators: Grzegorz Smolka (Katowice), Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw)
IVUS/FFR/OCT: Jacek Bil (Warsaw), Piotr Kwiatkowski (Warsaw)

17:00-18:35 ROOM A+B
Live case broadcasts  of our friendly centres
Chairmen: Robert J. Gil (Warsaw), Ravi Nair (Cleveland), Krzysztof Żmudka (Krakow)
Panelists: Marek A. Deja (Katowice), Marcin Demkow (Warsaw), Jacek Kądziela (Warsaw), Giuseppe De Luca (Novara), Przemysław Mitkowski (Poznań), Goran Olivecrona (Lund), Avtandil Babunashvili (Moscow)

17:00-17:40 Live case 5. A patient with multisite atheriosclerosis. Hungarian experience on left main stenting.
Operators: Zoltan Ruzsa (Budapest)

17:40 -18:20 Live case 6. A patient with multivessel coronary artery disease.
Operators: Adam Kern (Olsztyn), Jarosław Rzezak (Warsaw)
IVUS/OCR/FFR:  Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw)
• 18:20-18:35 Wrap-up. Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)

18:50-20:10 ROOM C
Session 3. Left main disease – how to solve the problems optimally?
Chairmen: Paweł Buszman (Ustron), Magdy Ahmed (Cairo), Bagrat Alekyan (Moscow), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
Panelists: Leszek Bryniarski (Kraków), Maciej Dąbrowski (Warsaw), Stefan Grajek (Poznan), Adam Kern (Olsztyn), Krzysztof Milewski (Ustroń), Tomasz Roleder (Katowice), Piotr Waciński (Lublin)
• 18:50-19:02 Left main stenting – my favourite technique is provisional one but I like dedicated bifurcation stents very much…  Dobrin Vasiliev (Sofia)

19:02-19:32 Live case 7: PCI in LMCA with IVUS/OCT
Operators: Maciej Lesiak (Poznań), Jarosław Rzezak (Warsaw)
IVUS/FFR/OCT: Jacek Bil (Warsaw)
• 19:32-19:46 Two stents technique – overview and expert recommendation. ShaoLiang Chen (Nanjing)
• 19:46-19:58 Intravascular imaging for bifurcation stenting: IVUS or OCT is better? Choi So-Yeon (Seoul)
• 19:58-20:10 Results of the Excel i Syntax trials and surgical treatment of coronary artery disease in Poland. Paweł Buszman (Ustron)

Training Room Medtronic

General Meeting of the
Association of Interventional Cardiologists (in Polish)
Walne Zgromadzenie Stowarzyszenia Zawodowego Kardiologów Interwencyjnych
First term 7:00, Second term 7:30, Quit 9:00

7:30 -9:00 BOARDROOM
Meeting of the POLBOS 3 Study Investigators

9:00-11:00 RUBINSTEIN ROOM (2nd floor)
• 9:00-10:00 New opportunities in transradial approach in complex cases
TERUMO Workshop. Sławomir Dobrzycki (Białystok)

• 10:00-11:00 PCI in high-risk Patients: Treatment principles and techniques
TERUMO Workshop. Krzysztof Reczuch (Wrocław)

9:00-11:15 SESSION 1. Selected Complex structural interventions from A to Z.
Chairmen: Jacek Białkowski (Zabrze), Marcin Demkow (Warsaw),
Panelists: Grażyna Brzezińska (Warsaw), Marek Grygier (Poznań), Jarosław Kasprzak (Łódź), Janusz Kochman (Warsaw), Grzegorz Smolka (Katowice), Wojciech  Wąsek (Warsaw)
• 9:00-9:05 Learning objectives. Jacek Białkowski (Zabrze)

