23th-25th June 2021
It is with great pleasure that we would like to invite you to participate in the next, 25th edition of WCCI.
Studio 1 & Studio 2
09:00-11:00 General Assembly of the Association on Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society
12:00-13:00 Joint Session of the Association on Cardiovascular Interventions & Intensive Cardiological Care Associations of the Polish Cardiac Society: Interventional Cardiology in COVID-19 pandemic time.
Chairmen: S. Bartuś (Kraków), A. Tycińska (Białystok)
Panellists: M. Grygier (Poznań), W. Wojakowski (Katowice), P. Trzeciak (Zabrze), M. Gierlotka (Opole)
• 12:00-12:10. Organization of acute cardiovascular interventions to meet ESC guidelines in COVID-19 time. Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
Discussion 10 min
• 12:20-12:30. Organization of intensive cardiac care in COVID-19 time. Barbara Zawiślak (Krakow)
Discussion 10 min
• 12:40-12:50 Impact of COVID-19 ASC treatment. Jacek Legutko (Krakow)
• 12:50-13:00 Discussion
13:15-14:45 Workshop on intra coronary diagnostic techniques: beyond coronary angiography in everyday practice?
Chairmen: J. Legutko (Krakow), J. Pręgowski (Warszawa)
Panelists: A. Kern (Olsztyn), T. Roleder (Wrocław), R.J. Gil (Warsaw)
• 13:15-13:30 Intravascular ultrasound: plaque morphology and burden. K. Bryniarski (Krakow)
• 13:30-14:00 Live case 1IVUS/FFR guided PCI for MVD
Operator: T. Pawłowski (Warsaw) / Ł. Kołtowski (Warsaw)
• 14:00-14:15 Optical coherence tomography: when and whom. M. Opolski (Warsaw)
• 14:15-14:30 FFR and derrivates in MVD. M. Jaguszewski (Gdansk)
• 14:30-14:45 Coronary microvasculature assessment: when and whom. J. Bil (Warszawa)
15:00-17:10 European Bifurcation Club session: Coronary bifurcation treatment in 2021
Chairmen: R.J. Gil (Warsaw), G. Stankovic (Belgrade)
Panelists: Maciej Lesiak (Poznań), Jacek Legutko (Krakow)
• 15:00-15:40 Live case 1. PCI of “non-true” bifurcation lesion
Operators: Z. Chmielak (Warsaw), T. Pawłowski (Warsaw)
• 15:00-15:30 Live case 2. PCI of bifurcation lesion
Operators: Z. Chmielak (Warsaw), T. Pawłowski (Warsaw)
• 15:30-15:45 How I treat non-true coronary bifurcation (Medina o-0-1) SL. Chen (Nanjing)
• 15:45-16:00 Distal Left main stenting – is the need to reassess current indications? G.De Luca (Novara)
• 16:00-16:20 Panel discussion
• 16:20-17:05 Live case 3. Patient with distal left main stenosis (PTS approach).
Operators: T. Pawłowski (Warsaw), Z. Śliwiński (Warsaw)
• 17:05-17:10 Wrap-up. R.J. Gil (Warsaw)
17:25-18:47 Symposium: Innovations in Cardiology – Let`s have a look what is and will be available in Cath Lab.
Chairmen: R.J. Gil (Warsaw), S. Bartuś (Krakow), A. Witkowski (Warsaw)
• 17:25-17:30 Introduction and objectives. R.J. Gil (Warsaw)
Presentations of Industry Innovations:
• 17:30-17:37 Philips Volcano. Radosław Kotowski
• 17:37-17:44 Siemens Healthcare
• 17:44-17:51 Meril Life. Marcin Protasiewicz
• 17:51-17:58 Abbott SH. Marek Grygier
• 17:58-18:05 Abbott. Ultreon and Opstar – new era in PCI supported by AI. Miłosz Dziarmaga
• 18:05-18:12 Medtronic. Robert J. Gil
• 18:12-18:19 Balton. Robert J. Gil
• 18:19-18:26 SMT. Robert J. Gil
• 18:26-18:33 Biotronik. Tomasz Pawłowski
• 18:33 -18:40 Medaccess & PulseCath. Robert J. Gil
• 18:40-18:47 Take-home message. S. Bartuś (Krakow)
12:00-13:00 Is the idea “leave nothing behind” still alive? Session organized by Club 30 of the Polish Cardiac Society.
Chairmen: A. Kapłon-Cieślicka (Warszawa), Robert J. Gil (Warszawa)
Panelists: B. Michalski (Łódź), J. Bil (Warszawa), W. Wańha (Katowice), K. Bryniarski (Kraków), Maciej Wybraniec (Katowice)
• 12:00-12:12 Ideal device for PCI – does it exist? Robert J. Gil (Warszawa)
• 12:12-12:24 Best case for DCB. Piotr Buszman (Bielsko-Biała)
• 12:24-12:36 Best case for BRS. Miłosz Jaguszewski (Gdańsk)
• 12:36-12:48 Is it time for RMS. Magdalena Łanocha (Lubin)
• 12:48-13:00 Wrap-up.
13:15-14:45 Workshop on cardiovascular imaging – how, when and by means of what kind technique we should use in structural heart diseases.
Chairmen: Marcin Fijałkowski (Gdańsk), Piotr Szymański (Warsaw)
Panelists: A. Pawlak (Warsaw), A. Witkowski (Warsaw), W. Wojakowski (Katowice), Z. Huczek (Warsaw)
• 13:15-13:30. ECHO assessment in screening for minimal invasive procedures on mitral valve in patients disqualified for classic heart surgery. Radosław Nowak (Gdańsk)
• 13:30-13:45 Interventions on aortic and mitral valves – what’s the role of Angio-CT. Jagoda Fijałkowska (Gdańsk)
• 13:45-14:00 How we can optimize cardiovascular interventions with cMRI. Katarzyna Gil (Columbus, OH, US)
• 14:15-14:30 New conceptions in cardiovascular imaging before interventions – fusions, 3D printing, holograms. Jarosław Meyer-Szary (Gdańsk)
• 14:30-14:45 Live-in-a box 2
Clinical case presenting the role of integrated imaging for final result.
Operator: TBD
15:00-16:30 Session/workshop organized by the Association of Intensive Cardiac Care of the Polish Cardiac Society
Chairmen: Agnieszka Tycińska (Białystok), Barbara Zawiślak (Kraków), Agnieszka Kapłon-Cieślicka (Warszawa)
• 15:00-15:30 USG-guided CVC. B. Kudliński (Zielona Góra)
• 15:30-16:00 Patient with LVAD- management and monitoring at the ICCU. M. Stąpór (Kraków)
• 16:00-16:25 HFNC workshop. A. Tycińska (Białystok)
• 16:25-16:30 Wrap-up.
• 16:40-19:10 My best & worst case. Session under the patronage of the e-journal InterventionalCardiology Academy in cooperation with Club 30 of the PCS. Competition for diplomas.
Chairmen: Miłosz Jaguszewski (Gdańsk), Arkadiusz Pietrasik (Warsaw)
• 16:40-16:50 You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs – story of STEMI case. Piotr Rola (Legnica)
• 16:50-17:00 Can you manage acute, left main and right coronary vessel occlusion? Piotr Buszman (Ustroń)
• 17:00-17:10 Complex PCI – keep it simple. Tomasz Figatowski (Gdańsk)
• 17:10-17:20 Closure of left atrial appendage with a thrombus. Łukasz Lewicki (Wejherowo)
• 17:20-17:30 Asymptomatic dislocation of LAAC device-when a threatening complication becomes the ultimate success. Piotr Wańczura (Rzeszów)
• 17:30-17:40 Interventional approach to LVAD outflow graft obstruction: at the crossroad of thrombus, biodebris and twist. Aleksandra Gąsecka (Amsterdam)
• 17:40-17:50 First in man pulmonary artery stenting in patient with proximal CTEPH. Szymon Darocha (Otwock)
• 17:50-18:20 Discussion
Warsaw Course on Complex and High Risk Indicated Patients (WAR-CHIP) organized in cooperation with Euro4C group.
Course Directors: T. Pawłowski (Warsaw) and M. Ferenc (Bad Krozingen)
Scientific Committee: R. J. Gil (Warsaw), A. Witkowski (Warsaw), K. Reczuch (Wrocław), L. Bryniarski (Krakow)
9:30:11.00 Session 1: How to perform…
Chairman: R. J. Gil (Warszawa), K. Reczuch (Wrocław)
9:30-9:35 Welcome & Opening Robert J. Gil
• 9:35-9:45 CHIP patient identification and cathlab team preparation. Miroslav Ferenc (Bad Krozingen)
• 9:45-9:55 Heart Team andno-hope patients – hybrid revascularization could be an option. Michał Hawranek (Zabrze)
• 9:50-10:05 How to deal with severe calcifications in CHIP. The full toolkit for calcium. Florim Cuculi (Zurich)
• 10:05-10:20 When LVAD is necessary in CHIP? Proposal of algorithm. T. Pawłowski (Warsaw)
• 10:20-11:00 Recorded case 1PCI in patient with low EF supported by Impella CPSmart Assist
Operators: A. Dębski (Warsaw), M. Opolski (Warsaw)
• 11:05-12:30 Session 2: Preventing complications
Chairmen: Z. Chmielak (Warsaw), T. Pawłowski (Warsaw)
Panelists: A. Kern (Olsztyn), M. Tajstra (Zabrze), M. Kuzemczuk (Warsaw), P. Kralisz (Białystok)
• 11:05-11:15 Renal insufficiency. Piotr Pieniążek (Kraków)
• 11:15-11:25 Thrombotic events. Maciej Lesiak (Poznań)
• 11:25-11:35 Bleeding & vascular events. Piotr Andziak (Warszawa)
• 11:35-11:45 Device loss. Jarosław Wójcik (Nałęczów)
• 11:45-12:30 Recorded/Live case 2.