9:05-9:45 Life case 1: Left atrial appendage closure.
Operators: Jai Wun Park (Homburg), Radosław Pracoń (Warsaw)
ECHO: Marek Konka (Warsaw)
• 9:45-10:00 Coarctation of aorta stenting in adults. Tomasz Moszura (Łódź)
• 10:00-10:15 PFO closure. Marcin Demkow (Warsaw)
• 10:15-10:30  Left atrial appendix closure in patient with AF. Marek Grygier (Poznań)
10:30-10:45 Coronary fistulas closure. Grażyna Brzezińska (Warsaw)
• 10:45-11:00 Novel 3-D image fusion software for guidance of complex catheterization in congenital heart diseases. Johannes Nordmeyer (Berlin)
• 11:00-11:10 Discussion
• 11:10-11:15 Take-home message. Marcin Demkow (Warsaw)

11:15-11:30 COFFEE BREAK

9:00-11:15 SESSION 2. Peripheral arteries revascularization
Chairmen: Stanisław Bartuś (Kraków), Zbigniew Chmielak (Warsaw), Jerzy Walecki (Warszawa), Krzysztof Ziaja (Katowice)
Panelists: Stefan Grajek (Poznan), Jacek Kądziela (Warsaw), Wacław Kuczmik (Katowice), Piotr Pieniążek (Kraków), Marcin Świerad (Zabrze), Tomasz Smyk (Zamość), Agata Stanek (Bytom)
• 9:00-9:05 Learning objectives. Zbigniew Chmielak (Warsaw)
• 9:05-9:17 Strategy of treatment in patients with  concomitant atherosclerosis of coronary and carotid arteries. Saidamir Djafarov (Taszkent)
• 9:17-9:29 Transcatheter management of acute stroke. Kolja Sievert (Frankfurt)

9:30-10:10 LIVE IN A BOX 1:  Renal artery angioplasty.
Operators: Jacek Kądziela (Warsaw), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
• 10:10-10:22 Overview of Subclavian and Innominate Artery Interventions. Tadeusz Przewłocki (Kraków)
• 10:22-10:34 Renal Denervation.  Current Status and Future Directions. Jacek Kądziela (Warsaw)
• 10:34-10:46 How to treat patients with critical limb ischemia ?  Endovascular therapy vs  surgical  bypass. Michał Zawadzki (Warsaw)
• 10:46-11:05 Discussion
• 11:05-11:15 Take-home message. Krzysztof Ziaja (Katowice)

11:15-11:30 COFFEE BREAK

9:00-10:10 SESSION 3. Symposium: 2017’s update.  What interventionist should know…
Session 1: Reality vs needs in intracoronary imaging
Chairmen: ShaoLiang Chen (Nanjing), Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw), Zoltan Ruzsa (Budapest), Choi So-Yeon (Seoul)
Panelists:  Piotr Buszman (Bielsko-Biała), Jarosław Hiczkiewicz (Nowa Sol), Jacek Legutko (Krakow), Jerzy Pręgowski (Warsaw), Jarosław Zalewski (Krakow), Piotr Waciński (Lublin)
• 9:00-9:10 The reimbursement of intracoronary imaging in Poland – status quo and clinical examples. Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw)
• 9:10-9:20 Left main PCI – a real indication for intravascular ultrasound. ShaoLiang Chen (Nanjing)
• 9:20-9:30 Early and late stent failure in OCT. Jacek Bil  (Warsaw)
• 9:30-9:40 Post transplant vascular allograft – for whom, how and when? Michał Hawranek (Zabrze)

9:40-10:10 Live case 2. Left Main PCI.
Operators: Krzysztof Kukuła (Warsaw), Michał Ciszewski (Warsaw)
IVUS/FFR/OCT:  Łukasz Kalińczuk (Warsaw)

Featured lecture:
10:10-10:25 Left main stenting: landscape after NOBLE and EXCEL Trials. Is any need for further trials? Michael Haude (Nuess)

10:25-11:35 Session 4. Coronary bioresorbable scaffolds – from concept to clinical outcomes
Chairmen: Zoltan Ruzsa (Budapest), Dariusz Dudek (Kraków), Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)
Panelists: Marcin Demkow (Warsaw), Michal Lesiak (Poznan),  Konrad Nowak (Białystok), Zbigniew Peruga (Łódź), Łukasz Rzeszutko (Krakow), Adrian Włodarczak (Lubin)
• 10:25 -10:37 Technical aspects of BVS implantation. Zoltan Ruzsa (Budapest)
• 10:37-10:49 Clinical outcomes of BRS – in search of excellence. Michael Haude (Neuss)

10:50-11:30 Live case 3. PCI with bioresorbable stents.
Operators: Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice), Maksymilian Opolski (Warsaw).
IVUS/FFR/OCT: Paweł Tyczyński (Warsaw)
• 11:30-11:35 Take-home message. Dariusz Dudek (Krakow)

11:10-11:30 COFFEE BREAK

11:30-13:00  Complications Session: My most complicated case.
Chairmen: Maciej Lesiak (Poznan), Jacek Legutko (Krakow), Jarosław Wójcik (Lublin), Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)
Panellists: Stanisław Bartuś (Krakow),  Hanna Bachurzewska-Gajewska (Bialystok), Jacek Kądziela (Warsaw), Jai Wun Park (Homburg), Jarosław Rzezak (Warsaw), Adrian Włodarczyk (Lubin), Wojciech Zajdel (Krakow)
• 11:30-11:35 Session objectives. Jarosław Wójcik (Lublin)
• 11:35-11:40 Case 1. Zoltan Ruzsa (Budapest)
• 11:40-11:43 Discussion
• 11:43-11:48 Case 2. Konrad Nowak (Bialystok)
• 11:48-11:51 Discussion
• 11:51-11:56 Case 3. Sang Wook Kim (Seul)
• 11:56-11:59 Discussion
• 11:59-12:04 Case 4. Wojciech Zajdel (Krakow)
• 12:04-12:07 Discussion
• 12:07-12:12 Case 5. Jacek Dragan (Nowy Sącz)
• 12:12-12:15 Discussion
• 12:15-12:20 Case 6. Valery Stelmaszuk (Minsk)
• 12:20-12:23 Discussion
• 12:23-12:28 Case 7. Jerzy Pręgowski (Warsaw)
• 12:28-12:31 Discussion
• 12:31-12:36 Case 8. Adam Kern (Olsztyn)
• 12:36-12:39 Discussion
• 12:39-12:44 Take home message. Maciej Lesiak (Poznan)

12:45-13:25 Live case 4. PCI of calcified lesions.
Operators: Sławomir Dobrzycki (Białystok), Krzysztof Kukuła (Warsaw)
IVUS/OCT/FFR: Paweł Tyczyński (Warsaw)

13:25-13:40 Featured lecture:
Magnetocardiography II: Differential diagnosis of coronary artery disease vs myocardial microangiopathy vs vulnerable coronary plaques. Jai Wun Park (Homburg)

11:30-13:05 SESSION 4. TAVI
Chairmen: Dariusz Dudek (Krakow), Michael Haude (Neuss), Carmelo Sgroi (Catania), Witold Rużyłło (Warsaw)
Panelists: Zbigniew Chmielak (Warsaw), Tomasz Hirnle (Bialystok), Dariusz Jagielak (Gdansk), Goran Olivecrona (Lund), Krzysztof Reczuch (Wrocław), Tomasz Smyk (Zamosc), Krzysztof Wilczek (Zabrze)
• 11:30-11:35 Session objectives. Dariusz Dudek (Krakow)

11:35-12:20 Live case 5: TAVI
Operators: Adam Witkowski (Warsaw), Maciej Dąbrowski (Warsaw)
ECHO: Maksymilian Opolski (Warsaw)
• 12:20-12:32 Alternative approaches to TAVI. Hibi Kiyoshi (Yokohama)
• 12:32-12:44 TAVI for failed bioprosthetic surgical valve in 2017  Ariel Finkelstein (Tel Aviv)
• 12:44-12:56 Brain protection during TAVI –are data in to use it in all patients? Marek Grygier (Poznań)
• 12:56-13:08 Who is a good candidate for TAVI – today’s practice. Krzysztof Wilczek (Zabrze)
• 13:08-13:20 Long-term follow-up after TAVI: a word of concern? Goran Olivecrona (Lund)
• 13:20-13:25 Take-home message. Carmelo Sgroi (Catania)

11:30-15:00 ROOM C
Session 5:  Interventional options for mitral regurgitation.