High risk PCI with rotational atherectomy& cutting balloon with ELCA.
Operators: R.J. Gil (Warsaw), T. Pawłowski (Warsaw)
12:45-14:15 Landscape after EXCEL Trial 5-years results. Should we change our approach to selection and way of treatment for Left Main Stem stenosis?
Chairmen: A. Witkowski (Warsaw), D. Dudek (Krakow), Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)
Panelists: M. Deja (Katowice), P. Olszówka (Rzeszów), Maciej Lesiak (Poznan), J. Wójcik (Nałęczów)
• 12:45-13:00 Excel Trial – positive or negative trial for the interventionalists? Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)
• 13:00-13:15 Excel Trial form the perspectives of cardiac surgeon. P. Suwalski (Warsaw)
• 13:15-13:55 Recorded case 3. High risk PCI with distal left main stenosis supported by percutaneous assist device (iVAC).
Operators: T. Pawłowski/R.J. Gil (Warsaw)
• 13:55-14:10 Roundtable discussion
• 14:10-14:15 Wrap-up. A. Witkowski (Warsaw)
14:35-15:55 Joint Session of the Working Group on Cardiac Surgery & Association On Cardiovascular Interventions of the Polish Cardiac Society: How we can improve the results of cardiac interventions?
Chairmen: Robert J. Gil (Warsaw), Stanisław Bartuś (Krakow), Piotr Suwalski (Warsaw)
Panelists: M. Tajstra (Zabrze), M. Deja (Katowice), P. Olszówka (Rzeszów)
• 14:35-14:45 Introduction. R. J. Gil
• 14:45-15:25 Live case 4. PCI of LCX and RCA after robotic LIMA grafting to LAD
Operators: A. Rdzanek (Warsaw), T. Pawłowski (Warsaw)
• 15:25-15:35 What does interventionist can do today better than yesterday. D. Dudek (Krakow)
• 15:35-15:45 What options does a modern cardiac surgeon have? Piotr Suwalski (Warsaw)
• 15:45-15:55 Panel discussion and wrap-up.
• 16:15- 17:45 WORKSHOP 1
Challenging heavy calcifications in daily practice.
Chairman: Robert J. Gil, Jacek Legutko
Panelists: Michał Hawranek, Krzysztof Reczuch, P. Waciński
• 16:15-16:45 Live case 5 – Complex PCI using different techniques for highly calcified lesion – synergistic approach guided by intravascular imaging
Operators: Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw), Z. Śliwiński (Warsaw)
• 16:45-17:05 Calcium imaging – from angiography to OCT. J. Kochman (Warsaw)
• 17:05-17:2 5 Atheroablative techniques for calcium modification. S. Dobrzycki (Białystok)
• 17:25-17:45 Lithoptripsy and laser angioplasty. T. Pawłowski (Warsaw)
18:00-19:30 The clinical trials in the field of the interventional cardiology sponsored by the Medical Research Agency. Joint Session of the Polish Cardiac Society and the Medical Research Agency
Chairmen: Lars Sondegaard (Copenhagen), Radosław Sierpiński (Warsaw, President of the Medical Research Agency), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw, President of the Polish Cardiac Society)
Panellists: Sang-Wook Kim (Seoul), Gary Mintz (New York)
• 18:00-18:10 Welcome and session outline.Radosław Sierpiński (Warsaw)
• 18:10-18:22 LAAC SBI trial. Witold Streb (Zabrze)
• 18:22-18:34 ADONIS PCI trial. Miłosz Jaguszewski (Gdańsk)
• 18:34-18:46 MetCool ACS trial. Piotr Kwiatkowski (Warsaw)
• 18:46-18:58 STOP-CLOT trial. Jerzy Pręgowski (Warsaw)
• 18:58-19:10 SAFE LAAC trial. Radosław Pracoń (Warsaw)
• 19:10-19:25 Discussion: session chairmen and panellists.
• 19:25-19:30 Wrap-up.Lars Sondergaard (Copenhagen)
9:30-11:00 Session on closure management of large bore arterial access. State of the art.