Chairmen: Kazimierz Widenka (Rzeszów), Marek Deja (Katowice), Jerzy Pręgowski (Warsaw)
Panelists: Piotr Kołsut (Warsaw), Krzysztof Milewski (Ustron), Adam Rdzanek (Warsaw), Adam Sukiennik (Bydgoszcz), Jarosław Trębacz (Kraków)
• 11:30-11:40 Session objectives. Kazimierz Widenka (Rzeszów)
• 11:40-11:55 Interventional treatment of functional mitral regurgitation – surgical point of view. Marek Deja (Katowice)
• 11:55-12:10 Interventional treatment of functional mitral regurgitation – cardiologist’s point of view. Jerzy Pręgowski (Warsaw)
• 12:10-12:25 Degenerative mitral regurgitation – is there a place for the transcatheter therapy? Adam Rdzanek (Warsaw)
• 12:25-12:40 Where is the limit? Borderline and chalanging mitral valve anatomy for the MitraClip device. Jarosław Trębacz (Kraków)
• 12:40-13:55 Treatment of degenerative mitral regurgitation with an expanded polytetrafluoroethylene cordal implantation device. Initial clinical experience. Piotr Kołsut (Warszawa)
• 13:55-14:10 The central role of echocardiographic guidance for patient’s selection and procedure monitoring during MitraClip and Harpoon TSD-5 implantation. Piotr Szymański (Warsaw)

14:10-14:50  LIVE IN A BOX 2: MitraClip in a patient with functional mitral regurgitation.
Operators: Jerzy Pręgowski (Warsaw), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
ECHO: Piotr Szymański (Warsaw)
• 14:50-15:00 Take-home mesage. Jerzy Pręgowski (Warsaw)

Training Room Medtronic

Hotel InterContinental, Warsaw


Target attendees:
Interventionists aiming at improving their knowledge and skills in undertaking acute coronary syndrome procedures in their daily practice

Course directors:
Robert Gil
Adam Witkowski

Course trainers/facilitators:
Jacek Legutko
Jerzy Pręgowski
William Wijns

Learning objectives:
At the end of the PCR Seminar the participants will:
understand the current knowledge and the optimal management strategy for a patient presenting with multivessel NSTE ACS, including decisions on optimal revascularization options, culprit lesion identification, same day or staged procedures, difficult access, calcification…
better assess what is the optimal treatment strategy considering the individual clinical situation, differences in infrastructure and the best available evidence.

The programme will include:
Interactive discussions using “Live in-a- box® cases” and videos of complex cases
Debates and different views between participants and experts.
Step by step reasoning approach
Workshop on how to analyse and reflect on a study

Welcome: Outline of the Programme and rules
What? Why? How

08:45-10:15 A patient with an ACS-NSTEMI and multivessel CAD
1. Global appraisal of patient’s presentation
clinical presentation. J. Legutko
key biochemical markers. J. Pręgowski
key diagnostic tests. W. Wijns

10:15-10:30 BREAK

10:30-12:00 II. Decision-making process
Does our patient require a myocardial revascularization? J. Legutko
Do we need Heart Team to make a decision? J. Pręgowski
Which is the culprit lesion? W. Wijns
When should the non-culprit lesion be treated?
Early management

12:00-13:00 LUNCH

13:00-14:30 III. PCI procedure is decided
Before PCI
Pharmacology. J. Legutko
Plan your strategy. J. Pręgowski
Plan your material. W. Wijns
Procedure: tips and hints
Some specific issues
Different assessment modalities IVUS, FFR and OCT

14:30-14:45 BREAK

14:45-15:45 IV. How to manage the most frequent clinical scenarios and complications in NSTEMI patient with MVD?
Case based discussions
Rare diseases mimicking ACS. J. Legutko
Hybrid revascularization. J. Pręgowski
Complications: No-reflow, Dissection, Perforation… W. Wijns
Cases from the participants

15:45-16:00 IV. Post PCI
In hospital
At discharge

16:00-16:15 BREAK

16:15-17:00 Synthesis / workshop
How to analyse and reflect on a published study? SMILE trial. W. Wijns

17:00- 17:30 Wrap up / Conclusions

intercontinental2017 A

Workshop Venue

Hotel InterContinental
49 Emilii Plater Street
00-125 Warsaw, Poland
phone: +48 22 328 8888, 00800 311 1216

The InterContinental is located in the center of Warsaw. It is one of the tallest buildings in the city with a unique and modern architecture. The ideal location for easy access to tourist attractions to visit during your stay in the capital, such as Warsaw’s Old Town, National Museum, Warsaw Uprising Museum and many others. The hotel is also in close proximity to the Central Railway Station, Palace of Culture and Science and Golden Terraces Shopping Centre.

Fee for the Workshop

The registration fee includes: participation in the Workshop (5th – 7th April 2017), workshop materials, entrance to the exhibition area, drinks coffee, tea and lunch. Invoices.


1 day – The registration fee for physicians for one day participation in the conference 550 zł
3 days
– The registration fee for physicians for three days participation in the conference, including subject to discount 1.500 zł


1 day – The registration fee for nurses and technicians for one day participation in the conference 65 zł
3 days
– The registration fee for nurses and technicians for three days participation in the conference, including subject to discount 180 zł


1 day – The registration fee for paramedics for one day participation in the conference 45 zł
3 days
– The registration fee for paramedics for three days participation in the conference, including subject to discount 120 zł


1 day – The registration fee for students for one day participation in the conference 1 zł

Tips for travelers

The electric current in Poland is 220V.

The currency is the Polish zloty (PLN). In most hotels, restaurants and shops are accepted Visa or Mastercard. ATMs are widely available in Warsaw and there is no difficulty to withdraw cash.

Tap water is clean and safe to drink.

Congress Secretariat shall not be liable for injury, loss or damage to property belonging to the participants (or bystanders). Participants should make their own determinations on issues of health and travel insurance.

998 Fire Brigade
997 Police
999 Ambulance
986 Municipal Police

Mobile phone:
112 – Emergency Call

The official language is Polish

Polish code number +48
Warsaw area code 22

+ 1 hours UTC / GMT

WCCI Directors

Robert J. Gil, MD, PhD, FESC, Warsaw; Adam Witkowski, MD, PhD, FESC, Warsaw

Organizing Committee

Maciej Dąbrowski (Co-Chair), Sławomir Gołębiewski, Jacek Kądziela, Rafał Krzyżewski, Piotr Kwiatkowski, Tomasz Pawłowski (Co-Chair), Renata Pazio-Jurek (secretary), Jerzy Pręgowski, Hanna Rdzanek (secretary), Marta Strzelczyk (secretary), Zbigniew Śliwiński

Invited faculty

International Faculty:

Bagrat Alekyan (Moscow), Avtandil Babunashvili (Moscow), Andreas Baumbach (London), Ralf Birkemeyer (Ulm), Carlo Briguori (Naples), Shao-Liang Chen (Nanjing), So-Yeon Choi (Seoul), Saidamir Djafarov (Tashkent), Andrejs Erglis (Riga), Ariel Finkelstein (Tel Aviv), Valery Gelev (Sofia), Anthony Gershlick (Leicester), Giuseppe De Luca (Novara), Eberhardt Grube (Bonn), Jan Harnek (Lund), Michael Haude (Neuss), Hibi Kiyoshi (Yokohama), Stanislas Juhas (Kosice), Petr Kala (Brno), Saibal Kar (Los Angeles), Ki-Seok Kim (Jeju), Sang Wook Kim (Seoul), Ahmed Magdy (Cairo), Ravi Nair (Cleveland), Johannes Nordmeyer (Berlin), Goran Olivecrona (Lund), Jai Wun Park (Koburg), Zoltan Ruzsa (Budapest), Denys Sebov (Odessa), Pranas Serpytis (Vilnius), Carmelo Sgroi (Catania), Kolja Sievert (Frankfurt), Lars Sondergaard (Copenhagen), Goran Stankovic (Belgrade), Imre Ungi (Seged), Dobrin Vassilev (Sofia), William Wijns (Aalst), Tae Jin Youn (Seoul), Lucian Zarma (Bucharest)