Chairmen: M. Dąbrowski (Warsaw), D. Jagielak (Gdansk)
Panelists: S. Dobrzycki (Bialystok), A. Pietrasik (Warsaw), M. Grygier (Poznan), Ł. Tułecki (Zamosc), P. Olszówka (Rzeszow), J. Trębacz (Krakow)
• 9:30-9:45 Large bore access in cardiac procedures. Radosław Parma (Katowice)
• 9:45-9:50 Discussion
• 9:50-10:05 Suture based closure devices. Jerzy Sacha (Opole)
• 10:05-10:10 Discussion
• 10:10-10:25 Dedicated large bore closure devices. Andrzej Ochała (Katowice)
• 10:25-10:40 Discussion
• 10:40-10:45 Wrap-up
11:00-12:20 How Should I treat multivessel disease in pt with ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROMES?
Chairmen: R.J. Gil (Warsaw), S. Bartuś (Kraków)
Panelists: W. Kochman (Warsaw), P. Waciński (Lublin), J. Zalewski (Krakow), J. Gorący (Szczecin)
• 11:00-11:05 Introduction and objectives. R.J.Gil
Case 1.
• Speaker 1: Case presentation (7 minutes). J. Skowroński (Warsaw)
• Expert: How would I treat? (7 minutes). J. Legutko (Krakow)
• Speaker 1: How did I treat. (7 minutes). J. Skowroński (Warsaw)
• Discussion – 10 minutes
• Consensus (5 minutes). S. Bartuś (Kraków)
Case 2.
• Speaker 2: Case presentation (7 minutes). Jacek Bil (Warsaw)
• Expert: How would I treat? (7 minutes). A. Witkowski (Warsaw)
• Speaker 2: How did I treat. (7 minutes). Jacek Bil (Warsaw)
• Discussion. (10 minutes)
• Consensus (5 minutes). R.J. Gil (Warsaw)
12:45-14:20 Functional assessment of coronary stenosis – invasive vs non-invasive or together?
Chairmen: J. Legutko (Kraków), M. Kruk (Warsaw)
Panelists: A. Araszkiewicz (Poznań), TBD
• 12:45-12:57 Coronary lesion significance – what does it mean? Adam Kern (Olsztyn)
• 12:57-13:09 FFR & iwFR vs non-invasive techniques. What do the trials say… Paweł Kleczyński (Kraków)
• 13:09-13:21 Angio-CT FFR: is it ready for common usage? Cezary Kępka (Warsaw)
• 13:21-13:33 Angiogram basedflow reserve (QFR): should we rely on? Krzysztof Milewski (Ustroń)
• 13:33-13:55 Does invasive coronary microcirculatory have any surrogate among non-invasive methods? Łukasz Kołtowski (Warszawa)
• 13:55-14:10 Roundtable discussion on place and role of functional coronary stenosis assessment.
• 14:10-14:15 Wrap-up. Jacek Legutko (Kraków)
14:35-16:00 Case based session on circulatory support devices in heart failure patients.
Chairmen: A. Witkowski (Warsaw), M. Gąsior (Zabrze)
Panelists: . Hawranek (Zabrze), M. Lesiak (Poznań), J. Legutko (Krakow), D. Ciećwierz (Gdańsk)
• 14:35-14:49 IMPELLA CP case. A. Dębski (Warsaw)
• 14.49-14.54 Discussion
• 14.54–15:09 VA ECMO case Radosław Smoczyński (Warsaw)
• 15.09-15.14 Discussion
• 15:14-15:28 Atrial Flow Regulator case Krzysztof Reczuch (Wrocław)
• 15:28-15:33 Discussion
• 15:33-15:47 IVAC-2L case. T. Pawłowski (Warsaw)
• 15:47-15:53 Discussion
• 15:45-16:00 Wrap-up
• 16:15-17:45 WORKSHOP 2
OCT & IVUS images recognition.