Polish Faculty:

Hanna Bachórzewska-Gajewska (Białystok), Stanisław Bartuś (Krakow), Jacek Białkowski (Zabrze), Jacek Bil (Warsaw), Leszek Bryniarski (Krakow), Grażyna Brzezińska (Warsaw), Paweł Buszman (Ustroń), Piotr Buszman (Bielsko-Biała), Zbigniew Chmielak (Warsaw), Maciej Dąbrowski (Warsaw), Marek Dąbrowski (Warsaw), Marek Deja (Katowice), Marcin Demkow (Warsaw), Sławomir Dobrzycki (Białystok), Jacek Dragan (Nowy Sącz), Dariusz Dudek (Krakow), Jarosław Fedorowski (Warsaw), Mariusz Gąsior (Zabrze), Jakub Gierczyński (Warsaw), Marek Gierlotka (Zabrze), Robert J. Gil (Warsaw), Stefan Grajek (Poznań), Marek Grygier (Poznań), Piotr Gryza (Warsaw), Michał Hawranek (Zabrze), Piotr Hetman (Krakow), Jarosław Hiczkiewicz (Nowa Sól), Tomasz Hirnle (Białystok), Piotr Hoffman (Warsaw), Tomasz Hryniewiecki (Warsaw), Zenon Huczek (Warsaw), Andrzej Jacyna (Warsaw), Dariusz Jagielak (Gdańsk), Piotr Jankowski (Krakow), Marek Jasiński (Wrocław), Zbigniew Kalarus (Zabrze), Łukasz Kalińczuk (Warsaw), Jarosław Kasprzak (Łódź), Jarosław Bagrat Alekyan (Moscow), Avtandil Babunashvili (Moscow), Andreas Baumbach (London), Ralf Birkemeyer (Ulm), Carlo Briguori (Naples),  Shao-Liang Chen (Nanjing), So-Yeon Choi (Seoul), Saidamir Djafarov (Tashkent), Andrejs Erglis (Riga), Ariel Finkelstein (Tel Aviv), Valery Gelev (Sofia), Anthony Gershlick (Leicester), Giuseppe De Luca (Novara), Eberhardt Grube (Bonn), Jan Harnek (Lund), Michael Haude (Neuss), Hibi Kiyoshi (Yokohama), Stanislas Juhas (Kosice), Petr Kala (Brno), Saibal Kar (Los Angeles), Ki-Seok Kim (Jeju), Sang Wook Kim (Seoul), Ahmed Magdy (Cairo), Ravi Nair (Cleveland), Johannes Nordmeyer (Berlin), Goran Olivecrona (Lund), Jai Wun Park (Koburg), Zoltan Ruzsa (Budapest), Denys Sebov (Odessa), Pranas Serpytis (Vilnius), Carmelo Sgroi (Catania), Kolja Sievert (Frankfurt), Lars Sondergaard (Copenhagen), Goran Stankovic (Belgrade), Imre Ungi (Seged), Dobrin Vassilev (Sofia), William Wijns (Aalst), Tae Jin Youn (Seoul), Lucian Zarma (Bucharest), Kaźmierczak (Szczecin), Jacek Kądziela (Warsaw), Bartosz Kądziołka (Warsaw), Adam Kern (Olsztyn), Andrzej Kleinrok (Zamość), Mariusz Kłopotowski (Warsaw), Janusz Kochman (Warsaw), Piotr Kołsut (Warsaw), Marek Konka (Warsaw), Michał Krejca (Łódź), Dorota Krówczyńska (Warsaw), Wacław Kuczmik (Katowice), Krzysztof Kukuła (Warsaw), Krzysztof Kuśmierski (Warsaw), Piotr Kwiatkowski (Warsaw), Anetta Lasek-Bal (Katowice), Jacek Legutko (Krakow), Maciej Lesiak (Poznań), Krzysztof Łanda (Warsaw), Wojciech Matusewicz (Warsaw), Krzysztof Milewski (Ustroń), Maciej Miłkowski (Warsaw), Przemysław Mitkowski (Poznań), Tomasz Moszura (Łódź), Konrad Nowak (Białystok), Andrzej Ochała (Katowice), Maksymilian Opolski (Warsaw), Radosław Parma (Katowice), Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw), Jan Z. Peruga (Łódź), Piotr Pieniążek (Krakow), Jarosław Pinkas (Warsaw), Radosław Pracoń (Warsaw), Jerzy Pręgowski (Warsaw), Tomasz Przewłocki (Krakow), Marek Radomski (Inowrocław), Adam Rdzanek (Warsaw), Krzysztof Reczuch (Wrocław), Marek Roik (Warsaw), Tomasz Roleder (Katowice), Witold Rużyłło (Warsaw), Łukasz Rzeszutko (Krakow), Jarosław Rzezak (Warsaw), Janusz Rzeźniczak (Poznań), Anna Sikora (Katowice), Jarosław Skowroński (Warsaw), Agnieszka Słowik (Krakow), Grzegorz Smolka (Katowice), Tomasz Smyk (Zamość), Agata Stanek (Bytom), Janina Stępińska (Warsaw), Adam Sukiennik (Bydgoszcz), Piotr Suwalski (Warsaw), Eliza Szklarz (Zabrze), Łukasz Szumowski (Warsaw), Piotr Szymański (Warsaw), Marcin Świerad (Zabrze), Artur Telichowski (Zamość), Marek Tombarkiewicz (Warsaw), Jarosław Trębacz (Krakow), Piotr Waciński (Lublin), Jerzy Walecki (Warsaw), Maria Walkiewicz (Warsaw), Kinga Waszczuk (Warsaw), Wojciech Wąsek (Warsaw), Kazimierz Widenka (Rzeszów), Krzysztof Wilczek (Zabrze), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw), Adrian Włodarczak (Lublin), Andrzej Wnęk (Sieradz), Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice), Małgorzata Wolszczak (Warsaw), Jarosław Wójcik (Lublin), Mirosław Wysocki (Warsaw), Wojciech Zajdel (Krakow), Jarosław Zalewski (Krakow), Michał Zawadzki (Warsaw), Wojciech Zawalski (Warsaw), Krzysztof Ziaja (Katowice), Krzysztof Żmudka (Krakow)