Chairman: Jacek Legutko, Tomasz Pawłowski
Panelists: Krzysztof Bryniarski, Paweł Tyczyński
• 16:15-16:35 IVUS – plaques & measurements – Tomasz Roleder (Wrocław)
• 16:35-16:55 OCT – plaques & measurements – Paweł Tyczyński (Warsaw)
• 16:55-17:15 Post stenting image interpretation – Paweł Kleczyński (Cracow)
• 17:15-17:35 Rare images – CAV and others – Krzysztof Dyrbuś (Zabrze)
• 17:35-17:45 Discussion & take home message – Jacek Legutko (Cracow)
7:30 -9:00 Investigator’s Meeting 1. TBD
Investigator’s Meeting 2. TBD
Coronary Interventions and Mechanical Thrombectomy
2nd Warsaw CTO Symposium (WAR-CTO)
Course Co-Directors: Paul Knaapen (Amsterdam), Maksymilian Opolski (Warsaw)
07.30-08.00 Welcome and registration
Morning Session 1 (Warming-up)
Chair: Paul Knaapen (Amsterdam)
Panel: Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice), Mateusz Tajstra (Zabrze)
Fellow: Jacek Kwieciński (Warsaw)
• 8:00-8:05 Opening. Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
• 8:05-8:15 The brief history of CTO PCI in Poland: where are we going from? Jarosław Wójcik (Nałęczów)
• 8:15-8:25 Selection for CTO PCI: taking punch from the ISCHEMIA trial? Paul Knaapen (Amsterdam)
• 8:25-8:35 How to build a CTO program: recipe for success. Maksymilian Opolski (Warsaw)
• 8:35 Live Case 1 (Medical University of Warsaw)
Alex Nap (Amsterdam) – Arkadiusz Pietrasik (Warsaw)
• 8:50 Live Case 2 (National Institute of Cardiology)
Maksymilian Opolski (Warsaw) – Artur Debski (Warsaw)
• 10:30-11:00 Life Case transmission from Milan (part 1.) Gabriele Gasparini (Milan) – Damiano Regazzoli (Milan)
Panel: Konrad Nowak (Białystok), Jarosław Skowroński (Warsaw), Grzegorz Sobieszek (Lublin), Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice)
Morning Session 2 (CTO Weapon)
Chair: Elliot Smith (London)
Panel: Carlo Di Mario (Florence), Maciej Lesiak (Poznan), Tomasz Pawłowski (Warsaw), Daniel Weilenmann (St. Gallen)
Fellow: Rafał Wolny (Warsaw)
• 11:00-11:15 Hybrid approach: no game was ever won by resigning. Elliot Smith (London)
• 11:15-11:25 Guidewires: what’s hot in 2021? Daniel Weilenmann (St. Gallen)
• 11:25-11:35 Microcatheters: what’s hot in 2021? Maciej Lesiak (Poznan)
• 11:35-11:45 IVUS: luxury or necessity? Rafał Wolny (Warsaw)
• 11:45-12:00 Making war on calcium and optimizing treatment. Carlo Di Mario (Florence)
• 12:00 Live Case 3 (Medical University of Warsaw)
Paul Knaapen (Amsterdam) – Arkadiusz Pietrasik (Warsaw)
• 13:30-14:00 Life Case transmission from Milan (part 2.) Gabriele Gasparini (Milan) – Damiano Regazzoli (Milan)
Panel: Leszek Bryniarski (Cracow), Andrew Lucking (Oxford), Grzegorz Mężyński (Białystok), Alex Nap (Amsterdam)
Afternoon Session 1 (Strategy of War)
Chair: Emmanouil S. Brilakis (Minneapolis, USA) / Andrew Lucking (Oxford)
Panel: Leszek Bryniarski (Cracow), Alex Nap (Amsterdam), Maksymilian Opolski (Warsaw), Arkadiusz Pietrasik (Warsaw)
Fellow: Jaroslaw Skowronski (Warsaw)
• 14:00-14:10 Septal or epicardial: long time marriage or brief affair? Andrew Lucking (Oxford)
• 14:10-14:20 When true-to-true doesn’t work: scratch, go & BASE madam! Alex Nap (Amsterdam)
• 14:20-14:30 ADR using CrossBoss/Stringray: as easy as ABC. Emmanouil S. Brilakis (Minneapolis, USA)
• 14:30 Live Case 4 (National Institute of Cardiology) Jo Dens (Genk) – Rafał Wolny (Warsaw)
• 15:40-15:50 Parallel wire technique: being a gentleman never gets old. Leszek Bryniarski (Cracow)
• 15:50-16:00 Bail-out strategies (LAST, STAR, AFR): the beast won’t go to sleep. Maksymilian Opolski (Warsaw)
Afternoon Session 2 (“Mayday”, we have complication)
Chair: Leszek Bryniarski (Cracow)
Panel: Jakub Drozd (Lublin), Paul Knaapen (Amsterdam), Maksymilian Opolski (Warsaw), Elliot Smith (London)
• 16:15-16:25 When things go out of hands: tips & tricks how to keep a cool head. Elliot Smith (London)
• 16:25-16:32 Aortic dissection. Grzegorz Sobieszek (Lublin)
• 16:32-16:39 Donor vessel injury. Adam Rdzanek (Warsaw)
• 16:39-16:46 Perforation. Grzegorz Mężyński (Białystok)
• 16:46-16:53 Tips and tricks how to prevent complications in CTO PCI. Jakub Drozd (Lublin)
• 16:53-17:03 Partner in crime: the rationale for second CTO operator. Paul Knaapen (Amsterdam)
• 17:03-17:05 Closing remarks and adjourn. Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)
17:05-17:30 BREAK
Mechanical Thrombectomy in Acute Stroke
17:30-19:10 Session 1. Mechaniczna trombektomia w udarze mózgu
Moderatorzy: Witold Rużyłło (Warszawa), Jerzy Walecki (Warszawa), Adam Witkowski (Warszawa), Konrad Rejdak (Lublin)
Panel: Wacław Kuczmik (Katowice), Piotr Musiałek (Kraków), Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice), Michał Zawadzki (Warszawa)
• 17:30-17:35 Wprowadzenie. Adam Witkowski (Warszawa)
Debata o programie trombektomii mechanicznej w Polsce
• 17:35-17:47 Pilotażowy program mechanicznej trombektomii w Polsce – perspektywa neurologa. Konrad Rejdak (Lublin)
• 17:47-17-59 Pilotażowy program mechanicznej trombektomii w Polsce – perspektywa kardiologa. Piotr Musiałek (Kraków)
• 17:59-18:11 Przebieg program pilotażowej trombektomii w Polsce. Łukasz Szumowski (Warszawa)
• 18:11-18:23 Trombektomia mechaniczna w leczeniu udaru mózgu – stanowisko Naczelnej Rady Lekarskiej. Jerzy Friediger (Kraków)
• 18:23-18:35 Program mechanicznej trombektomii zainicjowany w ośrodku kardiologicznym we współpracy z oddziałem neurologicznym. Marek Szołkiewicz (Wejherowo)
• 18:35-18:47 Program mechanicznej trombektomii w ośrodku akademickim: współpraca neuroradiologów, chirurgów naczyniowych, kardiologów i neurologów. Wacław Kuczmik (Katowice)
• 18:47-18:59 Dlaczego i jak zmodyfikować system leczenia interwencyjnego udaru mózgu w Polsce: Punkt widzenia z perspektywy zdrowia publicznego. Rafał Niżankowski (Kraków)
• 18:59-19:20 Czy potrzebujemy rozszerzenia programu mechanicznej trombektomii w Polsce? Dyskusja. Prowadzący: Jerzy Walecki (Warszawa)
• 19:20-19:30 Podsumowanie. Witold Rużyłło (Warszawa)
9:00-15:30 Structural Heart Disease Interventions
9:00-11:30 Sesssion 1. TAVI. Guidelines and Controversies.
Chairmen: Eberhard Grube (Bonn), Ariel Finkelstein (Tel Aviv), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
Panelists: Zenon Huczek (Warsaw), Marek Grygier (Poznan), Jarosław Trębacz (Krakow), Dariusz Jagielak (Gdansk), Piotr Olszówka (Rzeszow), Łukasz Tułecki (Zamosc), Jan Harnek (Lund), Sławomir Dobrzycki (Bialystok), Krzysztof Reczuch (Wroclaw), Robert J. Gil (Warsaw)
• 9:00-9:05 Introduction. Eberhard Grube (Bonn)
• 9:05-9:45 Live case 5. TAVI
Operators: Zbigniew Chmielak (Warsaw), Maciej Dąbrowski (Warsaw), ECHO: TBD
• 9:45-9:57 Recommendation for TAVI: 2017 ESC/EACTS Guidelines vs 2020 ACC/AHA Guidelines. Is the perspective much different? Ariel Finkelstein (Tel Aviv)
• 9:57-10:09 TAVI for bicuspid aortic valve. Lars Søndergaard (Copenhagen)
• 10:09-10:21 Commisural aligment in TAVI: ever or never? Zenon Huczek (Warsaw)
• 10:21- 11:00 Live case 6/Live-in-a-box (Valve-in-Valve)
Operators: Janusz Kochman (Warsaw), TBD
• 11:00-11:12 Valve-in-valve TAVI for degenerated transcatheter or surgical aortic bioprosthesis. Saibal Kar (Los Angeles) / Jan Harnek (Lund)
• 11:12-11:24 How to expedite patient’s in-hospital pathway to TAVI and extend number of cases per day? Michał Zembala (Zabrze)
• 11:24-11:30 Wrap-up. Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
11:30-12:00 BREAK
Chairmen: Grzegorz Smolka (Katowice), Tadeusz Przewłocki (Krakow)
Panelists: Marcin Demkow (Warsaw), Zenon Huczek (Warsaw), Dariusz Ciećwierz (Gdansk), Paweł Kralisz (Bialystok)
• 12:00-12:05 Introduction. Tadeusz Przewłocki (Krakow)
• 12:05-12:17 Who is an optimal candidate for LAAO? Paweł Kralisz (Bialystok)
• 12:17-12:29 Who is an optimal candidate for oral anticoagulation in the LAOO era? Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice)
• 12:29-12:41 For whom is LARIAT and how to do the procedure? Krzysztof Bartuś (Krakow)
Technical tips and tricks with:
• 12:41-12:51 Amulet. Grzegorz Smolka (Katowice)
• 12:51-13:01 Watchman Flex. Marek Grygier (Poznań)
• 13:01-13:13 LAAC in patients with thrombus in the left atrial appendage. Witold Streb (Zabrze)
• 13:13-13:53 Live case 7.