Professor Robert Julian Gil, MD, Ph.D., a graduate of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin has been the head of the Department of Invasive Cardiology of the Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration (MSWiA) in Warsaw, one of the most efficient centres of Interventional Cardiology in Poland since 2001. In 1997-2004 he was the Chair of the Invasive Cardiology Section (Working Group) of the Polish Cardiac Society, and a member of its Board (as a past president) for the next 3 years. Since 2001 he has been in the Expert Team handling accreditation in cardiology appointed by the Polish Minister of Health. Since 2002 he has been a Consultant of Healthcare for the Ministry of the Interior and Administration in the field of cardiology.

His scientific interests include mostly the evaluation of atherosclerotic plaque, coronary stenosis, diagnostics and treatment of complex lesions, including bifurcation lesions. He is also interested in the use of percutaneous revascularisation in acute coronary syndromes. For many years he has participated in international clinical studies evaluating medicines and devices supporting coronary angioplasty.

His achievements include over 200 publications in peer-reviewed journals, out of which more than 60 were published in foreign journals (IF close to 200). Moreover, he co-authored 30 chapters of books on interventional cardiology and more than 300 convention reports, out of which more than 100 were presented at prestigious international conventions on clinical electrophysiology and invasive cardiology. Since 2005 he has been a research fellow in the Mossakowski Medical Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. In June 2013 he was appointed as professor in that Institution.

He initiated annual National Workshops on Interventional Cardiology, which after 5 editions in Szczecin were moved to Warsaw as the Warsaw Course on Cardiovascular Interventions. Their 19th edition is planned for April 2015.

He co-authored the guidelines of the Invasive Cardiology Section of the Polish Cardiac Society concerning Invasive Cardiology.

Since 2007 he has been a member of the exclusive European Bifurcation Club handling the questions of diagnostics and treatment of bifurcation lesions.