Operators: Marcin Demkow (Warsaw), Radosław Pracoń (Warsaw)
ECHO: Marek Konka (Warsaw)
• 13:53-14:00 Wrap-up. Grzegorz Smolka (Katowice)
14:00-14:30 BREAK
Chairmen: Tomasz Hryniewiecki (Warsaw), Goran Olivecrona (Lund), Kazimierz Widenka (Rzeszów), Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
Panelists: Arkadiusz Pietrasik (Warsaw), Krzysztof Reczuch (Wrocław), Jerzy Sacha (Opole), Piotr Waciński (Lublin), Paweł Kralisz (Białystok), Michał Chmielecki (Gdańsk), Piotr Scisło (Warsaw), Piotr Szymański (Warsaw), Marek A. Deja (Katowice)
• 14:30-14:35 Introduction. Adam Witkowski (Warsaw)
• 14:35-14:47 Who is an optimal candidate for transcatheter edge-to-edge repair in functional mitral regurgitation? How should we use COAPT criteria in clinical practice? Lars Søndergaard (Copenhagen)
• 14:47-14:59 Who is a candidate for mitral banding? Roman Pfister (Koln)
• 14:59-15:11 TEE to guide mitral transcatheter interventions. Piotr Scisło (Warsaw)
• 15:11-15:51 Live case 8. Transcatheter edge-to-edge therapy for functional mitral regurgitation
Operators: Jerzy Pręgowski (Warsaw), Adam Rdzanek (Warsaw)
ECHO: Piotr Scisło (Warsaw)
• 15:51-16:03 Patients after mitral sugery: valve-in-valve and valve-in-ring interventions. Marcin Demkow (Warsaw)
• 16:03-16:15 Transcatheter mitral valve replacement: what is new? Anson Cheung (Vacouver)
• 16:15-16:27 Case presentation 1. Transcatheter mitral valve replacement (High Life Mitral)
Operators: Wojciech Wojakowski, TBD (Katowice)
• 16:27-16:32 Wrap-up. Goran Olivecrona (Lund)
16:30-17:00 BREAK
17:00-18:02 Session 4. TAVI, TMVR and TMVI Complications. A case-based session.
Chairmen: Zbigniew Chmielak (Warsaw), Jerzy Sacha (Opole), Marek Jasiński (Wroclaw)
Panelists: Jarosław Trębacz (Krakow), Piotr Suwalski (Warsaw), Michał Hawranek (Zabrze), Piotr Kübler (Wroclaw), Krzysztof Milewski (Ustron)
• 17:00-17:10 Case 1. Wojciech Wojakowski (Katowice)
• 17:10-17:13 Discussion
• 17:13-17:23 Case 2. Marcin Misterski (Poznan)
• 17:23-17:26 Discussion
• 17:26-17:36 Case 3. Piotr Olszówka (Rzeszow)
• 17:36-17:39 Discussion
• 17:39-17:49 Case 4. Jonathan Michel (Zurich)
• 17:49-17:52 Discussion
• 17:52-18:02 Wrap-up Marek Jasiński (Wroclaw)
25th Warsaw Course on Cardiovascular Interventions
23th-25th June 2021
Free of charge.
Professor Robert Julian Gil, MD, Ph.D., a graduate of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin has been the head of the Department of Invasive Cardiology of the Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration (MSWiA) in Warsaw, one of the most efficient centres of Interventional Cardiology in Poland since 2001. In 1997-2004 he was the Chair of the Invasive Cardiology Section (Working Group) of the Polish Cardiac Society, and a member of its Board (as a past president) for the next 3 years. Since 2001 he has been in the Expert Team handling accreditation in cardiology appointed by the Polish Minister of Health. Since 2002 he has been a Consultant of Healthcare for the Ministry of the Interior and Administration in the field of cardiology.
His scientific interests include mostly the evaluation of atherosclerotic plaque, coronary stenosis, diagnostics and treatment of complex lesions, including bifurcation lesions. He is also interested in the use of percutaneous revascularisation in acute coronary syndromes. For many years he has participated in international clinical studies evaluating medicines and devices supporting coronary angioplasty.
His achievements include over 200 publications in peer-reviewed journals, out of which more than 60 were published in foreign journals (IF close to 200). Moreover, he co-authored 30 chapters of books on interventional cardiology and more than 300 convention reports, out of which more than 100 were presented at prestigious international conventions on clinical electrophysiology and invasive cardiology. Since 2005 he has been a research fellow in the Mossakowski Medical Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. In June 2013 he was appointed as professor in that Institution.