Since 1994 he has been a scientific reviewer of monthly Kardiologia Polska, since 1998 – Folia Cardiologica (currently Cardiology Journal), and since 2000 – Polski Przegląd Kardiologiczny. In all of these magazines he is a member of Editorial Boards, and in Kardiologia Polska was the editor of column “Angiogram of the month”. Since 2009 he has regularly reviewed papers sent by to the American Journal of Cardiology, EuroIntervention, Journal of Interventional Cardiology and Circulation.

In 1999 he was appointed as the editor-in-chief of the Invasive Cardiology journal and is performing these functions up till today.

Since 1999 he has been active in the Working Group on coronary circulation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), which in September 2006 transformed into the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI). In 2009 he was assigned to its Grant Committee. In June 2000 he was awarded a prestigious title of the Fellow of European Society of Cardiology. Since 2001 he has been regularly invited to actively participate (Faculty member) in such prestigious Congresses and Workshops of Interventional Cardiology as: EuroPCR, TCT, TCT Russia, ICI in Tel Aviv, European Bifurcation Club meetings and many national congresses.

f_logo  Profesor Robert Gil



General Cardiology & Haemodynamics Dept., Institute of Cardiology,
42 Alpejska St., 04-628 Warsaw, Poland

Phone: +48 22 812 41 64
Fax: +48 22 34 34 506
E-mail: witkowski@hbz.pl

Born: Poznań, Poland Aug 1st, 1958
Education: Warsaw Medical Academy 1976- 83

Proffessional training:
six weeks of elective training at the Division of Cardiology, University of Maryland Hospital, USA, 1980
Internship, Medicine and Surgery 1983-84
1st degree – Internal Medicine 1986
two weeks of elective training at the Haemodynamics Division, University Vaudois Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1989
6th Course in Interventional Cardiology, Geneva, Switzerland, 1989
2nd degree – Internal Medicine 1990
Doctor of Philosophy 1993
Fellowship in Cardiology 1996
Habilitation 2001 (postdoctoral lecturing qualification)
Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology 2003

Post held:
Assistant and Senior Assistant, Haemodynamics&General Cardiology Dept., Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland 1983-93
Assistant Professor, Heamodynamics &General Cardiology Dept., Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland, 1993
Deputy Director, Haemodynamics Dept., Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland, 1998
Associate Professor, Haemodynamics Dept., Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland, 2001
Chairmen, Working Group on Interventional, Cardiology of the Polish Cardiac Society 2004-7

Primary Investigator, CAPE, Pfizer 1990-92
Co-Investigator, GITS Verapamil, Lorex Pharmaceuticals, USA 1992-93
Co-Investigator, MATTIS, Sanofi Winthrop, 1996
Co-Investigator, EXCITE, Searle 1998
Primary Investigator, Tirofiban Study, MSD 1998
Primary lnvestigator, ICARUS – 1+2, 1999 Medtronic
Primar Investigator, Race-Car, Medtronic 1999
Co-lnvestigator, ADVANCE, Boston Scientific 1999
Primary Investigator, PRESTO, S-KB 2000
Primary Investigator, VISION, Guidant 2001
Co-Investigator, Taxus II, Boston Scientific 2001
Co-Investigator, Euroinject-One 2002
Co-Investigator, Taxus VI, Boston Scientific 2002
Co-Investigator, Agent-4, Schering 2002
Co-Investigator, ARTS II, J&J-Cordis 2003
Co-Investigator, ENDEAVOR II, Medtronic 2004
Primary Investigator, FREEDOM 2006
Primary Investigator, HORIZONS 2006
Co-Investigator, SYNTAX 2006

Special interest In Cardiology:
Coronary Interventions (PTCA, DCA, TEC, Stenting, HOCM ablation, Brachytherapy)

Research Work:
Systolic and Diastolic Performance of the Left Ventricle
Stunned and Hibernating Myocardium
Perfusion Balloon Catheters
Coronary Stenting
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Coronary Brachytherapy
Acute coronary syndrome

Awards of the Polish Cardiac Society 1995, 2001

Faculty member:
ESC Congresses, EuroPCR

f_logo  Profesor Adam Witkowski