He initiated annual National Workshops on Interventional Cardiology, which after 5 editions in Szczecin were moved to Warsaw as the Warsaw Course on Cardiovascular Interventions. Their 19th edition is planned for April 2015.
He co-authored the guidelines of the Invasive Cardiology Section of the Polish Cardiac Society concerning Invasive Cardiology.
Since 2007 he has been a member of the exclusive European Bifurcation Club handling the questions of diagnostics and treatment of bifurcation lesions.
Since 1994 he has been a scientific reviewer of monthly Kardiologia Polska, since 1998 – Folia Cardiologica (currently Cardiology Journal), and since 2000 – Polski Przegląd Kardiologiczny. In all of these magazines he is a member of Editorial Boards, and in Kardiologia Polska was the editor of column “Angiogram of the month”. Since 2009 he has regularly reviewed papers sent by to the American Journal of Cardiology, EuroIntervention, Journal of Interventional Cardiology and Circulation.
In 1999 he was appointed as the editor-in-chief of the Invasive Cardiology journal and is performing these functions up till today.
Since 1999 he has been active in the Working Group on coronary circulation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), which in September 2006 transformed into the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI). In 2009 he was assigned to its Grant Committee. In June 2000 he was awarded a prestigious title of the Fellow of European Society of Cardiology. Since 2001 he has been regularly invited to actively participate (Faculty member) in such prestigious Congresses and Workshops of Interventional Cardiology as: EuroPCR, TCT, TCT Russia, ICI in Tel Aviv, European Bifurcation Club meetings and many national congresses.
General Cardiology & Haemodynamics Dept., Institute of Cardiology,
42 Alpejska St., 04-628 Warsaw, Poland
Phone: +48 22 812 41 64
Fax: +48 22 34 34 506
E-mail: witkowski@hbz.pl
Born: Poznań, Poland Aug 1st, 1958
Education: Warsaw Medical Academy 1976- 83
Proffessional training:
• six weeks of elective training at the Division of Cardiology, University of Maryland Hospital, USA, 1980
• Internship, Medicine and Surgery 1983-84
• 1st degree – Internal Medicine 1986
• two weeks of elective training at the Haemodynamics Division, University Vaudois Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1989
• 6th Course in Interventional Cardiology, Geneva, Switzerland, 1989
• 2nd degree – Internal Medicine 1990
• Doctor of Philosophy 1993
• Fellowship in Cardiology 1996
• Habilitation 2001 (postdoctoral lecturing qualification)
• Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology 2003
Post held:
• Assistant and Senior Assistant, Haemodynamics&General Cardiology Dept., Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland 1983-93
• Assistant Professor, Heamodynamics &General Cardiology Dept., Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland, 1993
• Deputy Director, Haemodynamics Dept., Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland, 1998
• Associate Professor, Haemodynamics Dept., Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland, 2001
• Chairmen, Working Group on Interventional, Cardiology of the Polish Cardiac Society 2004-7
• Primary Investigator, CAPE, Pfizer 1990-92
• Co-Investigator, GITS Verapamil, Lorex Pharmaceuticals, USA 1992-93
• Co-Investigator, MATTIS, Sanofi Winthrop, 1996
• Co-Investigator, EXCITE, Searle 1998
• Primary Investigator, Tirofiban Study, MSD 1998
• Primary lnvestigator, ICARUS – 1+2, 1999 Medtronic
• Primar Investigator, Race-Car, Medtronic 1999
• Co-lnvestigator, ADVANCE, Boston Scientific 1999
• Primary Investigator, PRESTO, S-KB 2000
• Primary Investigator, VISION, Guidant 2001
• Co-Investigator, Taxus II, Boston Scientific 2001
• Co-Investigator, Euroinject-One 2002
• Co-Investigator, Taxus VI, Boston Scientific 2002
• Co-Investigator, Agent-4, Schering 2002
• Co-Investigator, ARTS II, J&J-Cordis 2003
• Co-Investigator, ENDEAVOR II, Medtronic 2004
• Primary Investigator, FREEDOM 2006
• Primary Investigator, HORIZONS 2006
• Co-Investigator, SYNTAX 2006
Special interest In Cardiology:
Coronary Interventions (PTCA, DCA, TEC, Stenting, HOCM ablation, Brachytherapy)
Research Work:
• Systolic and Diastolic Performance of the Left Ventricle
• Stunned and Hibernating Myocardium
• Perfusion Balloon Catheters
• Coronary Stenting
• Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
• Coronary Brachytherapy
• Acute coronary syndrome
• Angiogenesis
Awards of the Polish Cardiac Society 1995, 2001
Faculty member:
ESC Congresses, EuroPCR